Микропроцесорни регулатори на температура серия EUC
Микропроцесорни регулатори на температура серия EUC
Микропроцесорни регулатори на температура серия EUC
Микропроцесорни регулатори на температура серия EUC
Микропроцесорни регулатори на температура серия EUC

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Производител: Sisel

Микропроцесорни регулатори на температура серия EUC

     EUC442: 48x48mm,
     EUC742: 72x72mm,
     EUC842: 48x96mm,
     EUC942: 96x96mm,
* Communication vai RS-485 ModBus protocol (Optional).
* Selectable 0-20mA or 4-20mA analog control output.
* Relay output can be programmable as second alarm or control output.
* AL1 relay output for first alarm out.
* Input offset feature.
* In the case of sensor failure relay state can be
periodical running or
* Parameter access protection on 3 levels.
* Programming by using keypad or Modbus.
* CE marked according to European Norms.
Technical data
±0,2% (of full scale) 1 digit
- Measure range
Depends on regulator
-200... 600°C
-99,9... 300°C
Thermocouple J
0...600 C
Thermocouple K
Thermocouple T
Thermocouple S
Thermocouple R
  analog signal
0 - 20mA     -999 - 4000°C
  analog signal
4 - 20mA     -999 - 4000°C
- Wyjście
Relay : 250V AC, 2A
Selectable as 0-20mA, 4-20mA
Selectable as 0-20mA, 4-20mA
logic control output.
- AL1
Relay : 250V AC, 2A
- Display
4 red digits LED, measured value
4 yellow digits LbU, set value
230V AC +10%, -20%, 50/60HZ, 9-30VDC/7-24VAC± 10% SMPS,
Ambient/storage temperature
0 ... +50°C/-25... +70°C (with no icing)
- Dimensions
EUC442 48x48x87mm
EUC742 72x72x97mm
EUC842 48x96x87mm
EUC942 96x96x50mm
2.5mm² screw-terminal connections
- Weight
EUC442 250g (after packing)
EUC742 395g (after packing)
EUC842 395g (after packing)
EUC942 410g (after packing)

Order Code :: EUC
1 - Dimensions
442 .....48x48x87mm
742 .....72x72x97mm
842 .....48x96x87mm
942 .....96x96x50mm
2 - Supply Voltage
230VAC...230V AC
24VAC.....24V AC
SM...........9-30V DC/
                7-24V AC
3 - Supply Voltage
RS........RS-485 Modbus communication
None....Don’t support RS-485 Modbus communication

Type Power supply Output
EUC 442 230VAC 2 relays, SSR, 0...20ma, 4...20mA, RS485(optional)
EUC 442 -SM 9-30VDC/7-24VAC 2 relays, SSR, 0...20ma, 4...20mA, RS485(optional)
EUC 742 230VAC 2 relays, SSR, 0...20ma, 4...20mA, RS485(optional)
EUC 742 - SM 9-30VDC/7-24VAC 2 relays, SSR, 0...20ma, 4...20mA, RS485(optional)
EUC 842 230VAC 2 relays, SSR, 0...20ma, 4...20mA, RS485(optional)
EUC 842 - SM 9-30VDC/7-24VAC 2 relays, SSR, 0...20ma, 4...20mA, RS485(optional)
EUC 942 230VAC 2 relays, SSR, 0...20ma, 4...20mA, RS485(optional)
EUC 942 - SM 9-30VDC/7-24VAC 2 relays, SSR, 0...20ma, 4...20mA, RS485(optional)



EUC442-230 EUC442-SM

EUC742-230 EUC742-SM

EUC842-230 EUC842-SM

EUC942-230 EUC942-SM

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Трябва да сте влезли

     EUC442: 48x48mm,
     EUC742: 72x72mm,
     EUC842: 48x96mm,
     EUC942: 96x96mm,
* Communication vai RS-485 ModBus protocol (Optional).
* Selectable 0-20mA or 4-20mA analog control output.
* Relay output can be programmable as second alarm or control output.
* AL1 relay output for first alarm out.
* Input offset feature.
* In the case of sensor failure relay state can be
periodical running or
* Parameter access protection on 3 levels.
* Programming by using keypad or Modbus.
* CE marked according to European Norms.
Technical data
±0,2% (of full scale) 1 digit
- Measure range
Depends on regulator
-200... 600°C
-99,9... 300°C
Thermocouple J
0...600 C
Thermocouple K
Thermocouple T
Thermocouple S
Thermocouple R
  analog signal
0 - 20mA     -999 - 4000°C
  analog signal
4 - 20mA     -999 - 4000°C
- Wyjście
Relay : 250V AC, 2A
Selectable as 0-20mA, 4-20mA
Selectable as 0-20mA, 4-20mA
logic control output.
- AL1
Relay : 250V AC, 2A
- Display
4 red digits LED, measured value
4 yellow digits LbU, set value
230V AC +10%, -20%, 50/60HZ, 9-30VDC/7-24VAC± 10% SMPS,
Ambient/storage temperature
0 ... +50°C/-25... +70°C (with no icing)
- Dimensions
EUC442 48x48x87mm
EUC742 72x72x97mm
EUC842 48x96x87mm
EUC942 96x96x50mm
2.5mm² screw-terminal connections
- Weight
EUC442 250g (after packing)
EUC742 395g (after packing)
EUC842 395g (after packing)
EUC942 410g (after packing)

Order Code :: EUC
1 - Dimensions
442 .....48x48x87mm
742 .....72x72x97mm
842 .....48x96x87mm
942 .....96x96x50mm
2 - Supply Voltage
230VAC...230V AC
24VAC.....24V AC
SM...........9-30V DC/
                7-24V AC
3 - Supply Voltage
RS........RS-485 Modbus communication
None....Don’t support RS-485 Modbus communication

Type Power supply Output
EUC 442 230VAC 2 relays, SSR, 0...20ma, 4...20mA, RS485(optional)
EUC 442 -SM 9-30VDC/7-24VAC 2 relays, SSR, 0...20ma, 4...20mA, RS485(optional)
EUC 742 230VAC 2 relays, SSR, 0...20ma, 4...20mA, RS485(optional)
EUC 742 - SM 9-30VDC/7-24VAC 2 relays, SSR, 0...20ma, 4...20mA, RS485(optional)
EUC 842 230VAC 2 relays, SSR, 0...20ma, 4...20mA, RS485(optional)
EUC 842 - SM 9-30VDC/7-24VAC 2 relays, SSR, 0...20ma, 4...20mA, RS485(optional)
EUC 942 230VAC 2 relays, SSR, 0...20ma, 4...20mA, RS485(optional)
EUC 942 - SM 9-30VDC/7-24VAC 2 relays, SSR, 0...20ma, 4...20mA, RS485(optional)



EUC442-230 EUC442-SM

EUC742-230 EUC742-SM

EUC842-230 EUC842-SM

EUC942-230 EUC942-SM
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