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Elektrolytické kondenzátory
- Série ALS30 / 31 a ALS 40/41 - šroubové svorky
- Příslušenství kondenzátorů
- Vývody pro PCB a pájení - řada ALP / T 20
- Vývody pro PCB pro západky - řada ALC 40
- Řada ALS30 / 31, + 85 ° C
- Řada ALS32 / 33, + 85 ° C
- Řada ALS36 / 37, + 85 ° C
- Řada PEH200, + 85 ° C
- Řada ALS40 / 41, + 105 ° C
- Řada ALS42 / 43, + 105 ° C
- Řada PEH205, + 125 ° C
- Řada ALS60 / 61, + 85 ° C
- Řada ALS80 / 81, vysoké CV, + 105 ° C
- Řada ALS70 / 71, vysoké CV, + 85 ° C
In the category of passive elements we deliver: capacitors for engines, electrolytic capacitors, capacitors snubber type, co-axial capacitors, ICEL folic capacitors, and power capacitors.
Regardless of whether you’re buying single products or in huge numbers, we offer full-service delivery. In our offer we deliver products from most reliable suppliers and which went through strict safety tests. Our goal is to provide high quality products and services to all clients.
Aluminum electrolytic capacitor – in a capacitor of this type, dielectrics are aluminum oxides with thickness depending on a rated voltage of a capacitor. Channels of electrolytic capacitors are marked and should be connected with a DC source by a positive electrode to a plus pole, and negative electrode to minul pole. The biggest advantage of electrolytic capacitors is a possibility to acquire a big capacitor’s capacity in proportion to its sizes. It's possible thanks to a huge surface of electrodes and using dielectric with small thickness. The range of rated capacities in the offered capacitors equals from 33 µF to 220 000 µF, and rated voltages from 10V to 500V. These capacitors can be applied in electronic devices. Capacitors for industrial use are a special type of capacitors. These capacitors, thanks to a special construction of electrodes, have small series resistance and impendation values, which allows for acquiring huge current ripples. The range of rated capacities are from 100 µF to 1 500 000 µF, and alternating voltages from 10 V to 500 V. This type of condensators can be used in power electronics, e.g. UPS, inverters, pulse power supplies.