Анализатори на QBo DC еднофазни мрежови параметри
Анализатори на QBo DC еднофазни мрежови параметри

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Производител: FRER

Анализатори на QBo DC еднофазни мрежови параметри

Technical data

Display backlit LCD
Max .indcation digits (9999)
Decimal point position Automatic
Adjustable backlight 5 levels
Readings update <0.5 sec
Basic accuracy +/- 0,2%
Nominal input voltage Un 600V
Nominal input current In 60mV
Input range 10-120% Un, 5-120% In
Continuous overload 2xIn; 1,2xUn
Short-term overload 20 x In; 2 x Un (300 msec.)
Current circuits consumption I < 0.5VA
Voltage circuits consumption U < 0.5VA
Power supply 80-260V ac/dc
Power consumption 6VA
Operating temperature 0……+23……+50°C
Storage temperature -30…+70°C
Thermoplastic material UL 94V0
Protection for housing IP52
Protection for terminals IP20
Galvanic insulation aux.supply/inputs/out
Test voltage 2kV, 50Hz, 60sec.

TYPE Q72C33LX60M..

Comunication protocols Standard Option
ModBus RTU +  
Ethernet-ModBus TCP/Webserver   +
Johnson Controls N2 OPEN   +
Profibus DP v0   +

Compact multifunction analyzer for use in DC systems (measures and functions as per the table on page 3) The voltage input is directly wired to the line, while the input proportional to the current, is derived from shunt. Through a simple programming menu is possible to set the value of the primary current, and its insertion on the positive or negative polarity. The wide range of FRER shunt is available in the general catalog (from pag.11.93 to 11.95) and on the web at the www.frer.it site.


Analizatory parametrów sieci jednofazowej QUBO DC opcje wykonania

Wiring diagrams

Analizatory parametrów sieci jednofazowej QUBO DC schemat połaczenia Analizatory parametrów sieci jednofazowej QUBO DC schemat połaczenia

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Technical data

Display backlit LCD
Max .indcation digits (9999)
Decimal point position Automatic
Adjustable backlight 5 levels
Readings update <0.5 sec
Basic accuracy +/- 0,2%
Nominal input voltage Un 600V
Nominal input current In 60mV
Input range 10-120% Un, 5-120% In
Continuous overload 2xIn; 1,2xUn
Short-term overload 20 x In; 2 x Un (300 msec.)
Current circuits consumption I < 0.5VA
Voltage circuits consumption U < 0.5VA
Power supply 80-260V ac/dc
Power consumption 6VA
Operating temperature 0……+23……+50°C
Storage temperature -30…+70°C
Thermoplastic material UL 94V0
Protection for housing IP52
Protection for terminals IP20
Galvanic insulation aux.supply/inputs/out
Test voltage 2kV, 50Hz, 60sec.

TYPE Q72C33LX60M..

Comunication protocols Standard Option
ModBus RTU +  
Ethernet-ModBus TCP/Webserver   +
Johnson Controls N2 OPEN   +
Profibus DP v0   +

Compact multifunction analyzer for use in DC systems (measures and functions as per the table on page 3) The voltage input is directly wired to the line, while the input proportional to the current, is derived from shunt. Through a simple programming menu is possible to set the value of the primary current, and its insertion on the positive or negative polarity. The wide range of FRER shunt is available in the general catalog (from pag.11.93 to 11.95) and on the web at the www.frer.it site.


Analizatory parametrów sieci jednofazowej QUBO DC opcje wykonania

Wiring diagrams

Analizatory parametrów sieci jednofazowej QUBO DC schemat połaczenia Analizatory parametrów sieci jednofazowej QUBO DC schemat połaczenia
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