Трябва да сте влезли в
- Диоди
- Тиристори
- Електроизолирани модули
- Изправителни мостове
- Транзистори | GeneSiC
- Модули SiC MOSFET | Mitsubishi
- ABB SiC MOSFET модули
- Транзисторни модули | MITSUBISHI
- Транзисторни модули | ABB
- IGBT модули | POWEREX
- Полупроводникови елементи от силициев карбид
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- Драйвeри
- Силови блокове
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Електрически преoбразователи
Токови преoбразователи LEM
- Токов преобразовател със затворена верига на обратна връзка (C/L)
- Токов преобразовател с отворена верига на обратна връзка (O/L)
- Токов преобразовател захранван с еднополюсно напрежение
- Преобразователи в технология Eta
- Високоточни токови преобразуватели LF xx10 серия
- Преобразуватели на ток от серия LH
- HOYS и HOYL - предназначени за директно монтиране върху проводникова шина
- Настоящи преобразуватели в SMD технологията от сериите GO-SME и GO-SMS
- АВТОМОБИЛНИ токови преобразуватели
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Преобразуватели на напрежение | LEM
- Напреженови преобразователи серия LV
- Напреженови преобразователи серия DVL
- Прецизни напреженови преобразователи с двойна магнитна сърцевина серия CV
- Тягов напреженов преобразовател DV 4200/SP4
- Преобразуватели на напрежение от серията DVM
- Преобразувател на напрежение - DVC 1000-P
- Преобразуватели на напрежение - серия DVC 1000
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- Прецизни токови преобразуватели | LEM
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Токови преoбразователи LEM
Пасивни компоненти (кондензатори, резистори, предпазители, филтри)
- Резистори
- Миниатюрни предпазители за електронни системи серия ABC и AGC
- Бързи тръбни предпазители
- Закъснителни вложки с характеристика GL/GG и AM
- Ултрабързи стопяеми вложки
- Бързи предпазители британски и американски стандарт
- Бързи предпазители европейски стандарт
- Тягови предпазители
- Високоволтни предпазителни вложки
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- Кондензатори за двигатели
- Електролитни кондензатори
- Кондензатори тип snubbers
- Кондензатори за мощност
- Кондензатори за DC (постояннотокови вериги)
- Кондензатори за компенсиране на мощност
- Високоволтови кондензатори
- Кондензатори за индукционно нагряване
- Кондензатори за съхранение на импулси и енергия
- DC LINK кондензатори
- Кондензатори за AC/DC вериги
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- Филтри EMI (против смущения)
- Суперкондензатори
Защита от пренапрежение
- Защита от пренапрежение за коаксиални приложения
- Защита от пренапрежение за системи за видеонаблюдение
- Защита от пренапрежение за захранващи кабели
- Ограничители за пренапрежение за LED
- Ограничители за пренапрежение за фотоволтаици
- Защита на системата за претегляне
- Защита от пренапрежение за Fieldbus
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Релета и контактори
- Теория- релета и контактори
- Полупроводникови релета АС 3-фазни
- Релета полупроводникови DC
- Регулатори, управляващи системи и аксесоари
- Системи за мек старт и реверсивни контактори
- Електромеханични релета
- Контактори
- Ротационни превключватели
Полупроводникови релета АС 1-фазни
- Полупроводникови релета AC еднофазни серия 1 | D2425 | D2450
- Полупроводникови релета AC еднофазни серия CWA I CWD
- Полупроводникови релета AC еднофазни серия CMRA I CMRD
- Полупроводникови релета АС ендофазни серия PS
- Полупроводникови релета AC двойни и четворни серия D24 D, TD24 Q, H12D48 D
- 1-фазни полупроводникови релета серия gn
- Полупроводникови релета АС серия ckr
- Релета AC еднофазни на шина DIN серия ERDA и ERAA
- Еднофазни AC релета за ток 150А
- Двойни полупроводникови релета, интегрирани с радиатор за DIN шина
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- Полупроводникови релета АС 1-фазни, за печатни платки
- Интрфейс релета
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- Индукционни елементи
- Радиатори, Bаристори, Tермични защити
- Вентилатори
- Климатизация, Оборудване за електрически шкафове, Охладители
Батерии, зарядни устройства, буферни захранвания и инвертори
- Батерии, зарядни устройства - теоретично описание
- Литиево-йонни батерии. Персонализирани батерии. Система за управление на батерията (BMS)
- Батерии
- Зарядни устройства и аксесоари за батерии
- UPS резервно захранване и буферни захранвания
- Преобразуватели и аксесоари за фотоволтаици
- Енергиен запас
- Горивни клетки
- Литиево-йонни батерии
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- Futaba Drone Parts
- Крайни изключватели, Микроизключватели
- Датчици, Преобразователи
- Пирометри
- Броячи, Времеви релета, Панелни измервателни прибори
- Промишленни защитни устройства
- Светлинна и звукова сигнализация
- Термокамера
- Екрани LED
- Управляваща апаратура
- Регистратор на температура със запис на лента и цифров показател - AL3000
- Микропроцесорни регистратори с екран LCD серия KR2000
- Регистратор KR5000
- Измервател със функция за регистриране на влажност и температура HN-CH
- Експлоатационни материали за регистратори
- Компактен графичен регистратор 71VR1
- Регистратор KR 3000
- Регистратор РС серия R1M
- Регистратори РС серия R2M
- Регистратор РС - 12 изолирани входа– RZMS
- Регистратор PC, USB, 12 изолирани входа – RZUS
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Проводници, Кабел литцендрат, Кабелни канали, Меки връзки
- Проводници
- Кабел литцендрат
Кабели за специални приложения
- Компенсиращи и удължаващи проводници
- Проводници за термодвойки
- Съединителни проводници за РТ датчици
