Разтопяване на върха на пластмасовата тръба
Разтопяване на върха на пластмасовата тръба

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Производител: Ambrell

Разтопяване на върха на пластмасовата тръба

Melting the end of a plastic tube to create a seal

Objective: Melting the end pieces of a plastic tube together to create an air tight seal.

Frequency: 185 kHz

  • Ambrell 4.2 kW induction heating system, equipped with a remote workhead containing two 1.5μF capacitors for a total of 0.75μF;
  • An induction heating coil designed and developed specifically for this application.

Material: Plastic tube 2.5” (63.5mm) long, 0.75” (19mm) diameter.


A single turn coil encapsulated in custom blocks is used for sealing the tube. Two tubes are placed between the coil blocks and a 7lb (3.2kg) load is applied to the top of the coil. Power is only supplied to the top block of the coil for 250 milli-seconds causing the plastic to melt and create an air tight seal.

  • Fast and precise application of heat;
  • Hands-free heating that involves no operator skill for manufacturing;
  • Even distribution of heating.

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Трябва да сте влезли

Melting the end of a plastic tube to create a seal

Objective: Melting the end pieces of a plastic tube together to create an air tight seal.

Frequency: 185 kHz

  • Ambrell 4.2 kW induction heating system, equipped with a remote workhead containing two 1.5μF capacitors for a total of 0.75μF;
  • An induction heating coil designed and developed specifically for this application.

Material: Plastic tube 2.5” (63.5mm) long, 0.75” (19mm) diameter.


A single turn coil encapsulated in custom blocks is used for sealing the tube. Two tubes are placed between the coil blocks and a 7lb (3.2kg) load is applied to the top of the coil. Power is only supplied to the top block of the coil for 250 milli-seconds causing the plastic to melt and create an air tight seal.

  • Fast and precise application of heat;
  • Hands-free heating that involves no operator skill for manufacturing;
  • Even distribution of heating.
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