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- Jednofázová střídavá polovodičová relé, 1 řada | D2425 | D2450
- Jednofázová střídavá polovodičová relé řady CWA a CWD
- Jednofázová střídavá polovodičová relé řady CMRA a CMRD
- Jednofázová střídavá polovodičová relé řady PS
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Indukční generátory Ambrell
- Generátory: výkon 500 W, frekvence 150-400 kHz
- Generátory: Výkon 1,2 - 2,4 kW, frekvence 150 - 400 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 4,2 - 10 kW, frekvence 150 - 400 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 10 - 15 kW, frekvence 50 - 150 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 30-45 kW, frekvence 50-150 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 65-135 kW, frekvence 50-150 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 180-270 kW, frekvence 50-150 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 20-50 kW, frekvence 15-45 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 75-150 kW, frekvence 15-45 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 200-500 kW, frekvence 15-45 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 20-50 kW, frekvence 5-15 kHz
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- Generátory (pece) pro tváření a kování řady MFS, frekvence: 0,5-10kHz, výkon: 80-500kW
- Tavicí pece MFS, frekvence: 0,5-10kHz, výkon: 70-200kW
- Generátory řady UHT, frekvence: 200-400kHz, výkon: 10-160kW
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Zone 2 Access Point enclosure system to allow WLAN hardware to be installed in potentially explosive, harsh, wet, and corrosive environments
T4 (-20oC≤Ta≤+65oC)
T5 (-20oC≤Ta≤+30oC)
ATEX II 2D Ex tD A21 IP66 T82ºC (-40oC≤Ta≤+70oC)
Note: ambient temperature depends on whether the enclosure heater or cooler option is fitted
IP66 protection
316L stainless steel construction
Overview The iWAP200 Zone 2 Access Point Enclosure is designed to deploy wirelessnetworks in hazardous areas. The concept allows installation of equipment from leading WLAN vendors such as Cisco, Motorola, Acksys and Firetide. Each type of Access Point or RF transmitting device is rigorously checked and tested by Extronics and our Notified Body to ensure conformity to the ATEX standards and approvals. This means that Extronics can provide an OEM a solution to enable your WLAN network devices to be installed in hazardous areas.
The Extronics iWAP200 is designed for use with one to six standard antennas or Extronics iANT200 series of intrinsically safe antennas for optimum coverage on Chemical Plants, Oil Refineriesor Oil [&] Gas Platforms. Optional features include surge arrestors for lightening suppression in outdoor installations and either single mode or multimode fibre inputs for the Ethernet link distance extension, enclosure heating or cooling for low/ high temperatures and anti-condensation.
Features and Benefits
OEM Hardware Platform
Providing the WLAN Access Point or RFhardware is within certain size and power dissipating constraints plus does not contain sparking components and has been assessed to be compliant we can install the hardware in our factory. See list overleaf for current models.
Rugged Enclosure
Custom enclosure with IP66 ingress protection made from 316L stainless steel for installation in extremely arduous environments. .
Future Proof Infrastructure
As new hardware becomes available it can be assessed byExtronics for compliance to the certification and the existing hardware can be replaced with the new version meaning you are installing a future proof solution.
Power Supply | Uniwersal 90-264V AC, 20-28V DC or IEEE802.3af PoE | |||
Maximum Power Consumption | Without heating or cooling POE 802.3af or 16W for mains or DC power With cooling 21W With heating and cooling 121W |
Enclosure Material | 316L Stainless Steel | |||
Ingress Protection | IP66 | |||
Weight | Ok. 10kg | |||
Dimensions | 390 x 286 x 161mm h. x w. x d.) | |||
Environmental | Typical Operating Temperature (actual temperature range dependant upon access point used): - Without heating or cooling -20oC do 50oC - With cooling -20oC do 60oC - With heating and cooling-40oC do 60oC Storage temperature; do -40oC do 70oC Relative humidity: 0 do 95%, non condensing Note: If fibre option chosen the minimum ambient temperature is 0oC. If a lower ambient temperature is required heaters MUST be fitted |
Input Connections | 115V/230VAC input option on screw terminals 24VDC input option on screw terminals 10/100BaseT Ethernet on RJ45 socket and screw terminals 10/100BaseFX Multimode fibre input option on ST connectors 100BaseLX-10 Single mode fibre on SC connectors |
