Токови сонди

In the category of electrical measurements we’re offering an extensive assortment of devices, professional machines and accessories for measuring tools. Our offer includes current transformers, current probes, Rogowski coils or shunts and other measuring...

In the category of electrical measurements we’re offering an extensive assortment of devices, professional...

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picture_as_pdf Токови сонди AC/DC – серия CP1 GMC-I PROSyS Токови сонди AC/DC – серия CP1 ВИЖ ГО -- On Order -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf Токови сонди AC/DC – серия CP3 GMC-I PROSyS Токови сонди AC/DC – серия CP3 ВИЖ ГО -- On Order -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf Токови сонди AC/DC (външно захранване) GMC-I PROSyS Токови сонди AC/DC (външно захранване) ВИЖ ГО -- On Order -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf CP 50_10 Sonda prądowa AC/DC zasilana zewnętrznie GMC-I PROSyS Cp 50_10 AC / DC текуща сонда, предоставена външна ВИЖ ГО CP 50_10 On Order niezakończony przewód 50 A 100 mV/A 0 - 100 kHz 25 mm
picture_as_pdf CP 5_10 Sonda prądowa AC/DC zasilana zewnętrznie GMC-I PROSyS CP 5_10 AC / DC текуща сонда се захранва външно ВИЖ ГО CP 5_10 On Order niezakończony przewód 5:00 AM 1000 mV/A 0 - 100 kHz 25 mm
picture_as_pdf CP 35 Sonda prądowa AC/DC GMC-I PROSyS CP 35 AC / DC текуща сонда ВИЖ ГО CP 35 On Order BNC 30 A 100 mV/A 0 - 100 kHz 25 mm
picture_as_pdf CP 305 Sonda prądowa AC/DC GMC-I PROSyS CP 305 AC / DC текуща сонда ВИЖ ГО CP 305 On Order BNC lub wtyczka 4mm 30, 300 A 1, 10 mV/A 0 - 20 kHz 25 mm
picture_as_pdf CP 150_10 Sonda prądowa AC/DC zasilana zewnętrznie GMC-I PROSyS CP 150_10 Текуща сонда AC / DC захранвана външно ВИЖ ГО CP 150_10 On Order niezakończony przewód 150 A 50 mV/A 0 - 100 kHz 25 mm
picture_as_pdf CP 1005 Sonda prądowa AC/DC GMC-I PROSyS CP 1005 AC / DC текуща сонда ВИЖ ГО CP 1005 On Order BNC lub wtyczka 4mm 100, 1000 A 1, 10 mV/A 0 - 20 kHz 32 mm
picture_as_pdf CP 1000 Sonda prądowa AC/DC GMC-I PROSyS CP 1000 AC / DC текуща сонда ВИЖ ГО CP 1000 On Order Wtyczka 4mm 1000 A 1 mV/A 0 - 10 kHz 32 mm
picture_as_pdf CP 30 Sonda prądowa AC/DC GMC-I PROSyS CP 30 AC / DC текуща сонда ВИЖ ГО CP 30 On Order Wtyczka 4mm 30 A 100 mV/A 0 - 20 kHz 25 mm
Резултати на страница:

In the category of electrical measurements we’re offering an extensive assortment of devices, professional machines and accessories for measuring tools. Our offer includes current transformers, current probes, Rogowski coils or shunts and other measuring instruments. Our offer also includes network parameter analyzers and analog meters.

Thanks to the many-years experience in delivery and manufacture, we provide the highest quality current probes. Our products are intended for professionals, engineers and enthusiasts of subjects such as power electronics, electrotechnics, electronics, automatics and pneumatics.

Electrical measurement category consists of test measurements of electrical quantities in circuits as well as measurements of other quantities in which electrical energy is used.

We specialize in delivering and choosing proper current probes and offer various types of probes, including:

  • Current Probes AC/DC – CP1 Series
  • Current Probes AC/DC (external power supply) from GMC-I PROSyS
  • Current Probes AC/DC – CP3 Series

Regardless of whether you order individual products from the electrical measuring department or buy them in bulk quantities, we offer a comprehensive delivery, reliable service, support and professional consultancy in choosing the right solution.

Our devices can be applied in almost every industrial sector. 

Current probes are usually used in battery charging systems, electrical systems testing, measuring current flow and start-up, controlling industrial processes - current loop verification, and analysis of processes in inverters, pulse power supply and industrial controllers.

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