Херметично запечатване на пръти от неръждаема стомана с помощта на стъклени преформи
Херметично запечатване на пръти от неръждаема стомана с помощта на стъклени преформи

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Производител: Ambrell

Херметично запечатване на пръти от неръждаема стомана с помощта на стъклени преформи

Hermetic Sealing of Stainless Steel Rods with Glass Preforms

Objective: To heat seal both ends of a stainless steel heater assembly to 300-500 ºF (149-260 ºC) and melt glass preforms.

Frequency: 212 kHz

  • Ambrell EASYHEATTM 2.0 kW induction heating system, equipped with a remote workhead containing two 0.66μF capacitors for a total of 1.32μF;
  • A coil specifically designed for this application.

Material: Stainless steel rods 1/2” to 3” (12.7mm to 76.2mm) diameters, glass preforms.

Temperature: 300-500 °F (149-260 °C)


A two-turn elongated helical coil is used to heat 5 to 7 stainless steel rods simultaneously for 60 seconds. The glass preforms melt and create a hermetic seal. After the first end is heated the parts are repositioned to heat the opposite end.

  • Hands-free heating that requires no operator skill for manufacturing;
  • Amount of glass is precisely controlled by the glass preforms and the even flow of glass creates an aesthetically pleasing bond;
  • Even distribution of heating.

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Hermetic Sealing of Stainless Steel Rods with Glass Preforms

Objective: To heat seal both ends of a stainless steel heater assembly to 300-500 ºF (149-260 ºC) and melt glass preforms.

Frequency: 212 kHz

  • Ambrell EASYHEATTM 2.0 kW induction heating system, equipped with a remote workhead containing two 0.66μF capacitors for a total of 1.32μF;
  • A coil specifically designed for this application.

Material: Stainless steel rods 1/2” to 3” (12.7mm to 76.2mm) diameters, glass preforms.

Temperature: 300-500 °F (149-260 °C)


A two-turn elongated helical coil is used to heat 5 to 7 stainless steel rods simultaneously for 60 seconds. The glass preforms melt and create a hermetic seal. After the first end is heated the parts are repositioned to heat the opposite end.

  • Hands-free heating that requires no operator skill for manufacturing;
  • Amount of glass is precisely controlled by the glass preforms and the even flow of glass creates an aesthetically pleasing bond;
  • Even distribution of heating.
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