- Многожилни проводници темп. -60C до +1400C
- SILICOUL проводници средно напрежение
- Запалителни проводници
- Нагревателни проводници
- Едножилни проводници темп. -60C до +450C
- Проводници за ЖП приложения
- Нагревателни проводници в Ех изпълнение
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- Кабелни канали
Плетени кабели
- Плоски плетени кабели
- Кръгли плетени кабели
- Много гъвкави плетени кабели - плоски
- Много гъвкави плетени кабели - кръгли
- Медни цилиндрични плетени кабели
- Медни цилиндрични плетени кабели и канали/кожуси
- Гъвкави заземяващи ленти
- Плетени проводници от оцинкована и неръждясваща стомана
- Медни изолирани плетени проводници PCV -температура до 85 градуsа по C
- Плоски плетени алуминиеви проводници
- Комплект за подсъединение - плетени проводници и тръбички
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- Оборудване за тяга
- Кабелни накрайници
- Изолирани еластични шини
- Многослойни еластични шини
- Системи за провеждане на кабели (шлауфи)
- Кабелни канали / маркучи
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- Suppliers
- AC и DC задвижвания (инвертори)
- CNC машинни инструменти
- Energy bank
- HVAC автоматизация
- Двигатели и трансформатори
- Заваръчни машини и заваръчни машини
- Захранващи (UPS) и токоизправителни системи
- Измерване и регулиране на температурата
- Измерване и регулиране на температурата
- Индукционно отопление
- Индустриална автоматизация
- Индустриална автоматизация
- Индустриални защитни устройства
- Компоненти за потенциално експлозивна атмосфера (EX)
- Машини за сушене и обработка на дървесина
- Машини за термоформоване на пластмаси
- Минно дело, металургия и основаване
- Оборудване за разпределителни, контролни и телекомуникационни шкафове
- Печат
- Трамвайна и железопътна тяга
Montaż urządzeń
- Монтаж на шкафове
- Проектиране и монтаж на шкафове
- Монтаж на енергийни системи
- Компоненти
- Машини, създадени по поръчка
- Научноизследователска и развойна дейност
Промишленни тестери
- Силови полупроводникови тестери
- Тестери за електрически апарати
- Тестери за варистори и отводители
- Автомобилен тестер за предпазители
- Qrr тестер за измерване на преходен заряд в тиристори и силови диоди
- Роторен тестер на прекъсвачи от серия FD
- Тестер за проверка на устройства за остатъчен ток
- Тестер за калибриране на реле
- Тестер за визуални тестове на бутални пръти на газови пружини
- Тиристорен превключвател с висок ток
- Тестер за разрушаване на мрежи
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Modernizacja induktorów
- Ремонт на използвани индуктори
- Модернизация на индуктори
Производство на нови индуктори
- Втвърдяване на коляновите валове
- Втвърдяване на зъбите на лентовия трион
- Нагряване на елементи преди залепване
- Втвърдяване на пистите на автомобилните лагери на главината на колелата
- Втвърдяване на компонентите на трансмисията на задвижването
- Втвърдяване на стъпаловидни шахти
- Нагряване в контракционни фуги
- Сканиращо втвърдяване
- Меко запояване
- Нагреватели на заготовки
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- Знание
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Индукционни устройства
Urządzenia indukcyjne
Генератори за индукционно нагряване
Индукционни отоплителни генератори Ambrell
- Генератори: mощност 500 W, честота 150-400 kHz
- Генератори: mощност 1,2 - 2,4 kW, честота 150 - 400 kHz
- Генератори: mощност 4.2 - 10 kW, честота 150 - 400 kHz
- Генератори: mощност 10 - 15 kW, честота 50 - 150 kHz
- Генератори: mощност 30-45 kW, честота 50-150 kHz
- Генератори: mощност 65-135 kW, честота 50-150 kHz
- Генератори: mощност 180-270 kW, честота 50-150 kHz
- Генератори: mощност 20-35-50 kW, честота 15-45 kHz
- Генератори: mощност 75-150 kW, честота 15-45 kHz
- Генератори: mощност 200-500 kW, честота 15-45 kHz
- Генератори: mощност 20-50 kW, честота 5-15 kHz
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- Индукционни отоплителни генератори Denki Kogyo
JKZ индукционни отоплителни генератори
- Генератори от серия CX, честота: 50-120kHz, мощност: 5-25kW
- SWS генератори, честота: 15-30kHz, мощност: 25-260kW
- Генератори (пещи) за формоване и коване на серия MFS, честота: 0,5-10kHz, мощност: 80-500kW
- MFS топилни пещи, честота: 0,5-10kHz, мощност: 70-200kW
- Генератори на UHT серия, честота: 200-400kHz, мощност: 10-160kW
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- Генератори на лампи за индукционно отопление
- Индукционни отоплителни генератори Himmelwerk
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Индукционни отоплителни генератори Ambrell
- Ремонти и модернизация
- Периферни устройства
- Медицински приложения
- Приложения за автомобилната индустрия
- Меко запояване
- Запояване
- Алуминиево запояване
- Припояване на магнитни инструменти от неръждаема стомана
- Прецизно запояване
- Атмосферно запояване
- Запояване на месингови и стоманени капачки за радиатори
- Запояване на синтеровани карбиди
- Запояване на медния накрайник и проводника
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- Знание
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Генератори за индукционно нагряване
- Сервиз на промишлени охладители за вода и климатици
- Ремонт и модернизация на машини
- Поправка на устройства за автоматика, енергетика и промишлена автоматика
- Захранвания с високо напрежение за електрофилтри
- Индустриални принтери и етикетиращи машини
- Certyfikaty / uprawnienia
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Overview of the functions of time relays
