Импулсни кондензатори
Импулсни кондензатори

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Импулсни кондензатори

The main features of pulse and Energy storage capacitors are very high pulse currents and extremally low inductance values.

Pulse and Energy Storage capacitors are manufactured according to customer specification and request. All the most important parameters like voltages, currents, energies, , dimensions and terminals can be designed upon customer request.

Maximum parameters like voltages and currents depends on the application but we can offer capacitors with rated voltage up to 100kV and maximum peak current up to 180kA
Typical applications are as follows:

  • Military, Medical, Industrial applications and Research [&] Scientific
  • Research (Plasma generator, Particle Accelerators ‘LHC, ISIS’, Lasers, Testing equipment)
  • Power Electronics (Welding, Forming, Magnetisers, Demagnetisers, PFN’s)
  • Testing (Lightning Simulation, High Voltage Capacitor Banks)
  • Defence (Range Finders, Railguns, Radar, Missile Systems, EMP)
  • Food Industry (UV Sterilisation)

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The main features of pulse and Energy storage capacitors are very high pulse currents and extremally low inductance values.

Pulse and Energy Storage capacitors are manufactured according to customer specification and request. All the most important parameters like voltages, currents, energies, , dimensions and terminals can be designed upon customer request.

Maximum parameters like voltages and currents depends on the application but we can offer capacitors with rated voltage up to 100kV and maximum peak current up to 180kA
Typical applications are as follows:

  • Military, Medical, Industrial applications and Research [&] Scientific
  • Research (Plasma generator, Particle Accelerators ‘LHC, ISIS’, Lasers, Testing equipment)
  • Power Electronics (Welding, Forming, Magnetisers, Demagnetisers, PFN’s)
  • Testing (Lightning Simulation, High Voltage Capacitor Banks)
  • Defence (Range Finders, Railguns, Radar, Missile Systems, EMP)
  • Food Industry (UV Sterilisation)
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