J2130A - Bially Blocker
J2130A - Bially Blocker

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Производител: Picotest

J2130A - Bially Blocker

J2130A – Bloker Biasu

When using the network analyzer to measure impedance, such as the capacitance and ESR or a capacitor, or the DCR of an inductor, etc., it is often necessary to provide a voltage bias to the device being tested. This is true of semiconductor junction capacitances, varactors, and some ceramic capacitors (especially X5R). In these cases the impedance is a function of the DC bias on the device. The Picotest DC bias injector (J2130A) is used for this purpose during impedance measurements.


Key features:

  • 10Hz-10MHz usable bandwidth
  • Low loss design
  • Easily measure varactors, junction capacitance
  • Measure X5R capacitor voltage sensitivity
  • Bias low power transistor amplifiers and diodes for parameter extraction

Rated data:

Maximum DC Bias 50V
Bias Resistance 10kΩ
Maximum Bias Current 5mA
Frequency Response 15Hz…40MHz
Temperature range 0…50°C
Maximum Altitude 1850m
Absolute Maximum Differential Voltage <50V DC
Absolute Maximum Voltage <50V AC and 75V DC


Connection diagram:

J2130A – Bloker Biasu schemat łączeniowy

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J2130A – Bloker Biasu

When using the network analyzer to measure impedance, such as the capacitance and ESR or a capacitor, or the DCR of an inductor, etc., it is often necessary to provide a voltage bias to the device being tested. This is true of semiconductor junction capacitances, varactors, and some ceramic capacitors (especially X5R). In these cases the impedance is a function of the DC bias on the device. The Picotest DC bias injector (J2130A) is used for this purpose during impedance measurements.


Key features:

  • 10Hz-10MHz usable bandwidth
  • Low loss design
  • Easily measure varactors, junction capacitance
  • Measure X5R capacitor voltage sensitivity
  • Bias low power transistor amplifiers and diodes for parameter extraction

Rated data:

Maximum DC Bias 50V
Bias Resistance 10kΩ
Maximum Bias Current 5mA
Frequency Response 15Hz…40MHz
Temperature range 0…50°C
Maximum Altitude 1850m
Absolute Maximum Differential Voltage <50V DC
Absolute Maximum Voltage <50V AC and 75V DC


Connection diagram:

J2130A – Bloker Biasu schemat łączeniowy

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