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- LED diody
- Tyristory
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- Tranzistory | GeneSiC
- SiC MOSFET moduly | Mitsubishi
- Tranzistorové moduly | MITSUBISHI
- Tranzistorové moduly | ABB
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Měniče proudu a napětí LEM
Měniče proudu | LEM
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- Měnič proudu s otevřenou zpětnou vazbou (O / L)
- Měnič proudu napájený unipolárním napětím
- Převodníky v technologii Eta
- Vysoce přesné měniče proudu řady LF xx10
- Měniče proudu řady LH
- HOYS a HOYL - určené pro přímou montáž na vodičovou lištu
- Měniče proudu v technologii SMD řady GO-SME a GO-SMS
- AUTOMOTIVE převodníky proudu
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- Převodníky napětí | LEM
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Měniče proudu | LEM
Pasivní součásti (kondenzátory, rezistory, pojistky, filtry)
- Rezistory
- Miniaturní pojistky pro elektronické obvody řady ABC a AGC
- Trubkové rychle působící pojistky
- Pojistkové vložky s časovým zpožděním s charakteristikami GL / GG a AM
- Ultrarychlé pojistkové články
- Rychle působící pojistky (britský a americký standard)
- Rychle působící pojistky (evropský standard)
- Pojistky pojezdu
- Pojistkové vložky vysokého napětí
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- Motorové kondenzátory
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- Filmové kondenzátory
- Výkonové kondenzátory
- Kondenzátory pro stejnosměrné obvody
- Kondenzátory korekce účiníku
- Vysokonapěťové kondenzátory
- Indukční topné kondenzátory
- Kondenzátory pulsu a energie
- DC LINK kondenzátory
- Kondenzátory pro AC / DC obvody
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- EMI filtry
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Relé a stykače
- Teorie relé a stykačů
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- 3fázová střídavá polovodičová relé
- Regulátory, ovládací prvky a příslušenství
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- Stykače
- Otočné spínače
Jednofázová střídavá polovodičová relé
- Jednofázová střídavá polovodičová relé, 1 řada | D2425 | D2450
- Jednofázová střídavá polovodičová relé řady CWA a CWD
- Jednofázová střídavá polovodičová relé řady CMRA a CMRD
- Jednofázová střídavá polovodičová relé řady PS
- Dvojitá a čtyřnásobná střídavá polovodičová relé řady D24 D, TD24 Q, H12D48 D.
- Jednofázová polovodičová relé řady GN
- Jednofázová střídavá polovodičová relé řady CKR
- Jednofázová AC relé na lištu DIN řady ERDA A ERAA
- Jednofázová AC relé pro proud 150 A.
- Dvojitá polovodičová relé integrovaná s chladičem pro lištu DIN
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Baterie, nabíječky, vyrovnávací zdroje a střídače
- Baterie, nabíječky - teoretický popis
- Lithium-iontové baterie. Vlastní baterie. Systém správy baterií (BMS)
- Baterie
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- Záložní zdroj UPS a vyrovnávací napájecí zdroje
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- LED displeje
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- Zapisovač AL3000
- Rekordér KR2000
- Rekordér KR5000
- Měřič HN-CH s funkcí registrace vlhkosti a teploty
- Spotřební materiál pro zapisovače
- Rekordér 71VR1
- Zapisovač KR 3000
- Počítačové rekordéry řady R1M
- Počítačové rekordéry řady R2M
- PC rekordér, 12 izolovaných vstupů - RZMS-U9
- PC rekordér, USB, 12 izolovaných vstupů - RZUS
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Kabely, dráty, vodiče, flexibilní připojení
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- lanka
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- prýmky byt
- prýmky kolo
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- Velmi flexibilní opletení - Round
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- Mědí štít a válcové
- Flexibilní zemnící pásky
- Opletení válcovité pozinkované a nerezové oceli
- PVC izolované měděné pletivo - teplota 85 ° C
- Ploché pletené hliníkové
- Connection Kit - prýmky a trubky
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- Příslušenství pro trakční
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- Měření a regulace teploty
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- Průmyslová automatizace
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Montaż urządzeń
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Průmyslové testery
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- Tester automobilových pojistek
- Qrr tester pro měření přechodného náboje v tyristorech a výkonových diodách
- Zkoušečka rotorů jističů řady FD
- Auditor testeru zařízení na zbytkový proud
- Zkoušečka kalibrace relé
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Modernizacja induktorów
Indukční zařízení
Urządzenia indukcyjne
Indukční topné generátory
Indukční generátory Ambrell
- Generátory: výkon 500 W, frekvence 150-400 kHz