E ON delay | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the set interval t begins. After the interval t has expired the output relay R switches into on-position. This status remains until the supply voltage is interrupted. If the supply voltage is interrupted before the expiry of the set interval, the interval t already expired is erased and is restarted when the supply voltage is next applied. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A OFF delay without auxiliary voltage | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is supplied, the output relay R swiches into on-position. If the supply voltage is interrupted, the set interval t begins. After the set interval t has expired the output relay R switches into offposition. If the supply voltage is reconnected before the interval t has expired the interval already is erased and is restarted with the next cycle. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
R OFF delay | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The supply voltage U must be constantly applied to the device. When the control contact S is closed, the output relay R switches into on-position. If the control contact is opened, the set interval t begins. After the interval t has expired the output relay switches into off-position. If the control contact is closed again before the set interval has expired, the interval already expired is erased and is restarted. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
S Star-Delta Start-up | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the star-contact switches into on-position and the set star-time t1 begins. After the interval t1 has expired the star-contact switches into off-position and the set transit-time t2 begins. After the interval t2 has expired the delta-contact switches into on-position. To restart the function the supply voltage must be interrupted and re-applied. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ER ON delay and OFF delay with control contact | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The supply voltage U must be constantly applied to the device. When the control contact S is closed, the set interval t1 begins. After the interval t1 has expired, the output relay R switches into on-position. If the control contact is opened, the set interval t2 begins. After the interval t2 has expired, the output relay Switches into offposition. If the control contact is opened before the interval t1 has expired, the interval already expired is erased and is restarted with the next cycle. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ec Additive ON Delay | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the release for the interval starts. When the control contact S is closed, the set interval t begins. If the control contact S is opened during the set interval t, the interval stops, and the already expired interval is stored. During the lapse of time the control contact can be opened or closed as often as required. If the sum of the periods, in which the control contact S is closed reaches the set interval t the output relay R switches into on-position. The interval is stopped and a further activation of the control contact S remains without effect. By interrupting the supply voltage, the device will be reset. A possibly expired time t is deleted. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Es ON delay with control input | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The supply voltage U must be constantly applied to the device. When the control contact S is closed, the set interval t begins. After the interval t has expired the output relay R switches into on-position. This status remains until the control contact is opened again. If the control contact is opened before the interval t has expired , the interval already expired is erased and is restarted with the next cycle. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ET ON delay two wire connected | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the set interval t begins. After the interval has expired the thyristor switches on. This status remains until the supply voltage is interrupted. If the supply voltage is interrupted before the expiry of the interval, the interval already expired is erased and is restarted when the supply voltage is next applied | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wu Single shot leading edge voltage controlled | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t begins. After the interval t has expired the output relay switches into off-position. This status remains until the supply voltage is interrupted. If the supply voltage is interrupted before the interval t has expired, the output relay switches into off-position. The interval already is erased and is restarted when the supply voltage is next applied. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EWu ON delay single shot leading edge with control contact | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the set interval t1 begins. After the interval t1 has expired, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t2 begins. After the interval t2 has expired, the output relay switches into off-position. If the supply voltage is interrupted before the interval t1+t2 has expired, the interval already expired is erased and is restarted when the supply voltage is next applied. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
