Устройство за индукционно нагряване на винтове
Устройство за индукционно нагряване на винтове

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Производител: DACPOL SERVICE

Устройство за индукционно нагряване на винтове

Induction heating for bolt expansion in steam turbines

Increase temperature and extending bolt allow for easy and precise tighten the nut.


  • easy process control
  • safe for the heated elements (does not cause uncontrolled temperature gradient or overheating)
  • shorter time as compared to resistance heating and flame
  • no open flame - higher job security
  • the possibility of heating the nuts for disassembling

Water cooled system. Cooling integrated into the device, ready for use by the customer.


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Induction heating for bolt expansion in steam turbines

Increase temperature and extending bolt allow for easy and precise tighten the nut.


  • easy process control
  • safe for the heated elements (does not cause uncontrolled temperature gradient or overheating)
  • shorter time as compared to resistance heating and flame
  • no open flame - higher job security
  • the possibility of heating the nuts for disassembling

Water cooled system. Cooling integrated into the device, ready for use by the customer.

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