EMC elektricky vodivý sprej
  • EMC elektricky vodivý sprej

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EMC elektricky vodivý sprej

Electrically conductive spray paint

To better give the possibility of evaluating the shielding properties on plastic containers it was decided to place a small amount of paint inside of spray cans that with a simple press of the button allows the deposition of the paint.
This deposition is possible with copper base and nickel based paint.
With two different articles one may make an evaluation of the electrical resistance and the electromagnetic shielding. Conductivity and thickness are the two parameters for the identification of the attenuation action on the frequencies. One spray can is very easy to use and does not create any waste of time and may be applied in any environment.

Shielding of electronic and electro-medical apparatus realized with materials transparent to electromagnetic waves.

400 ml spray cans.


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Electrically conductive spray paint

To better give the possibility of evaluating the shielding properties on plastic containers it was decided to place a small amount of paint inside of spray cans that with a simple press of the button allows the deposition of the paint.
This deposition is possible with copper base and nickel based paint.
With two different articles one may make an evaluation of the electrical resistance and the electromagnetic shielding. Conductivity and thickness are the two parameters for the identification of the attenuation action on the frequencies. One spray can is very easy to use and does not create any waste of time and may be applied in any environment.

Shielding of electronic and electro-medical apparatus realized with materials transparent to electromagnetic waves.

400 ml spray cans.

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