nWu Maintained single shot leading edge | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t begins. After the interval t has expired the output relay switches into off-position. This status remains until the supply voltage is interrupted. If the supply voltage is reconnected before the interval t has expired, the unit continues to perform the actual single shot. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ws Single shot leading edge with control input | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The supply voltage U must be constantly applied to the device. When the control contact S is closed, the set interval t begins. After the interval t has expired the output relay R switches into on-position. This status remains until the control contact is opened again. If the control contact is opened before the interval t has expired , the interval already expired is erased and is restarted with the next cycle. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EWs ON delay single shot leading edge with control contact | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The supply voltage U must be constantly applied to the device. When the control contact S is closed, the set interval t1 begins. After the interval t1 has expired, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t2 begins. After the interval t2 has expired, the output relay switches into offposition. During the interval, the control contact can be operated any number of times. A further cycle can only be started when the cycle run has been completed. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wa Single shot trailing edge with control input | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The supply voltage U must be constantly applied to the device. Closing the control contact S has no influence on the condition of the output R. When the control contact is opened, the output relay switches into on-position and the set interval t begins. After the set interval has expired, the ouput relay switches into off-position. During the interval, the control contact can be operated any number of times. A further cycle can only be started when the cycle run has been completed. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
nWa Maintained single shot trailing edge | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is supplied, the output relay R remains into off-position. As soon as the supply voltage is interrupted the output relay switches into on-position and the set interval t begins. After the set interval t has expired the output relay switches into off-position. When the supply voltage is reconnected before the interval t has expired, the unit continues to perform the actual single shot. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
nWuWa Maintained single shot leading and trailing edge | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t begins. After the interval t has expired the output relay switches into off-position. As soon as the supply voltage is interrupted the output relay switches into on-position again and the set interval t begins. After the set interval t has expired the output relay switches into off-position. If the supply voltage is interrupted (nWu) or reconnected (nWa) before the interval t has expired the unit continues to perform the actual single shot | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WsWa Single shot leading and single shot trailing edge with control contact | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The supply voltage U must be constantly applied to the device. When the control contact S is closed, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t1 begins. After the interval t1 has expired, the output relay R switches into off-position. If the control contact is opened, the output relay again switches into on-position and the set interval t2 begins. After the interval t2 has expired the output relay switches into off-position. During the interval, the control contact can be operated any number of times. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bi Flasher pulse first | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t begins. After the interval t has expired, the output relay R switches into off-position and the set interval t begins again. The output relay is triggered at a ratio of 1:1 until the supply voltage is interrupted. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bp Flasher pause first | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the set interval t begins. After the interval t has expired, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t begins again. After the interval t has expired, the output relay switches into off-position. The output relay is triggered at a ratio of 1:1 until the supply voltage is interrupted. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wt Asymmetric flasher pulse first | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the set interval t1 begins and the output relay R switches into on-position. After the interval t1 has expired, the set interval t2 begins. So that the output relay R remains in on-position, the control contact S must be closed and opened again within the set interval t2. If this does not happen, the output relay R switches into off-position and all further pulses at the control contact are ignored. To restart the function the supply voltage must be interrupted and reapplied. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ii Asymmetric flasher pulse first | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t1 begins. After the interval t1 has expired, the output relay switches into off-position and the set interval t2 begins. After the interval t2 has expired, the output relay switches into on-position. The output relay is triggered at the ratio of t1:t2 until the supply voltage is interrupted. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ip Asymmetric flasher pause first | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the set interval t1 begins. After the interval t1 has expired, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t2 begins. After the interval t2 has expired, the output relay switches into off-position. The output relay is triggered at the ratio of t1:t2 until the supply voltage is interrupted. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
