Rino LED линейно осветление P821392EX
Rino LED линейно осветление P821392EX
Rino LED линейно осветление P821392EX
Rino LED линейно осветление P821392EX
Rino LED линейно осветление P821392EX
Rino LED линейно осветление P821392EX
Rino LED линейно осветление P821392EX
Rino LED линейно осветление P821392EX

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Производител: Palazzoli

Rino LED линейно осветление P821392EX

Lighting characteristics

Output flux 7072 lm
Luminous flux (TJ=25°C) 8200 lm
Luminaire power 52W
Output efficiency 136 lm/W
Color temperature 4000 K
Optics type anti aging and UV resistant PMMA, lenses with efficiency>90% and transparency >95%
Optics symmmetrical wide comfort 88°
CRI CRI ≥ 80 (typical - tolerances according to EN62717)
Color shift 3 MacAdam Step
Photobiological risk EN 62471 RG0 – Exempt Group
UGR index <22
Flicker free <3%
Life time L80/B10 @50.000h Tq=25°C
Emergency function -
Emergency flux -

Electrical characteristics

Insulation Class I
Supply Voltage 220-240V~ - 180-240Vdc 0/50/60Hz
Control system/dimming standard on-off
Surge protection 2kV common mode/differential mode
Power factor >0,95
Hole type terminal block with cable gland M20
Conductor section max 1,5 mmq
Tightening diameter min 10 mm; max 14 mm

Equipment Included

Pair of stainless steel eyebol.

Mechanical characteristics

Manufacturing material stainless steel AISI 304
Treatment type natural finishing
Surface finishing -
Colour -
Diffuser type extraclear tempered glass 5 mm
Protection degree IP65
Shock resistance IK09 according to IEC/EN 62262
Corrosivity category C4 (ISO 9223)
Mounting system coppia golfari inox
Net weight 7228 g
Working environment temperature min.: -35°C; max.: +55°C
Warehousing temperature min.: -40°C; max.: +75°C

ATEX characteristics

ATEX application zone Zone 2, 21 and 22
Dust ATEX execution II 2D - Ex tb IIIC T85 °C Db
Gas ATEX execution II 3G - Ex ec mc IIC T5 Gc

Warranties, reference standards and directives

Warranty 2 years extendable to 7
Certification and approval marks CE, EX, IECEx
Directives 2011/65/EU (RoHS), 2014/34/EU (ATEX), 2012/19/EU (WEEE), 2014/30/EU (EMC)
Reference standards EN 60079-31:2014, EN 60598-1:2015, EN 60079 18:2015, EN 60598-1:2015/A1:2018, EN 60598 1:2015/AC:2017, EN 60079-7:2015, EN 63000:2018, EN 60079-18/A1:2017, EN 60598-2-22:2014, EN 61000-3-3:2013, EN 61000-3-2:2014, EN 60598-2 24:2013, EN 60598-2-1:1989, EN 62493:2015, EN 60079-0:2018, EN 55015:2013, EN 62311:2008, EN 61547:2009, EN 60598-1:2015/AC:2016, EN 60598 2-22:2014/AC:2015, EN 62471:2008, EN 60598 1:2015/AC:2015, IEC TR 62778:2014

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Lighting characteristics

Output flux 7072 lm
Luminous flux (TJ=25°C) 8200 lm
Luminaire power 52W
Output efficiency 136 lm/W
Color temperature 4000 K
Optics type anti aging and UV resistant PMMA, lenses with efficiency>90% and transparency >95%
Optics symmmetrical wide comfort 88°
CRI CRI ≥ 80 (typical - tolerances according to EN62717)
Color shift 3 MacAdam Step
Photobiological risk EN 62471 RG0 – Exempt Group
UGR index <22
Flicker free <3%
Life time L80/B10 @50.000h Tq=25°C
Emergency function -
Emergency flux -

Electrical characteristics

Insulation Class I
Supply Voltage 220-240V~ - 180-240Vdc 0/50/60Hz
Control system/dimming standard on-off
Surge protection 2kV common mode/differential mode
Power factor >0,95
Hole type terminal block with cable gland M20
Conductor section max 1,5 mmq
Tightening diameter min 10 mm; max 14 mm

Equipment Included

Pair of stainless steel eyebol.

Mechanical characteristics

Manufacturing material stainless steel AISI 304
Treatment type natural finishing
Surface finishing -
Colour -
Diffuser type extraclear tempered glass 5 mm
Protection degree IP65
Shock resistance IK09 according to IEC/EN 62262
Corrosivity category C4 (ISO 9223)
Mounting system coppia golfari inox
Net weight 7228 g
Working environment temperature min.: -35°C; max.: +55°C
Warehousing temperature min.: -40°C; max.: +75°C

ATEX characteristics

ATEX application zone Zone 2, 21 and 22
Dust ATEX execution II 2D - Ex tb IIIC T85 °C Db
Gas ATEX execution II 3G - Ex ec mc IIC T5 Gc

Warranties, reference standards and directives

Warranty 2 years extendable to 7
Certification and approval marks CE, EX, IECEx
Directives 2011/65/EU (RoHS), 2014/34/EU (ATEX), 2012/19/EU (WEEE), 2014/30/EU (EMC)
Reference standards EN 60079-31:2014, EN 60598-1:2015, EN 60079 18:2015, EN 60598-1:2015/A1:2018, EN 60598 1:2015/AC:2017, EN 60079-7:2015, EN 63000:2018, EN 60079-18/A1:2017, EN 60598-2-22:2014, EN 61000-3-3:2013, EN 61000-3-2:2014, EN 60598-2 24:2013, EN 60598-2-1:1989, EN 62493:2015, EN 60079-0:2018, EN 55015:2013, EN 62311:2008, EN 61547:2009, EN 60598-1:2015/AC:2016, EN 60598 2-22:2014/AC:2015, EN 62471:2008, EN 60598 1:2015/AC:2015, IEC TR 62778:2014
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