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- LED diody
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- HOYS a HOYL - určené pro přímou montáž na vodičovou lištu
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- Převodníky napětí | LEM
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Měniče proudu | LEM
Pasivní součásti (kondenzátory, rezistory, pojistky, filtry)
- Rezistory
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Jednofázová střídavá polovodičová relé
- Jednofázová střídavá polovodičová relé, 1 řada | D2425 | D2450
- Jednofázová střídavá polovodičová relé řady CWA a CWD
- Jednofázová střídavá polovodičová relé řady CMRA a CMRD
- Jednofázová střídavá polovodičová relé řady PS
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- Rekordér 71VR1
- Zapisovač KR 3000
- Počítačové rekordéry řady R1M
- Počítačové rekordéry řady R2M
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- Flexibilní zemnící pásky
- Opletení válcovité pozinkované a nerezové oceli
- PVC izolované měděné pletivo - teplota 85 ° C
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Průmyslové testery
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- Auditor testeru zařízení na zbytkový proud
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Modernizacja induktorów
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Urządzenia indukcyjne
Indukční topné generátory
Indukční generátory Ambrell
- Generátory: výkon 500 W, frekvence 150-400 kHz
- Generátory: Výkon 1,2 - 2,4 kW, frekvence 150 - 400 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 4,2 - 10 kW, frekvence 150 - 400 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 10 - 15 kW, frekvence 50 - 150 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 30-45 kW, frekvence 50-150 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 65-135 kW, frekvence 50-150 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 180-270 kW, frekvence 50-150 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 20-50 kW, frekvence 15-45 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 75-150 kW, frekvence 15-45 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 200-500 kW, frekvence 15-45 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 20-50 kW, frekvence 5-15 kHz
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- Indukční topné generátory Denki Kogyo
Indukční topné generátory JKZ
- Generátory řady CX, frekvence: 50-120kHz, výkon: 5-25kW
- Generátory řady SWS, frekvence: 15-30kHz, výkon: 25-260kW
- Generátory (pece) pro tváření a kování řady MFS, frekvence: 0,5-10kHz, výkon: 80-500kW
- Tavicí pece MFS, frekvence: 0,5-10kHz, výkon: 70-200kW
- Generátory řady UHT, frekvence: 200-400kHz, výkon: 10-160kW
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- Generátory světel pro indukční ohřev
- Indukční topné generátory Himmelwerk
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Indukční generátory Ambrell
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The IM series is an on-line multi IR wavelength Mirror type analyzer utilizing the infrared absorption technology for measuring product constituent and/or thickness. Signal processing capabilities are built into the Compact All-In-One detector unit for easy installation and operation. A maximum of 99 calibration curves can be stored into the detector memory for numerous measurement applications. The detector can be used by itself or connected to a PC/plant control system, as both analog and digital outputs are provided. A remote setting display unit, connectable up to 9 detector units, can be used to setup various detector functions and also displays measured values.
• Measuring moisture of wood chip.
• Measuring the thickness of sheet or film.
• Measuring the organism, moisture and lipid of fodder.
• Measuring the organism, moisture and oil of potato chips.
• Measuring moisture of garbage (RDF moisture).
• Measuring the coating thickness on the painting sheet.
• Measuring moisture of powder.
• Measuring moisture in cleaning solution.
• Measuring moisture of clay.
• Measuring moisture of fiber.
• Measure [&] Control the coating thickness
of Laminate-sheet production line.
• Measure [&] Control the painting thickness.
• Up to 10 wavelengths, capable of measuring 4 constituents such as; moisture, film-thickness, organism, and coating-thickness in real time simultaneously.
• Connectivity to multiple interfaces, RS485 (MODBUS), Ethernet (LAN)
• High-speed [&] High-repeatability (28ms)
• Multi-calculation function
• Self-diagnostic function, easy maintenance.