T, TW Function automatic timer with (TW) or without (T) switch-off warning | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
After the pushbutton (control input) has been pressed, the output relay R closes and the set interval t begins. If the pushbutton is pressed again before the interval has expired, the interval begins again (restart function complies with EN 60669-2-3). Rapid, multiple pressing of the pushbutton (pumping) adds 2, 3 or more time intervals to extend the time up to 60 min. Prolonged pressure on the button (>2 s) aborts the interval running and switches the relay off (energy saving function). In the TW mode the device provides a switch-off warning (in accordance with DIN 180-158-2) by generating short pulses (flashing) at 30s, 15s and 5s prior to switch-off. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
P, PN Impulse switch mode | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In this mode, every keypress of the pushbutton (control input) toggles the output relay R (flip-flop). In function P, the output relay remains in off-position, whenever the supply voltage is applied. In function PN, the output relay switches into on-position after applying the supply voltage U, if the output relay was in on-position last before power failure. In both functions the output relay switches into on-position, if a short voltage impulse (2s) opens the output relay (central OFF). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
P (R) Impulse switch mode with off delay | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In this mode, every keypress toggles the output relay R (flip-flop). After the pushbutton (control input) has been pressed, the output relay closes and the set interval t begins. After the interval has expired the output relay switches into off-position. If the pushbutton is pressed again before the interval has expired, the interval will be canceled and the output relay switches into off-position. |
Pictures time relays
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Pictures 7 |
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Overview of the functions of time relays
E ON delay | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the set interval t begins. After the interval t has expired the output relay R switches into on-position. This status remains until the supply voltage is interrupted. If the supply voltage is interrupted before the expiry of the set interval, the interval t already expired is erased and is restarted when the supply voltage is next applied. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A OFF delay without auxiliary voltage | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is supplied, the output relay R swiches into on-position. If the supply voltage is interrupted, the set interval t begins. After the set interval t has expired the output relay R switches into offposition. If the supply voltage is reconnected before the interval t has expired the interval already is erased and is restarted with the next cycle. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
R OFF delay | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The supply voltage U must be constantly applied to the device. When the control contact S is closed, the output relay R switches into on-position. If the control contact is opened, the set interval t begins. After the interval t has expired the output relay switches into off-position. If the control contact is closed again before the set interval has expired, the interval already expired is erased and is restarted. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
S Star-Delta Start-up | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the star-contact switches into on-position and the set star-time t1 begins. After the interval t1 has expired the star-contact switches into off-position and the set transit-time t2 begins. After the interval t2 has expired the delta-contact switches into on-position. To restart the function the supply voltage must be interrupted and re-applied. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ER ON delay and OFF delay with control contact | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The supply voltage U must be constantly applied to the device. When the control contact S is closed, the set interval t1 begins. After the interval t1 has expired, the output relay R switches into on-position. If the control contact is opened, the set interval t2 begins. After the interval t2 has expired, the output relay Switches into offposition. If the control contact is opened before the interval t1 has expired, the interval already expired is erased and is restarted with the next cycle. