BC50M Индустриален компактен компютър за мобилни приложения
BC50M Индустриален компактен компютър за мобилни приложения

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Производител: MEN Mikro Elektronik

BC50M Индустриален компактен компютър за мобилни приложения

The BC50M has been designed for mobile appli-cations, e.g. in trains, commercial vehicles, mobile machines or airplanes. The DisplayPort ® interfaces and all other I/O are available at the unit‘s front panel on standard con-nectors like USB, 9-pin D-Sub (serial I/O and HD audio, both optional), 8-pin M12 (Gigabit Ether-net) and DisplayPort®. The system offers two PCI Express ® Mini Card slots with two SIM card slots. As an option the first PCI Express® Mini Card can also switch between the two SIM cards

  • AMD Embedded G-Series Dual-Core APU with 2 GB DDR3 SDRAM
  • Two DisplayPort channels with a resolution of up to 2560 x 1600
  • -40°C to +70 (+85)°C operating temperature
  • Up to IP65 rating optional
  • EN 50155 compliant
  • ISO 7637-2 compliant (E-mark)

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The BC50M has been designed for mobile appli-cations, e.g. in trains, commercial vehicles, mobile machines or airplanes. The DisplayPort ® interfaces and all other I/O are available at the unit‘s front panel on standard con-nectors like USB, 9-pin D-Sub (serial I/O and HD audio, both optional), 8-pin M12 (Gigabit Ether-net) and DisplayPort®. The system offers two PCI Express ® Mini Card slots with two SIM card slots. As an option the first PCI Express® Mini Card can also switch between the two SIM cards

  • AMD Embedded G-Series Dual-Core APU with 2 GB DDR3 SDRAM
  • Two DisplayPort channels with a resolution of up to 2560 x 1600
  • -40°C to +70 (+85)°C operating temperature
  • Up to IP65 rating optional
  • EN 50155 compliant
  • ISO 7637-2 compliant (E-mark)

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