LCD нагреватели на термокли
LCD нагреватели на термокли

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LCD нагреватели на термокли

ThermoClare - Transparent Heaters

Transparent Heaters for the defrosting and maintaining LCD displays at optimum operating temperatures
for screen response or the defrosting and maintaining windows from moisture. Optical filters have devel-oped a clear transparent heater circuit with a proprietary rugged busbar termination that can incorporated
with our range of contrast enhancement and EMI shielded filters.

Podgrzewacze LCD thermoclare

Properties window heating


Highly durable insulated busbar / contact with the two opposite edges of completed cable.

Product Range

Un-laminated glass transparent heater:

  • Transmittance @ 550nm 89%
  • Thickness 1.1mm only
  • Plain float finish only
  • Max size 400 x 500mm

Laminated glass transparent heater

  • The ITO surface is located within the lamination for ruggedization and additional layers incorporated for mechanical [&] impact resistance
  • Thickness 2.5mm upwards
  • Finish plain, etch non-glare and anti-reflective coating

Additional elements for Multi-function windows with transparent heater:

  • EmiClare EMI shielding
  • Contrast enhancement
  • Etch non-glare and anti-reflective coated front surface finish
  • Silk screen printing

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ThermoClare - Transparent Heaters

Transparent Heaters for the defrosting and maintaining LCD displays at optimum operating temperatures
for screen response or the defrosting and maintaining windows from moisture. Optical filters have devel-oped a clear transparent heater circuit with a proprietary rugged busbar termination that can incorporated
with our range of contrast enhancement and EMI shielded filters.

Podgrzewacze LCD thermoclare

Properties window heating


Highly durable insulated busbar / contact with the two opposite edges of completed cable.

Product Range

Un-laminated glass transparent heater:

  • Transmittance @ 550nm 89%
  • Thickness 1.1mm only
  • Plain float finish only
  • Max size 400 x 500mm

Laminated glass transparent heater

  • The ITO surface is located within the lamination for ruggedization and additional layers incorporated for mechanical [&] impact resistance
  • Thickness 2.5mm upwards
  • Finish plain, etch non-glare and anti-reflective coating

Additional elements for Multi-function windows with transparent heater:

  • EmiClare EMI shielding
  • Contrast enhancement
  • Etch non-glare and anti-reflective coated front surface finish
  • Silk screen printing
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