• Conforms to CE standards and IP-65
Object | Range | Accu. |
General moisture (%) | ||
Glass / pottery / cement | ||
Potter's clay | 0...12 | >±0.3 |
Iron / metal | ||
Coal | 0...15 | >±0.2 |
Mix raw material | 0...10 | >±0.2 |
Iron oxide | 0...10 | >±0.2 |
Foods | ||
Starch | 0...25 | >±0.2 |
Bread-crumbs | 0...20 | >±0.2 |
Soybean | 0...15 | >±0.2 |
Milk powder | 0...5 | >±0.2 |
Sugar / salt | 0...2 | >±0.05 |
Flavouring | 0...10 | >±0.2 |
Tea | 0...15 | >±0.2 |
Chemicals | ||
Catalyst | 0...10 | >±0.2 |
Medium | 0...20 | >±0.2 |
Detergent | 0...15 | >±0.2 |
Ink | 0...5 | >±0.2 |
Fertilizer | 0...5 | >±0.2 |
Rubber / fiber / etc. | ||
Vinylon fiber | 0...10 | >±0.2 |
Acrylic fiber | 0...10 | >±0.2 |
Wood chip | 0...10 | >±0.2 |
Paper | 0...10 | >±0.1 |
Material | Range | Accu. |
Wet paper | 40...70 | >±0.5 |
Raw bread crumbs | 30...40 | >±0.7 |
Clay | 0...30 | >±0.3 |
Silica sand | 0...10 | >±0.8 |
Bicarbonate | 0...18 | >±0.6 |
Micro moisture | ||
ABS, PVC powder | 0...1 | >±0.8 |
Granular ferrite | 0...0.5 | >±0.8 |
Thickness [um] | ||
Polyethylene PE | 10...3000 | >+0.2 |
Polypropylene PP | >±0.2 | |
Polyester PET | >±0.2 | |
Vinyl chloride PVC | >±0.2 | |
PVA | >±0.2 | |
EVA | >±0.2 | |
Polystyrene PS | >+0.2 | |
Polycarbonate | >±0.2 | |
Nylon PA | >±0.2 | |
Polyimide PI | >±0.3 | |
TAC film | >±0.2 | |
Coating (g/m2) | ||
Coat-paper | 10...1000 | |
Tuck-paper, label | ||
Adhesive WET/DRY | ||
Resin on steel-board |
Main Screen Displays measured data, trend and alarm value. Displays 4 constituents on one screen. Save data into specified folder, enable to search or read out the data. |
• Measuring system: | Infrared absorption type |
• Measuring wavelength: | Up to 10 wavelengths |
• Measuring component: | Up to 4 constituents |
• Light source: | Tungsten lamp |
• Measuring distance: | 200...400 mm (IRMA 1300:160...300 mm) |
• Measuring diameter: | 50 mm3 / 300 mm (IRMA 1300: 30 mm3/200 mm |
• Analog output: | 4 to 20mADC, ±0.2% of full scale (Load resistance: less than 500Ω) |
• Communications:: | RS485 MODBUS |
• Output renewal cycle: | 28 ms |
• Display [&] setup: | Displays data [&] setup parameter Parameters are configurable by key. |
• Computing:: | 2 or 3-color ratio calculation Multiple regression calculation |
• No. of calibration curve: | Up to 99 curves |
• Calibration curve: | Linear, quadratic, cubic [&] multiple regression line |
• Calibration curve correction: | Linear [&] quadratic co |
• Smoothing (delay): | 0...99 sec |
• Calibration: | By checking plate |
• Detector No. setup: | When multiple detector operation,detector No. is key configurable. |
• Channel No. setup: | Calibration curve No. is key configurable. |
• Self-diagnostic: | Outputs contact signal and communications when abnormal conditions. |
• Correction input: | Compensate measured value by external 4 to 20mA DC (sample temperature, etc.) |
• External Di/o: | Di(contact input) --- Perform either oneof preset, data-hold or real/smoothing Do(contact output) --- Selects self-diagnostic(1b) or Hi/low alarm(1a) |
• Working temperature: | 0 to 50°C (Use dry air cooling if higher than 45°C. Outlet air temperature must be lower than 30°C.) |
• Power supply: | 24V DC supplied from IR-WEP (IR-WEP power supply: 100-240VAC) |
• Power consumption:: | ok. 30 VA |
• Connection: | terminal |
• Casing: | Aluminum casting, drip-proof structure (conforming to IEC529, IP65) |
• Weight: | Approx. 4.3kg |
