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Полупроводникови релета АС 1-фазни
- Полупроводникови релета AC еднофазни серия 1 | D2425 | D2450
- Полупроводникови релета AC еднофазни серия CWA I CWD
- Полупроводникови релета AC еднофазни серия CMRA I CMRD
- Полупроводникови релета АС ендофазни серия PS
- Полупроводникови релета AC двойни и четворни серия D24 D, TD24 Q, H12D48 D
- 1-фазни полупроводникови релета серия gn
- Полупроводникови релета АС серия ckr
- Релета AC еднофазни на шина DIN серия ERDA и ERAA
- Еднофазни AC релета за ток 150А
- Двойни полупроводникови релета, интегрирани с радиатор за DIN шина
In the permanent DACPOL’s offer we deliver a lot of different products and devices from single-phase ac semiconductor relays category, which guarantee high quality and long-life operation and are used in many various industrial areas. All technical details comply to the characteristics from the original catalogues from their producers, which provides safety of the exploitation of the machines they are used in.
Our assortment includes:
- AC single-phase relays series| D2425 | D2450
- CKR series single phase solid state relays
- Double and quadruple semiconductor AC relays - D24 D, TD24 Q, H12D48 D series
- One phase AC semiconductor relays for DIN bus - ERDA I ERAA series
- One phase semiconductor AC relays – PS, CMRA and CMRD, CWA and CWD series
- One phase semiconductor relays - GN series
- Rail mountable solid state relays with integrated heat sink - ENDA, ERDA1 / ERAA1 series
What is a single-phase AC semiconductor relay?
Single-phase AC semiconductor relay, or SSR, has no moving parts and uses the electrical and optical properties of solid state semiconductors to perform its input to output isolation and switching functions. Solid state relays can be designed to switch both AC or DC currents, by using an SCR, TRIAC, or switching transistor output instead of the usual mechanical normally-open (NO) contacts.
In principle, relays and contactors operate in the same way - contactors are devices for switching power supply circuits, while relays transmits a low-voltage signal or signal with a zero potential. The contactors are connected to electrical devices such as electric motors, while relays are used to provide control signals, e.g. to or from PLCs.
Contactor-relay systems are called systems in which the contactors are executive elements (they turn on and off the appropriate working circuits at the right moment), while relays control the operation of contactors causing the coils of contactors to be charged depending on specific factors.
The most common application of solid state relays is in the switching of an AC load - to control the AC power for ON/OFF switching, light dimming, motor speed control or other such solutions, where power control is needed.
We're offering the highest quality of sold products, regardless of whether they are interface relays, solid state relays or three-phase relays. We also provide technical data on products from the Relays and Contactors section, all complying to the producers’ data, so that our customers can be sure that the chosen article is exactly what they need.
Our offer also includes regulators, control systems, electromechanical relays and large power relays.
Each time we provide professional help in choosing the right product, as well as technical advisory services in searching for proper solutions. We try to adjust each offer to all individual need and requirements stated by the costumer, but also accordingly to the workplace environment and a type of the establishment.
On our website you can familiarize yourself with the full range of goods from the category: Energetics, Electrics, Automation.
If you cannot find the product you are interested in or you need a product in bulk quantity, please contact our sales representative directly.