Двойни заземителни терминали
Двойни заземителни терминали
Двойни заземителни терминали
Двойни заземителни терминали
Двойни заземителни терминали

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Производител: WeSiTec eK

Двойни заземителни терминали

For use in hazardous areas of zone 0, 1, 2 and zone 20, 21, 22

General Information
WeSiTec grounding clamps are especially made for discharging electrostatic charge from potentially endangered system parts. Sharp stainless steel teeth get through insulating layers such as paint, rust, dirt and grease thanks to the high pressure of the spring. In this way an effective "metal-to-metal" connection can be created and a safe grounding guaranteed. 

Your benefits at a glance

  • Hardened stainless steel teeth for long life.
  • Connection via quick connectors for quick change during operation.
  • All metallic parts are made of stainless steel.
  • High contact pressure of the clamp, due to a strong spring

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Трябва да сте влезли

For use in hazardous areas of zone 0, 1, 2 and zone 20, 21, 22

General Information
WeSiTec grounding clamps are especially made for discharging electrostatic charge from potentially endangered system parts. Sharp stainless steel teeth get through insulating layers such as paint, rust, dirt and grease thanks to the high pressure of the spring. In this way an effective "metal-to-metal" connection can be created and a safe grounding guaranteed. 

Your benefits at a glance

  • Hardened stainless steel teeth for long life.
  • Connection via quick connectors for quick change during operation.
  • All metallic parts are made of stainless steel.
  • High contact pressure of the clamp, due to a strong spring
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