Output Connections | Up to 6 energy-limited external RF outputs via external N-type RF connectors. Surge arrestors are optional. Customer isto specify the number of required RF outputs | |||
Ethernet Link distance | 10/100Base T Ethernet on Cat5e: up to 0.1km 10/100BaseFX on Multimode Fibre: Up to 2km 100Base-LX10 on Single mode fibre: up to 10km |
Maximum Internal RF Cable Loss (between output of access point and external N-type connector) |
2,4GHz | 5,0GHz | 5,8GHz | |
External N-type output | 1,40dB | 1,90dB | 2,10dB | |
With Surge Arrestor | 1,55dB | 2,05dB | 2,35dB | |
Radio | Dependant upon chosen hardware | |||
Antennas | To be used with up to 6 intrinsically safe antennas (not included) e.g. Extron-ics iANT200 series. Other antennas may be used provided they meet the Ex requirements, please contact Extronics for assistance | |||
ATEX Certificatio | Without Heaters ATEX II 3 G Ex nA nL IIC T3 (-20oC≤Ta≤+70oC) T4 (-20oC≤Ta≤+65oC) T5 (-20oC≤Ta≤+30oC) With Heaters ATEX II 3 G Ex nA nL IIC T3 (-40oC≤Ta≤+70oC) Any Heating Cooling Option ATEX II 2D Ex tD A21 IP66 T82oC (-40oC≤Ta≤+70oC) |
iiWAP200 Zone 2 Access Point Enclosure iWAP200-[#1]-[#2]-[#3]-[#4]-[#5]-[#6]-[#7]-[#8]-[#9]
Specify option [#1] – Wireless Network HardwareHardware supplied by Customer* | C |
Hardware supplied by Extronics | E |
Specify option [#2] – Type OfWireless Network Hardware
Acksys WLG-LINK-OEM | (No heating/Cooling: -20oC to 60oC, with heating/cooling -40oC to 70oC) | 26** |
Firetide 7000 Series MESH Router | (No heating/Cooling: 0oC to 50oC, with heating/cooling -40oC to 60oC) | 30 |
AeroScout Location Receiver | (No heating/Cooling: 0oC to 50oC, with heating/cooling -40oC to 60oC) | 31 |
Cisco AIR-CAP3502E / AIR-CAP3501E | (No heating/Cooling: -20oC to 45oC, with heating/cooling -40oC to 55oC) | 33 |
Aruba AP-92 Series Access Point | (No heating/Cooling: 0oC to 40oC, with heating/cooling -40oC to 50oC) | 42 |
Firetide 4500 Series Access Point | (No heating/Cooling: 0oC to 40oC, with heating/cooling -40oC to 50oC) | 43 |
**(Note: Acksys WLG-LINK-OEM is NOT currently compatible with an 802.3af POE input. For option #3 only AC or DC input may be chosen)
*Extronics can supply the above wireless network hardware, alternatively you may wish to “free issue” one of the above solutions so that we can factory fit it. (“Free Issue” means to supply and deliver to Extronics HQ at your own cost. Please note that due to the fitting process any warranty on the access point may be made invalid)
New hardware not already on the list above will need to be assessed and certified to determine its suitability.
Please note that in order to meet the requirements of the certification Extronics has to take the internal PCB's from the Access Point enclosure and make minor modifications to them. This will invalidate the warranty from the original manufacturer. If you wish the wireless network hardware to have a 12 month warranty like the iWAP200 enclosure system is supplied with then Extronics must supply the wireless hardware. Select order code E for [#1] if you require Extronics to supply the wireless network hardware.
Specify option [#3] – Power Supply
Universal 90-264VAC (If heater option [#7] selected, the unit cannot have a universal voltage, it will be either 115VAC or 230VAC) | AC |
24V DC | DC |
IEEE802.3af compliant Power-Over-Ethernet | POE |
Specify option [#4] – Ethernet Connection
10/100BaseT Ethernet on CAT5 copper | C |
Multimode 10/100BaseFX fibre with ST connector (Note : minimum ambient temperature 0 oC without heaters) | F |
Single mode 100BaseLX-10 fibre with SC connector (Note: minimum ambient temperature 0oC without heaters) | S |
Specify option [#5] – Number of Antenna Outputs for Radio 1
0 off N-type connector | 0 |
1 off N-type connector | 1 |
2 off N-type connector | 2 |
3 off N-type connector | 3 |
1 off N-type connector with surge protector | 1S |
2 off N-type connector with surge protector | 2S |
3 off N-type connector with surge protector | 3S |
Specify option [#6] – Number of Antenna Outputs for Radio 2
0 off N-type connector | 0 |
1 off N-type connector | 1 |
2 off N-type connector | 2 |
3 off N-type connector | 3 |
1 off N-type connector with surge protector | 1S |
2 off N-type connector with surge protector | 2S |
3 off N-type connector with surge protector | 3S |
Specify option [#7] – Enclosure Heating (not compatible with universal 90-264VAC or POE supplies) E)
No enclosure heating - T4/T5 temperature classification | N |