• Mounting:: | Bolt suspension method with 4 pieces of M8 bolts |
• CE-standards: | EMC directives EN61326+A |
•Input signal | RS485, Up to 9 detectors connectable |
• Analog output: | 4 to 20mADC, 2 output* (Load resistance: less than 500Ω) * When multiple detector operation, outputs for detector No. 1 [&] 2. |
• Communications: | RS232C, RS422 or RS485 |
• Output renewal cycle:: | 28ms × detector number |
Display: | 1) Measured data, LED 5-digit |
2) Detector No., CH. No., Parameter setup | |
• Detector No. setup:: | Detector No.1 to No.9 is key configurable. |
• Calibration curve No. setup | Calibration curve No. is key configurable. |
• Smoothing time: | T = 0,0...9,9 s, 10...99S |
• Calibration:: | Perform calibration by key operation or by external contact in use of checking plate |
• Hold/preset: | Hold or preset the display and output by key operation or external contact. |
• Calibration curve correction: | Online correction of calibration curve Linear or quadratic correction. |
• External setup: | Detector No., CH. No., Calibration,Hold or Preset. |
• Alarm function:: | Outputs contact signal (HCL) beyond setting-range |
• Self-diagnostic: | Outputs contact signal(1b) when abnormal condition With lamp display |
• Power supply: | 100...240VAC 50/60 Hz |
• Power consumption: | max. 15 VA |
• Working ambient: | 0...50 °C |
• Casing: | ABS |
• Protection level | IP65 |
• Mounting: | Panel-mount type |
• Weight:: | Approx. 0.6kg |
• Analog output:: | 1x4...20mA |
• Load resistance: | <500n |
• Power supply:: | 24VDC±10% |
• Power consumption: | About 10VA |
• Measuring distance and diameter: | With lens --- φ25/25mm to φ40/100mm |
Without lens --- φ20/15mm to φ50/50mm | |
• Długość światłowodów: | Standard 1.5m, Max.5m (Reflection type fiber) |
Standard 2m, Max.10m (Transmission type fiber) | |
• Fiber protection: | Stainless steel flexible armour |
• Minimum bending radius: | r= 100 mm |
• Working temperature: | 0...150°C |
• Purge air flow:: | With lens --- Air purge disabled |
Without lens --- 5 to 20L/min | |
• Accessory:: | Vertical mounting holder |
Flange holder |
Analyzer IRMA
Setting display unit IRGMEG2
Power supply unit IR-WEP |
Air purge hood IR-WEA
Output checking plate IR-WEB
Connecting cable IR-WERP
Reflection type fiber |
Reflection type fiber (with lens)
Transmission type fiber
Output checking plate for reflection type fiber IR-WCRB |
Liquid cell IR-WCC
Air-cooling box IR-WEX
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The IM series is an on-line multi IR wavelength Mirror type analyzer utilizing the infrared absorption technology for measuring product constituent and/or thickness. Signal processing capabilities are built into the Compact All-In-One detector unit for easy installation and operation. A maximum of 99 calibration curves can be stored into the detector memory for numerous measurement applications. The detector can be used by itself or connected to a PC/plant control system, as both analog and digital outputs are provided. A remote setting display unit, connectable up to 9 detector units, can be used to setup various detector functions and also displays measured values.
• Measuring moisture of wood chip.
• Measuring the thickness of sheet or film.
• Measuring the organism, moisture and lipid of fodder.
• Measuring the organism, moisture and oil of potato chips.
• Measuring moisture of garbage (RDF moisture).
• Measuring the coating thickness on the painting sheet.