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ec Additive ON Delay | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the release for the interval starts. When the control contact S is closed, the set interval t begins. If the control contact S is opened during the set interval t, the interval stops, and the already expired interval is stored. During the lapse of time the control contact can be opened or closed as often as required. If the sum of the periods, in which the control contact S is closed reaches the set interval t the output relay R switches into on-position. The interval is stopped and a further activation of the control contact S remains without effect. By interrupting the supply voltage, the device will be reset. A possibly expired time t is deleted. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Es ON delay with control input | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The supply voltage U must be constantly applied to the device. When the control contact S is closed, the set interval t begins. After the interval t has expired the output relay R switches into on-position. This status remains until the control contact is opened again. If the control contact is opened before the interval t has expired , the interval already expired is erased and is restarted with the next cycle. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ET ON delay two wire connected | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the set interval t begins. After the interval has expired the thyristor switches on. This status remains until the supply voltage is interrupted. If the supply voltage is interrupted before the expiry of the interval, the interval already expired is erased and is restarted when the supply voltage is next applied | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wu Single shot leading edge voltage controlled | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t begins. After the interval t has expired the output relay switches into off-position. This status remains until the supply voltage is interrupted. If the supply voltage is interrupted before the interval t has expired, the output relay switches into off-position. The interval already is erased and is restarted when the supply voltage is next applied. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EWu ON delay single shot leading edge with control contact | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the set interval t1 begins. After the interval t1 has expired, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t2 begins. After the interval t2 has expired, the output relay switches into off-position. If the supply voltage is interrupted before the interval t1+t2 has expired, the interval already expired is erased and is restarted when the supply voltage is next applied. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
nWu Maintained single shot leading edge | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t begins. After the interval t has expired the output relay switches into off-position. This status remains until the supply voltage is interrupted. If the supply voltage is reconnected before the interval t has expired, the unit continues to perform the actual single shot. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ws Single shot leading edge with control input | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The supply voltage U must be constantly applied to the device. When the control contact S is closed, the set interval t begins. After the interval t has expired the output relay R switches into on-position. This status remains until the control contact is opened again. If the control contact is opened before the interval t has expired , the interval already expired is erased and is restarted with the next cycle. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
EWs ON delay single shot leading edge with control contact | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The supply voltage U must be constantly applied to the device. When the control contact S is closed, the set interval t1 begins. After the interval t1 has expired, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t2 begins. After the interval t2 has expired, the output relay switches into offposition. During the interval, the control contact can be operated any number of times. A further cycle can only be started when the cycle run has been completed. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wa Single shot trailing edge with control input | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The supply voltage U must be constantly applied to the device. Closing the control contact S has no influence on the condition of the output R. When the control contact is opened, the output relay switches into on-position and the set interval t begins. After the set interval has expired, the ouput relay switches into off-position. During the interval, the control contact can be operated any number of times. A further cycle can only be started when the cycle run has been completed. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
nWa Maintained single shot trailing edge | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is supplied, the output relay R remains into off-position. As soon as the supply voltage is interrupted the output relay switches into on-position and the set interval t begins. After the set interval t has expired the output relay switches into off-position. When the supply voltage is reconnected before the interval t has expired, the unit continues to perform the actual single shot. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