- Generátory: Výkon 1,2 - 2,4 kW, frekvence 150 - 400 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 4,2 - 10 kW, frekvence 150 - 400 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 10 - 15 kW, frekvence 50 - 150 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 30-45 kW, frekvence 50-150 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 65-135 kW, frekvence 50-150 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 180-270 kW, frekvence 50-150 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 20-50 kW, frekvence 15-45 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 75-150 kW, frekvence 15-45 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 200-500 kW, frekvence 15-45 kHz
- Generátory: výkon 20-50 kW, frekvence 5-15 kHz
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- Indukční topné generátory Denki Kogyo
Indukční topné generátory JKZ
- Generátory řady CX, frekvence: 50-120kHz, výkon: 5-25kW
- Generátory řady SWS, frekvence: 15-30kHz, výkon: 25-260kW
- Generátory (pece) pro tváření a kování řady MFS, frekvence: 0,5-10kHz, výkon: 80-500kW
- Tavicí pece MFS, frekvence: 0,5-10kHz, výkon: 70-200kW
- Generátory řady UHT, frekvence: 200-400kHz, výkon: 10-160kW
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- Generátory světel pro indukční ohřev
- Indukční topné generátory Himmelwerk
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Indukční generátory Ambrell
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Indukční topné generátory
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- Opravy výkonové elektroniky, elektroniky a automatizačních zařízení
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Fotografie slouží pouze pro informační účely. Zobrazit specifikaci produktu
please use latin characters
• Current vector control
• High starting torque (200% / 0.5 Hz)
• 1:100 speed control range
• Double rating ND 120%/1min and HD 150%/1 min
• IM[&]PM motor control
• Online Tuning
• Low-noise Low carrier technology
• 10 years lifetime design
• Built-in filter
• Screw-less terminals
• Control Terminals with memory backup
• 24 VDC control board power supply option
• Fieldbus communications: Modbus, Profibus, CanOpen, DeviceNet, Lonworks, CompoNet, Ethernet, ML-II
• Safety embedded: EN954-1 safety cat. 3, EN6158 SIL II and EN60204-1 Stop category 0
• CE, UL, cUL and TUV
• 200 V Class single-phase 0.1 to 4 kW
• 200 V Class three-phase 0.1 to 15 kW
• 400 V Class three-phase 0.2 to 15 kW
V | V1000 series |
Z |
Z: European standard
specifications |
A |
A: Standard specs
B |
B: Single-phase 200 VAC 2: Three-phase 200 VAC 4: Three-phase 400 VAC |
O P 1 |
[”P” indicates a decimal point]
Max. applicable motor output 0P1: 0.1 kW ~ 015: 15 kW |
B |
Enclosure, Fin, Filter:
B: IP20 without top cover F: Nema 1 E: IP20 without top cover and C3 filter |
A |
Coating specs:
A: Standard |
A | Version |
Single-phase:: VZ-@ | B0P1 | B0P2 | B0P4 | B0P7 | B1P5 | B2P2 | B4P0 | - | - | - | - | |
Three-phase: VZ-@ | 20P1 | 20P2 | 20P4 | 20P7 | 21P5 | 22P2 | 24P0 | 25P5 | 27P5 | 2011 | 2015 | |
Motor [ kW]1 | For HD setting | 0,12 | 0,25 | 0,4 | 0,75 | 1,5 | 2,2 | 4,0 | 5,5 | 7,5 | 11 | 15 |
For ND setting | 0,18 | 0,37 | 0,75 | 1,1 | 2,2 | 3,0 | 5,5 | 7,5 | 11 | 15 | 18,5 | |
Output characteristics |
Inverter capacity kVA | 0,3 | 0,6 | 1,1 | 1,9 | 3,0 | 4,2 | 6,7 | 9,5 | 13 | 18 | 23 |
Rated output current (A) at HD | 0,8 | 1,6 | 3,0 | 5,0 | 8,0 | 11,0 | 17,5 | 25,0 | 33,0 | 47,0 | 60,0 | |
Rated output current (A) at ND | 1,2 | 1,9 | 3,5 | 6,0 | 9,6 | 12,0 | 21,0 | 30,0 | 40,0 | 56,0 | 69,0 | |
Max. output voltage | Proportional to input voltage: 0..240 V | |||||||||||
Max. output frequency | 400 Hz | |||||||||||
Power supply |
Rated input voltage and frequency |
Single-phase 200..240 V 50/60 Hz 3-phase 200..240 V 50/60 Hz |
Allowable voltage fluctuation |
-15% - +10% | |||||||||||
Allowable frequency fluctuation |
+5% |
1) Based on a standard 4-pole motor for maximum applicable motor output:
Heavy Duty (HD) mode with a 150% overload capacity
Normal Duty (ND) mode with a 120% overlaod capacity
Three-phase: VZ-@ | 40P2 | 40P4 | 40P7 | 41P5 | 42P2 | 43PO | 44P0 | 45P5 | 47P5 | 4011 | 4015 | |
Motor [ kW]1 | For HD setting | 0,2 | 0,4 | 0,75 | 1,5 | 2,2 | 3,0 | 4,0 | 5,5 | 7,5 | 11 | 15 |
For ND setting | 0,37 | 0,75 | 1,5 | 2,2 | 3,0 | 3,7 | 5,5 | 7,5 | 11 | 15 | 18,5 | |
Output characteristics |
Inverter capacity [kVA] | 0,9 | 1,4 | 2,6 | 3,7 | 4,2 | 5,5 | 7,2 | 9,2 | 14,8 | 18 | 24 |
Rated output current (A) at HD | 1,2 | 1,8 | 3,4 | 4,8 | 5,5 | 7,2 | 9,2 | 14,8 | 18 | 24 | 31 | |
Rated output current (A) at ND | 1,2 | 2,1 | 4,1 | 5,4 | 6,9 | 8,8 | 11,1 | 17,5 | 23 | 31 | 38 | |
Max. output voltage | 0..480V (proportional to input voltage) | |||||||||||
Max. output frequency | 400 Hz | |||||||||||
Power supply |
Rated input voltage and frequency |
3-phase 380..480 VAC, 50/60 Hz | ||||||||||
Allowable voltage fluctuation |
-15% do +10% | |||||||||||
Allowable frequency fluctuation |
+5% |
Heavy Duty (HD) mode with a 150% overload capacity
Normal Duty (ND) mode with a 120% overlaod capacity.
