Смола от две съставки U4612 + D84-15, полимеризация в температура на окръжаващата среда
Смола от две съставки U4612 + D84-15, полимеризация в температура на окръжаващата среда

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Производител: SEG

Смола от две съставки U4612 + D84-15, полимеризация в температура на окръжаващата среда

Elastic resin, for electronic and electro technical industry usage.
- electrical devices insulation,
- drowning electrical components,
- doesn't react with electronic components.

Obtain an ambient temperature for 48h before usage. .

Main characteristic:
- polyurethane resin has good thermal conductance.
- compatible with insulation class B,
- it is also possible to use red hardener. D 84-15(R)

Polymerisation (NSEG0010):
- @ 20°C: 9 h,
- @ 60°C: 2 h.
polymerisation can be fastened in the drier(60C max temperature)

Storage conditions:
6 months in original, closed container, temperature: 10°C - 30°C.
Product sensitive for humidity!

- in containers 1, 5 i 20 kg and barrels 200 kg,
- part B is delivered in corresponding proportion to part A..

Protection and hygiene:
- Resin components don't corrode.
- it is prohibited to touch with skin, or inhale
- it is recommended to use gloves, glasses and mask.

Preliminary polymer Part A Hardener part B
viscosity @ 23°C NSEG0013 20000mPas viscosity @23°C NSEG0013 215mPas
weight ISO2811 10,99 g/ml weight ISO2811 0,99 g/ml
Colour   natural
  without colour
Mixture A + B
Mixture weight ratio   100/15
Mixture volume ratio   80/20
Insert content   54 %
viscosity @ 23°C  NSEG0013 6000 mPas
Volume weight ISO2811 1,55 g/ml
lifetime 150 g @ 23°C NSEG0005 25s
Gelation time @ 33°C - 110 g NSEG0008 19s ± 6s
Gelation time @ 43°C - 110 g NSEG0012 -
Exothermic peak @ 50 g NSEG0007 23°C
Exothermic peak @ 100 g NSEG0007 25°C
Mechanical properties
Line shrinkage ISO3521 < 0,5 %
Break off resistance ISOR527 7,5 daN/cm2
Lengthening during break off ISOR527 168%
 Shore hardness A/D @ 23°C ISO868 A 20
Electrical properties
Dielectric withstand CEI243 22 kV/mm
Dielectric constant @ 23°C (50 Hz) CEI250 3,30
Loss coefficient @ 23°C (50 Hz) CEI250 0,125
Thermal properties
Constant operation temperature   -50°C do125°C
Thermal conductance   0,400 W/m.°C
Self - extinguished UL94 no

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Elastic resin, for electronic and electro technical industry usage.
- electrical devices insulation,
- drowning electrical components,
- doesn't react with electronic components.

Obtain an ambient temperature for 48h before usage. .

Main characteristic:
- polyurethane resin has good thermal conductance.
- compatible with insulation class B,
- it is also possible to use red hardener. D 84-15(R)

Polymerisation (NSEG0010):
- @ 20°C: 9 h,
- @ 60°C: 2 h.
polymerisation can be fastened in the drier(60C max temperature)

Storage conditions:
6 months in original, closed container, temperature: 10°C - 30°C.
Product sensitive for humidity!

- in containers 1, 5 i 20 kg and barrels 200 kg,
- part B is delivered in corresponding proportion to part A..

Protection and hygiene:
- Resin components don't corrode.
- it is prohibited to touch with skin, or inhale
- it is recommended to use gloves, glasses and mask.

Preliminary polymer Part A Hardener part B
viscosity @ 23°C NSEG0013 20000mPas viscosity @23°C NSEG0013 215mPas
weight ISO2811 10,99 g/ml weight ISO2811 0,99 g/ml
Colour   natural
  without colour
Mixture A + B
Mixture weight ratio   100/15
Mixture volume ratio   80/20
Insert content   54 %
viscosity @ 23°C  NSEG0013 6000 mPas
Volume weight ISO2811 1,55 g/ml
lifetime 150 g @ 23°C NSEG0005 25s
Gelation time @ 33°C - 110 g NSEG0008 19s ± 6s
Gelation time @ 43°C - 110 g NSEG0012 -
Exothermic peak @ 50 g NSEG0007 23°C
Exothermic peak @ 100 g NSEG0007 25°C
Mechanical properties
Line shrinkage ISO3521 < 0,5 %
Break off resistance ISOR527 7,5 daN/cm2
Lengthening during break off ISOR527 168%
 Shore hardness A/D @ 23°C ISO868 A 20
Electrical properties
Dielectric withstand CEI243 22 kV/mm
Dielectric constant @ 23°C (50 Hz) CEI250 3,30
Loss coefficient @ 23°C (50 Hz) CEI250 0,125
Thermal properties
Constant operation temperature   -50°C do125°C
Thermal conductance   0,400 W/m.°C
Self - extinguished UL94 no
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