Меко запояване
Меко запояване

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Меко запояване

Soldering is the process of joining metals by means of alloys that melt between 350ºF-700ºF. The strength of the joint depends on the chemical composition and cleanliness of the surfaces to be joined.
Soldering produces liquid- and gas-tight joints quickly and at low cost. Most soldering applications are carried out in air, with the flux acting as a barrier to surface oxidation and interaction with the atmosphere. It is a convenient and economical way to produce joints when more complex joining machines are not available or cost-effective.

Solid state RF induction heating is very well suited for soldering applications in a production environment. Heat can be applied to specific regions of a part in a very controlled and precise manner. Induction heating is well suited for production line applications (like fiber optic ferrule assemby) because of low time-to-temperature, high levels of repeatability and non-contact, clean heating.

Induction systems typically used for soldering range from 1 to 20 kW, depending on part and process requirements.


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Soldering is the process of joining metals by means of alloys that melt between 350ºF-700ºF. The strength of the joint depends on the chemical composition and cleanliness of the surfaces to be joined.
Soldering produces liquid- and gas-tight joints quickly and at low cost. Most soldering applications are carried out in air, with the flux acting as a barrier to surface oxidation and interaction with the atmosphere. It is a convenient and economical way to produce joints when more complex joining machines are not available or cost-effective.

Solid state RF induction heating is very well suited for soldering applications in a production environment. Heat can be applied to specific regions of a part in a very controlled and precise manner. Induction heating is well suited for production line applications (like fiber optic ferrule assemby) because of low time-to-temperature, high levels of repeatability and non-contact, clean heating.

Induction systems typically used for soldering range from 1 to 20 kW, depending on part and process requirements.


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