• Measuring moisture of powder.
• Measuring moisture in cleaning solution.
• Measuring moisture of clay.
• Measuring moisture of fiber.
• Measure [&] Control the coating thickness
of Laminate-sheet production line.
• Measure [&] Control the painting thickness.
• Up to 10 wavelengths, capable of measuring 4 constituents such as; moisture, film-thickness, organism, and coating-thickness in real time simultaneously.
• Connectivity to multiple interfaces, RS485 (MODBUS), Ethernet (LAN)
• High-speed [&] High-repeatability (28ms)
• Multi-calculation function
• Self-diagnostic function, easy maintenance.
• Conforms to CE standards and IP-65
Object | Range | Accu. |
General moisture (%) | ||
Glass / pottery / cement | ||
Potter's clay | 0...12 | >±0.3 |
Iron / metal | ||
Coal | 0...15 | >±0.2 |
Mix raw material | 0...10 | >±0.2 |
Iron oxide | 0...10 | >±0.2 |
Foods | ||
Starch | 0...25 | >±0.2 |
Bread-crumbs | 0...20 | >±0.2 |
Soybean | 0...15 | >±0.2 |
Milk powder | 0...5 | >±0.2 |
Sugar / salt | 0...2 | >±0.05 |
Flavouring | 0...10 | >±0.2 |
Tea | 0...15 | >±0.2 |
Chemicals | ||
Catalyst | 0...10 | >±0.2 |
Medium | 0...20 | >±0.2 |
Detergent | 0...15 | >±0.2 |
Ink | 0...5 | >±0.2 |
Fertilizer | 0...5 | >±0.2 |
Rubber / fiber / etc. | ||
Vinylon fiber | 0...10 | >±0.2 |
Acrylic fiber | 0...10 | >±0.2 |
Wood chip | 0...10 | >±0.2 |
Paper | 0...10 | >±0.1 |
Material | Range | Accu. |
Wet paper | 40...70 | >±0.5 |
Raw bread crumbs | 30...40 | >±0.7 |
Clay | 0...30 | >±0.3 |
Silica sand | 0...10 | >±0.8 |
Bicarbonate | 0...18 | >±0.6 |
Micro moisture | ||
ABS, PVC powder | 0...1 | >±0.8 |
Granular ferrite | 0...0.5 | >±0.8 |
Thickness [um] | ||
Polyethylene PE | 10...3000 | >+0.2 |
Polypropylene PP | >±0.2 | |
Polyester PET | >±0.2 | |
Vinyl chloride PVC | >±0.2 | |
PVA | >±0.2 | |
EVA | >±0.2 | |
Polystyrene PS | >+0.2 | |
Polycarbonate | >±0.2 | |
Nylon PA | >±0.2 | |
Polyimide PI | >±0.3 | |
TAC film | >±0.2 | |
Coating (g/m2) | ||
Coat-paper | 10...1000 | |
Tuck-paper, label | ||
Adhesive WET/DRY | ||
Resin on steel-board |
Main Screen Displays measured data, trend and alarm value. Displays 4 constituents on one screen. Save data into specified folder, enable to search or read out the data. |
• Measuring system: | Infrared absorption type |
• Measuring wavelength: | Up to 10 wavelengths |
• Measuring component: | Up to 4 constituents |
• Light source: | Tungsten lamp |
• Measuring distance: | 200...400 mm (IRMA 1300:160...300 mm) |
• Measuring diameter: | 50 mm3 / 300 mm (IRMA 1300: 30 mm3/200 mm |
• Analog output: | 4 to 20mADC, ±0.2% of full scale (Load resistance: less than 500Ω) |
• Communications:: | RS485 MODBUS |
• Output renewal cycle: | 28 ms |
• Display [&] setup: | Displays data [&] setup parameter Parameters are configurable by key. |
• Computing:: | 2 or 3-color ratio calculation Multiple regression calculation |
• No. of calibration curve: | Up to 99 curves |
• Calibration curve: | Linear, quadratic, cubic [&] multiple regression line |
• Calibration curve correction: | Linear [&] quadratic co |
• Smoothing (delay): | 0...99 sec |
• Calibration: | By checking plate |
• Detector No. setup: | When multiple detector operation,detector No. is key configurable. |
• Channel No. setup: | Calibration curve No. is key configurable. |