230VAC enclosure heating - T3 temperature classification | H1 |
115VAC enclosure heating - T3 temperature classification | H2 |
24VDC enclosure heating - T3 temperature classification | H3 |
Specify option [#8] - Enclosure cooling (not compatible with POE supply)
No enclosure cooling | N |
Enclosure cooling fitted | C |
Specify option [#9] – Enclosure Cable Entry
Metal compression Cable glands fitted | G |
No Glands fitted, M20 entries provided for installer to provide own glands or blacking plugs/sockets | N |
Pipe mount bracket kit to enable the unit to be fixed to a pipe or rectangular post. (2 kits required for complete fitment) | iWAPMB01 |
Triple Antenna Bracket Kit for iWAP103 / iWAP200,Stainless Steel 316L. | iANTMB05 |
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Zone 2 Access Point enclosure system to allow WLAN hardware to be installed in potentially explosive, harsh, wet, and corrosive environments
T4 (-20oC≤Ta≤+65oC)
T5 (-20oC≤Ta≤+30oC)
ATEX II 2D Ex tD A21 IP66 T82ºC (-40oC≤Ta≤+70oC)
Note: ambient temperature depends on whether the enclosure heater or cooler option is fitted
IP66 protection
316L stainless steel construction
Overview The iWAP200 Zone 2 Access Point Enclosure is designed to deploy wirelessnetworks in hazardous areas. The concept allows installation of equipment from leading WLAN vendors such as Cisco, Motorola, Acksys and Firetide. Each type of Access Point or RF transmitting device is rigorously checked and tested by Extronics and our Notified Body to ensure conformity to the ATEX standards and approvals. This means that Extronics can provide an OEM a solution to enable your WLAN network devices to be installed in hazardous areas.
The Extronics iWAP200 is designed for use with one to six standard antennas or Extronics iANT200 series of intrinsically safe antennas for optimum coverage on Chemical Plants, Oil Refineriesor Oil [&] Gas Platforms. Optional features include surge arrestors for lightening suppression in outdoor installations and either single mode or multimode fibre inputs for the Ethernet link distance extension, enclosure heating or cooling for low/ high temperatures and anti-condensation.
Features and Benefits
OEM Hardware Platform
Providing the WLAN Access Point or RFhardware is within certain size and power dissipating constraints plus does not contain sparking components and has been assessed to be compliant we can install the hardware in our factory. See list overleaf for current models.
Rugged Enclosure
Custom enclosure with IP66 ingress protection made from 316L stainless steel for installation in extremely arduous environments. .
Future Proof Infrastructure
As new hardware becomes available it can be assessed byExtronics for compliance to the certification and the existing hardware can be replaced with the new version meaning you are installing a future proof solution.
Power Supply | Uniwersal 90-264V AC, 20-28V DC or IEEE802.3af PoE | |||
Maximum Power Consumption | Without heating or cooling POE 802.3af or 16W for mains or DC power With cooling 21W With heating and cooling 121W |
Enclosure Material | 316L Stainless Steel | |||
Ingress Protection | IP66 | |||
Weight | Ok. 10kg | |||
Dimensions | 390 x 286 x 161mm h. x w. x d.) | |||
Environmental | Typical Operating Temperature (actual temperature range dependant upon access point used): - Without heating or cooling -20oC do 50oC - With cooling -20oC do 60oC - With heating and cooling-40oC do 60oC Storage temperature; do -40oC do 70oC Relative humidity: 0 do 95%, non condensing Note: If fibre option chosen the minimum ambient temperature is 0oC. If a lower ambient temperature is required heaters MUST be fitted |
Input Connections | 115V/230VAC input option on screw terminals 24VDC input option on screw terminals 10/100BaseT Ethernet on RJ45 socket and screw terminals 10/100BaseFX Multimode fibre input option on ST connectors 100BaseLX-10 Single mode fibre on SC connectors |
Output Connections | Up to 6 energy-limited external RF outputs via external N-type RF connectors. Surge arrestors are optional. Customer isto specify the number of required RF outputs | |||
Ethernet Link distance | 10/100Base T Ethernet on Cat5e: up to 0.1km 10/100BaseFX on Multimode Fibre: Up to 2km 100Base-LX10 on Single mode fibre: up to 10km |
Maximum Internal RF Cable Loss (between output of access point and external N-type connector) |
2,4GHz | 5,0GHz | 5,8GHz | |
External N-type output | 1,40dB | 1,90dB | 2,10dB | |
With Surge Arrestor | 1,55dB | 2,05dB | 2,35dB | |
Radio | Dependant upon chosen hardware | |||
