Високоенергийни кабели с фиксирана мощност FTS3 / е
Високоенергийни кабели с фиксирана мощност FTS3 / е

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Производител: Flexelec

Високоенергийни кабели с фиксирана мощност FTS3 / е


FTS3/IS cables are designed for protecting railway lines, points and power rails from freezing or for keeping them clear of snow. To ensure that these heating elements enjoy a long service life, we recommend using a control device.

  • Welded contact points.
  • Can be cut to length on site.
  • Extremely simple termination.
  • Cold tail incorporated: no extra connection necessary.
  • Available as 100 W/m.
  • Power supply: 230 V.
  • Tinned copper braid and silicon elastomer outer sheath.

Heating wire Nickel-Copper or Nickel-Chrom
Dimensions 9 x 16 mm
Power 100 W/m
Isolation Elastomer silikonowy
Permissible surfac temperature from - 70°C to + 200°C
Max. circuit length 40 m
Distance between 2
consecutive contact points
0.35 m

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FTS3/IS cables are designed for protecting railway lines, points and power rails from freezing or for keeping them clear of snow. To ensure that these heating elements enjoy a long service life, we recommend using a control device.

  • Welded contact points.
  • Can be cut to length on site.
  • Extremely simple termination.
  • Cold tail incorporated: no extra connection necessary.
  • Available as 100 W/m.
  • Power supply: 230 V.
  • Tinned copper braid and silicon elastomer outer sheath.

Heating wire Nickel-Copper or Nickel-Chrom
Dimensions 9 x 16 mm
Power 100 W/m
Isolation Elastomer silikonowy
Permissible surfac temperature from - 70°C to + 200°C
Max. circuit length 40 m
Distance between 2
consecutive contact points
0.35 m

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