nWuWa Maintained single shot leading and trailing edge | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t begins. After the interval t has expired the output relay switches into off-position. As soon as the supply voltage is interrupted the output relay switches into on-position again and the set interval t begins. After the set interval t has expired the output relay switches into off-position. If the supply voltage is interrupted (nWu) or reconnected (nWa) before the interval t has expired the unit continues to perform the actual single shot | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
WsWa Single shot leading and single shot trailing edge with control contact | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The supply voltage U must be constantly applied to the device. When the control contact S is closed, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t1 begins. After the interval t1 has expired, the output relay R switches into off-position. If the control contact is opened, the output relay again switches into on-position and the set interval t2 begins. After the interval t2 has expired the output relay switches into off-position. During the interval, the control contact can be operated any number of times. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bi Flasher pulse first | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t begins. After the interval t has expired, the output relay R switches into off-position and the set interval t begins again. The output relay is triggered at a ratio of 1:1 until the supply voltage is interrupted. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bp Flasher pause first | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the set interval t begins. After the interval t has expired, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t begins again. After the interval t has expired, the output relay switches into off-position. The output relay is triggered at a ratio of 1:1 until the supply voltage is interrupted. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Wt Asymmetric flasher pulse first | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the set interval t1 begins and the output relay R switches into on-position. After the interval t1 has expired, the set interval t2 begins. So that the output relay R remains in on-position, the control contact S must be closed and opened again within the set interval t2. If this does not happen, the output relay R switches into off-position and all further pulses at the control contact are ignored. To restart the function the supply voltage must be interrupted and reapplied. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ii Asymmetric flasher pulse first | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t1 begins. After the interval t1 has expired, the output relay switches into off-position and the set interval t2 begins. After the interval t2 has expired, the output relay switches into on-position. The output relay is triggered at the ratio of t1:t2 until the supply voltage is interrupted. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ip Asymmetric flasher pause first | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
When the supply voltage U is applied, the set interval t1 begins. After the interval t1 has expired, the output relay R switches into on-position and the set interval t2 begins. After the interval t2 has expired, the output relay switches into off-position. The output relay is triggered at the ratio of t1:t2 until the supply voltage is interrupted. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
T, TW Function automatic timer with (TW) or without (T) switch-off warning | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
After the pushbutton (control input) has been pressed, the output relay R closes and the set interval t begins. If the pushbutton is pressed again before the interval has expired, the interval begins again (restart function complies with EN 60669-2-3). Rapid, multiple pressing of the pushbutton (pumping) adds 2, 3 or more time intervals to extend the time up to 60 min. Prolonged pressure on the button (>2 s) aborts the interval running and switches the relay off (energy saving function). In the TW mode the device provides a switch-off warning (in accordance with DIN 180-158-2) by generating short pulses (flashing) at 30s, 15s and 5s prior to switch-off. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
P, PN Impulse switch mode | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In this mode, every keypress of the pushbutton (control input) toggles the output relay R (flip-flop). In function P, the output relay remains in off-position, whenever the supply voltage is applied. In function PN, the output relay switches into on-position after applying the supply voltage U, if the output relay was in on-position last before power failure. In both functions the output relay switches into on-position, if a short voltage impulse (2s) opens the output relay (central OFF). | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
P (R) Impulse switch mode with off delay | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In this mode, every keypress toggles the output relay R (flip-flop). After the pushbutton (control input) has been pressed, the output relay closes and the set interval t begins. After the interval has expired the output relay switches into off-position. If the pushbutton is pressed again before the interval has expired, the interval will be canceled and the output relay switches into off-position. |
Pictures time relays
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