• Self-diagnostic: | Outputs contact signal and communications when abnormal conditions. |
• Correction input: | Compensate measured value by external 4 to 20mA DC (sample temperature, etc.) |
• External Di/o: | Di(contact input) --- Perform either oneof preset, data-hold or real/smoothing Do(contact output) --- Selects self-diagnostic(1b) or Hi/low alarm(1a) |
• Working temperature: | 0 to 50°C (Use dry air cooling if higher than 45°C. Outlet air temperature must be lower than 30°C.) |
• Power supply: | 24V DC supplied from IR-WEP (IR-WEP power supply: 100-240VAC) |
• Power consumption:: | ok. 30 VA |
• Connection: | terminal |
• Casing: | Aluminum casting, drip-proof structure (conforming to IEC529, IP65) |
• Weight: | Approx. 4.3kg |
• Mounting:: | Bolt suspension method with 4 pieces of M8 bolts |
• CE-standards: | EMC directives EN61326+A |
•Input signal | RS485, Up to 9 detectors connectable |
• Analog output: | 4 to 20mADC, 2 output* (Load resistance: less than 500Ω) * When multiple detector operation, outputs for detector No. 1 [&] 2. |
• Communications: | RS232C, RS422 or RS485 |
• Output renewal cycle:: | 28ms × detector number |
Display: | 1) Measured data, LED 5-digit |
2) Detector No., CH. No., Parameter setup | |
• Detector No. setup:: | Detector No.1 to No.9 is key configurable. |
• Calibration curve No. setup | Calibration curve No. is key configurable. |
• Smoothing time: | T = 0,0...9,9 s, 10...99S |
• Calibration:: | Perform calibration by key operation or by external contact in use of checking plate |
• Hold/preset: | Hold or preset the display and output by key operation or external contact. |
• Calibration curve correction: | Online correction of calibration curve Linear or quadratic correction. |
• External setup: | Detector No., CH. No., Calibration,Hold or Preset. |
• Alarm function:: | Outputs contact signal (HCL) beyond setting-range |
• Self-diagnostic: | Outputs contact signal(1b) when abnormal condition With lamp display |
• Power supply: | 100...240VAC 50/60 Hz |
• Power consumption: | max. 15 VA |
• Working ambient: | 0...50 °C |
• Casing: | ABS |
• Protection level | IP65 |
• Mounting: | Panel-mount type |
• Weight:: | Approx. 0.6kg |
• Analog output:: | 1x4...20mA |
• Load resistance: | <500n |
• Power supply:: | 24VDC±10% |
• Power consumption: | About 10VA |
• Measuring distance and diameter: | With lens --- φ25/25mm to φ40/100mm |
Without lens --- φ20/15mm to φ50/50mm | |
• Długość światłowodów: | Standard 1.5m, Max.5m (Reflection type fiber) |
Standard 2m, Max.10m (Transmission type fiber) | |
• Fiber protection: | Stainless steel flexible armour |
• Minimum bending radius: | r= 100 mm |
• Working temperature: | 0...150°C |
• Purge air flow:: | With lens --- Air purge disabled |
Without lens --- 5 to 20L/min | |
• Accessory:: | Vertical mounting holder |
Flange holder |
Analyzer IRMA
Setting display unit IRGMEG2
Power supply unit IR-WEP |
Air purge hood IR-WEA
Output checking plate IR-WEB
Connecting cable IR-WERP
Reflection type fiber |
Reflection type fiber (with lens)
Transmission type fiber
Output checking plate for reflection type fiber IR-WCRB |
Liquid cell IR-WCC
Air-cooling box IR-WEX
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