Antennas | To be used with up to 6 intrinsically safe antennas (not included) e.g. Extron-ics iANT200 series. Other antennas may be used provided they meet the Ex requirements, please contact Extronics for assistance | |||
ATEX Certificatio | Without Heaters ATEX II 3 G Ex nA nL IIC T3 (-20oC≤Ta≤+70oC) T4 (-20oC≤Ta≤+65oC) T5 (-20oC≤Ta≤+30oC) With Heaters ATEX II 3 G Ex nA nL IIC T3 (-40oC≤Ta≤+70oC) Any Heating Cooling Option ATEX II 2D Ex tD A21 IP66 T82oC (-40oC≤Ta≤+70oC) |
iiWAP200 Zone 2 Access Point Enclosure iWAP200-[#1]-[#2]-[#3]-[#4]-[#5]-[#6]-[#7]-[#8]-[#9]
Specify option [#1] – Wireless Network HardwareHardware supplied by Customer* | C |
Hardware supplied by Extronics | E |
Specify option [#2] – Type OfWireless Network Hardware
Acksys WLG-LINK-OEM | (No heating/Cooling: -20oC to 60oC, with heating/cooling -40oC to 70oC) | 26** |
Firetide 7000 Series MESH Router | (No heating/Cooling: 0oC to 50oC, with heating/cooling -40oC to 60oC) | 30 |
AeroScout Location Receiver | (No heating/Cooling: 0oC to 50oC, with heating/cooling -40oC to 60oC) | 31 |
Cisco AIR-CAP3502E / AIR-CAP3501E | (No heating/Cooling: -20oC to 45oC, with heating/cooling -40oC to 55oC) | 33 |
Aruba AP-92 Series Access Point | (No heating/Cooling: 0oC to 40oC, with heating/cooling -40oC to 50oC) | 42 |
Firetide 4500 Series Access Point | (No heating/Cooling: 0oC to 40oC, with heating/cooling -40oC to 50oC) | 43 |
**(Note: Acksys WLG-LINK-OEM is NOT currently compatible with an 802.3af POE input. For option #3 only AC or DC input may be chosen)
*Extronics can supply the above wireless network hardware, alternatively you may wish to “free issue” one of the above solutions so that we can factory fit it. (“Free Issue” means to supply and deliver to Extronics HQ at your own cost. Please note that due to the fitting process any warranty on the access point may be made invalid)
New hardware not already on the list above will need to be assessed and certified to determine its suitability.
Please note that in order to meet the requirements of the certification Extronics has to take the internal PCB's from the Access Point enclosure and make minor modifications to them. This will invalidate the warranty from the original manufacturer. If you wish the wireless network hardware to have a 12 month warranty like the iWAP200 enclosure system is supplied with then Extronics must supply the wireless hardware. Select order code E for [#1] if you require Extronics to supply the wireless network hardware.
Specify option [#3] – Power Supply
Universal 90-264VAC (If heater option [#7] selected, the unit cannot have a universal voltage, it will be either 115VAC or 230VAC) | AC |
24V DC | DC |
IEEE802.3af compliant Power-Over-Ethernet | POE |
Specify option [#4] – Ethernet Connection
10/100BaseT Ethernet on CAT5 copper | C |
Multimode 10/100BaseFX fibre with ST connector (Note : minimum ambient temperature 0 oC without heaters) | F |
Single mode 100BaseLX-10 fibre with SC connector (Note: minimum ambient temperature 0oC without heaters) | S |
Specify option [#5] – Number of Antenna Outputs for Radio 1
0 off N-type connector | 0 |
1 off N-type connector | 1 |
2 off N-type connector | 2 |
3 off N-type connector | 3 |
1 off N-type connector with surge protector | 1S |
2 off N-type connector with surge protector | 2S |
3 off N-type connector with surge protector | 3S |
Specify option [#6] – Number of Antenna Outputs for Radio 2
0 off N-type connector | 0 |
1 off N-type connector | 1 |
2 off N-type connector | 2 |
3 off N-type connector | 3 |
1 off N-type connector with surge protector | 1S |
2 off N-type connector with surge protector | 2S |
3 off N-type connector with surge protector | 3S |
Specify option [#7] – Enclosure Heating (not compatible with universal 90-264VAC or POE supplies) E)
No enclosure heating - T4/T5 temperature classification | N |
230VAC enclosure heating - T3 temperature classification | H1 |
115VAC enclosure heating - T3 temperature classification | H2 |
24VDC enclosure heating - T3 temperature classification | H3 |
Specify option [#8] - Enclosure cooling (not compatible with POE supply)
No enclosure cooling | N |
Enclosure cooling fitted | C |
Specify option [#9] – Enclosure Cable Entry
Metal compression Cable glands fitted | G |
No Glands fitted, M20 entries provided for installer to provide own glands or blacking plugs/sockets | N |
Pipe mount bracket kit to enable the unit to be fixed to a pipe or rectangular post. (2 kits required for complete fitment) | iWAPMB01 |
Triple Antenna Bracket Kit for iWAP103 / iWAP200,Stainless Steel 316L. | iANTMB05 |
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