Indukční topný generátor EKOHEAT 375/25
  • Indukční topný generátor EKOHEAT 375/25

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Indukční topný generátor EKOHEAT 375/25

  • EKOHEAT 375/25
  • zdroj napájení 360 - 520 V, 3 ph
  • Frekvence 15 - 40 kHz
  • Příkon 436 kVA
  • Výstupní výkon 375 kW

Generator for induction heating EKOHEAT 375/25

EKOHEAT induction heating systems for 15-40 kHz range provide reliable and repeatable solutions for heating larger parts when efficient heating of your part dimensions requires higher frequencies than our 10kHz models. Among the many typical applications are heat treating of steels, preheating for forging of steel, aluminum, copper or brass, crystal growing, and heating of graphite and metal crucibles.
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  • zdroj napájení 360 - 520 V, 3 ph
  • Frekvence 15 - 40 kHz
  • Příkon 436 kVA
  • Výstupní výkon 375 kW

Generator for induction heating EKOHEAT 375/25

EKOHEAT induction heating systems for 15-40 kHz range provide reliable and repeatable solutions for heating larger parts when efficient heating of your part dimensions requires higher frequencies than our 10kHz models. Among the many typical applications are heat treating of steels, preheating for forging of steel, aluminum, copper or brass, crystal growing, and heating of graphite and metal crucibles.
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