Еднофазни регулатори на мощността от серия ERPA1
Еднофазни регулатори на мощността от серия ERPA1

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Производител: Sisel

Еднофазни регулатори на мощността от серия ERPA1

Single-Phase Power Controllers ERPA1 Series

ERPA1 Series Controllers are used to fluently change the power of connected receivers such as resistance heaters or radiators. Regulators included in the set already have a heat sink and are dedicated for mounting on a DIN rail.

ERPA1 controllers are quite universal devices. In addition, they have a display and keys for setting the parameters. Optionally you can order a version with Modbus communication.

Technical information and features of single-phase power controllers ERPA1 Series

  • Control signal: 0/4..20 mA, 0/1..5 VDC, 0/2..10 VDC or potentiometer (setted by program);
  • Possibility to cool the heat sink with an integrated fan;
  • Max. current load: 40 A, 50 A or 70 A;
  • Power supply range: 180-280 VAC, 180-480 VAC or 180-500 VAC;
  • Operating temperature: -25..+60 °C;
  • Ingress Protection: IP20;
  • Integrated 4-digit display;
  • Phase and group control;
  • Soft-start and kick-start functions;
  • Additional overheating alarms.

Connection diagram and dimensions of ERPA1-240-F-RS

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Single-Phase Power Controllers ERPA1 Series

ERPA1 Series Controllers are used to fluently change the power of connected receivers such as resistance heaters or radiators. Regulators included in the set already have a heat sink and are dedicated for mounting on a DIN rail.

ERPA1 controllers are quite universal devices. In addition, they have a display and keys for setting the parameters. Optionally you can order a version with Modbus communication.

Technical information and features of single-phase power controllers ERPA1 Series

  • Control signal: 0/4..20 mA, 0/1..5 VDC, 0/2..10 VDC or potentiometer (setted by program);
  • Possibility to cool the heat sink with an integrated fan;
  • Max. current load: 40 A, 50 A or 70 A;
  • Power supply range: 180-280 VAC, 180-480 VAC or 180-500 VAC;
  • Operating temperature: -25..+60 °C;
  • Ingress Protection: IP20;
  • Integrated 4-digit display;
  • Phase and group control;
  • Soft-start and kick-start functions;
  • Additional overheating alarms.

Connection diagram and dimensions of ERPA1-240-F-RS

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