Pájení dvojice ocelových magnetických kolíků
Pájení dvojice ocelových magnetických kolíků

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Výrobce: Ambrell

Pájení dvojice ocelových magnetických kolíků

Soldering a Pair of Magnetic Steel Pins

Objective: To solder a pair of magnetic steel pins/posts to create an automotive component.

Frequency: 214 kHz

  • Ambrell EASYHEATTM 1.2 kW, 150-400 kHz solid state induction heating power supply equipped with a remote workhead;
  • A single position two-turn pancake coil specifically designed for this soldering application.

Material: Coil and steel pin assembly (5/16”/7.9 mm pin/post O.D.)

Temperature: 470 °F (243 °C)


Any remaining insulation on the wire was removed with sandpaper. A foot peddle was part of the induction heating system setup to facilitate manual feeding of the solder. The part was placed in the coil and the power was turned on. After seven seconds the solder began to flow and the solder was fed to the joint. Power was pulsed for one additional second to allow the solder to continue to be fed. The overall process took less than ten seconds.

  • Speed: Heating took less than 10 seconds, and while this is a new process for the client, other heating methods would be slower;
  • Precise, repeatable heating: Induction is a highly repeatable process so the customer can expect the same result every time with only the portion of the part requiring heating being heated;
  • Safety: There is no open flame with induction, which makes it a safer method of heating than torch heating.

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Soldering a Pair of Magnetic Steel Pins

Objective: To solder a pair of magnetic steel pins/posts to create an automotive component.

Frequency: 214 kHz

  • Ambrell EASYHEATTM 1.2 kW, 150-400 kHz solid state induction heating power supply equipped with a remote workhead;
  • A single position two-turn pancake coil specifically designed for this soldering application.

Material: Coil and steel pin assembly (5/16”/7.9 mm pin/post O.D.)

Temperature: 470 °F (243 °C)


Any remaining insulation on the wire was removed with sandpaper. A foot peddle was part of the induction heating system setup to facilitate manual feeding of the solder. The part was placed in the coil and the power was turned on. After seven seconds the solder began to flow and the solder was fed to the joint. Power was pulsed for one additional second to allow the solder to continue to be fed. The overall process took less than ten seconds.

  • Speed: Heating took less than 10 seconds, and while this is a new process for the client, other heating methods would be slower;
  • Precise, repeatable heating: Induction is a highly repeatable process so the customer can expect the same result every time with only the portion of the part requiring heating being heated;
  • Safety: There is no open flame with induction, which makes it a safer method of heating than torch heating.
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