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Experience and recognition by customers. We have installed over 10,000 induction systems in the world. Induction heating devices - induction heating, machines, devices, production, repair, service, coils

Experience and recognition by customers.

We have installed over...

Experience and recognition by customers. We have installed over 10,000 induction systems in the world. Induction heating...

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Experience and recognition by customers. We have installed over 10,000 induction systems in the world. Induction heating devices - induction heating, machines, devices, production, repair, service, coils

Experience and recognition by customers.

We have installed over 10,000 induction systems in the world.

Our characteristic feature is that we carry out complementary laboratory tests. Our engineers with the greatest care test all the details in the product ordered by the customer. All projects are checked for technical requirements. They determine the optimal shape of the inductor so that it best meets the requirements.

We manufacture inductors optimally adapted to the needs of our clients.

The inductor is an element of the induction heating system that determines the efficiency of heating the charge. The range of inductors manufactured by Dacpol Serwis is very wide. Our projects are very diverse, ranging from simple spirals consisting of a series of copper coils including a mandrel, to precisely milled shapes from pieces of solid copper, then bonded with high-melting solder.

The inductor is used to transfer the energy of the alternating electromagnetic field from the induction generator to the charge. The electromagnetic field produces a current in the charge that reflects the current flowing in the inductor. If the current flows through the charge resistance, it generates heat in the form of losses in accordance with the I2R formula.

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