FDM Mini Float Level Sensor
  • FDM Mini Float Level Sensor

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Производител: FineTek

FDM Mini Float Level Sensor

The FC/FD series is a magnetic float level indicator that is very compact and economical. These miniature magnetic float level indicators operate based on two scientific principles: buoyancy and magnetism. The float component of the mini float level indicator is designed for a specified minimum fluid density (specific gravity), based on the volume and weight of the float element. The float contains a magnet, and the stationary stem contains a reed switch that opens or closes the electrical contact when the magnetic element in the float comes into contact with the stem. The reed switch reverses the contact state when the magnet in the float element moves away from the stem.

Main Features:

  • Compact, cost-effective, and simple design for magnetic float level indication of liquid levels
  • Wide range of installation options
  • Variety of available process connection options
  • Availability of various materials


  • Food and beverages
  • Hydraulics
  • Marine industry
  • Many others

Technical Data:

Detailed technical data can be found in the manufacturer's datasheet.

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The FC/FD series is a magnetic float level indicator that is very compact and economical. These miniature magnetic float level indicators operate based on two scientific principles: buoyancy and magnetism. The float component of the mini float level indicator is designed for a specified minimum fluid density (specific gravity), based on the volume and weight of the float element. The float contains a magnet, and the stationary stem contains a reed switch that opens or closes the electrical contact when the magnetic element in the float comes into contact with the stem. The reed switch reverses the contact state when the magnet in the float element moves away from the stem.

Main Features:

  • Compact, cost-effective, and simple design for magnetic float level indication of liquid levels
  • Wide range of installation options
  • Variety of available process connection options
  • Availability of various materials


  • Food and beverages
  • Hydraulics
  • Marine industry
  • Many others

Technical Data:

Detailed technical data can be found in the manufacturer's datasheet.

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