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Проводими ленти с подвижен маскиращ слой

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Производител: TEMAS

Проводими ленти с подвижен маскиращ слой

Conductive tapes with a removable masking layer

The use of electrically conductive fabric with an electrochemical treatment of pure nickel on all of the fibres is an optimum characteristic for recreating an electricalsurface for an electrical control panel that has to be protected with powder coating that is not electrically conductive. This treatment would create an insulated contact surface for the shielded gasket, which must have electricalcontinuity. Therefore, the recommended action is to proceed as follows.

Standard size*
25,4 mm (1”) 22,0 mm
12,7 mm (1/2”) 10,7 mm
*Other sizes are available upon customer request with a minimum order
Taśmy przewodzące z usuwalną warstwą maskującą

Order example


Technical data:
Thickness liner: 0,08 mm
Thickness tape: 0,30 mm
Surface resistivity : <0,4 Ohm
Operating temperature : -40/90oC

Shielding performance

  Magnetic field ((dB) Electric field (dB)
Frequency (MHz) 3 10 20 30 2 10 20 30
1 layer 15 20 30 40 105 65 62 65


  Electric field and plane wave ( dB) Plane Wave (dB)
Frequency (MHz) 200 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 3000 5000 10000 15000 18000
1 layer 55 65 60 62 60 70 60 60 62 63 53 53 55

Example applications

Taśmy przewodzące z usuwalną warstwą maskującą

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Conductive tapes with a removable masking layer

The use of electrically conductive fabric with an electrochemical treatment of pure nickel on all of the fibres is an optimum characteristic for recreating an electricalsurface for an electrical control panel that has to be protected with powder coating that is not electrically conductive. This treatment would create an insulated contact surface for the shielded gasket, which must have electricalcontinuity. Therefore, the recommended action is to proceed as follows.

Standard size*
25,4 mm (1”) 22,0 mm
12,7 mm (1/2”) 10,7 mm
*Other sizes are available upon customer request with a minimum order
Taśmy przewodzące z usuwalną warstwą maskującą

Order example


Technical data:
Thickness liner: 0,08 mm
Thickness tape: 0,30 mm
Surface resistivity : <0,4 Ohm
Operating temperature : -40/90oC

Shielding performance

  Magnetic field ((dB) Electric field (dB)
Frequency (MHz) 3 10 20 30 2 10 20 30
1 layer 15 20 30 40 105 65 62 65


  Electric field and plane wave ( dB) Plane Wave (dB)
Frequency (MHz) 200 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 3000 5000 10000 15000 18000
1 layer 55 65 60 62 60 70 60 60 62 63 53 53 55

Example applications

Taśmy przewodzące z usuwalną warstwą maskującą

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