Model number VZ-D | Specifications | |
Control functions | Control methods Sine wave PWM (V/f control, sensorless current vector control) | |
Output frequency range | 0,1-400 Hz | |
Frequency tolerance | Digital set value: ±0.01% (-10..+50 ºC) | |
Analogue set value: ±0.1% (25 ±10 ºC) | ||
Resolution of frequency set value | Digital set value: 0.01 Hz (<100 Hz), 0.1 Hz (>100 Hz) | |
Analogue set value: 1/1000 of maximum frequency | ||
Resolution of output frequency 0.01 Hz | 0,01 Hz | |
Overload capability | Heavy duty use: 150% rated output current for one minute Normal duty use: 120% rated output current for one minute |
Frequency set value | 0..10 V (20 kΩ), 4..20 mA (250 Ω), 0..20 mA (250 Ω) Pulse train input, frequency setting value (selectable) |
Braking torque (short term peak torque) |
Short-term average deceleration torque: 150% (up 1.5 kW), 100% (for 1.5 kW), 50% (for 2.2 kW), 20% (fof bigger size) Continous regenerative torque: Aprox 20% (125% with optional braking resistor, 10%ED, 10 s, braking transistor built itn) |
V/f Characteristics | Possible to program any V/f pattern | |
Inputs signals | Seven of the following input signals are selectable: Forward/reverse run (3-wire sequence), fault reset, external fault (NO/NC contact input), multi-step speed operation, Jog command, accel/decel time select, external baseblock, speed search command, UP/DOWN command, accel/decel hold command, LOCAL/REMOTE selection, communication/control circuit terminal selection, mergency stop fault, emergency stop alarm, self test |
Output signals | Following output signals are selectable (NO/NC contact output, 2 photo-coupler outputs): Fault, running, zero speed, speed agree, frequency detection (output frequency <= or => set value), during overtorque detection, minor error, during baseblock, operation mode, inverter run ready, during fault retry, during undervoltage detection, reverse running, during speed search, data output through communication. |
Standard functions | Open-loop vector control, full-range automatic torque boost, slip compensation, 17-step speed operation (max.), restart after momentary power loss, DC injection braking current at stop/start (50% of inverter rated current, 0.5 sec, or less), frequency reference bias/gain, MEMOBUS communications (RS-485/422, max. 115K bps), fault retry, speed search, frequency upper/ lower limit setting, overtorque detection, frequency jump, accel/decel time switch, accel/decel prohibited, S-curve accel/decel, PID control, energy-saving control, constant copy. |
Analogue inputs | 2 analogue inputs, 0..10 V, 4..20 mA, 0..20 mA | |
Braking/acceleration times 0.01..6000 s | ||
Display | Optionally frequency, current or set value | |
Error and status LED | ||
Motor overload protection Electronic thermal overload relay | ||
Instantaneous overcurrent | Motor coasts to a stop if DC bus voltage exceed 410 V (double for 400 V class) | |
Overload | Heavy Duty: Motor coasts to a stop after 1 minute at 150% of inverter rated output current Normal Duty: Motor coasts to a stop after 1 minute at 120% of inverter rated output current |
Overvoltage | Motor coasts to a stop if DC bus voltage exceed 410 V (double for 400 V class) | |
Undervoltage | Stops when DC bus voltage is approx. 190 V or less (double for 400 V class) (approx. 150 V or less for single-phase series) |
Momentary power loss | Following items are selectable: not provided (stop if power loss is 15 ms or longer), continuous operation if power loss is approx. 0.5 s or shorter, continuous operation |
Cooling fin overheat | Protected by thermister | |
Stall prevention level | Stall prevention level Stall prevention during acceleration/deceleration and constant speed operation | |
Ground fault | Protected by electronic circuit (operation level is approx. 250% of rated output current) | |
Power charge indication | Indicates until the main circuit voltage reaches 50 V. | |
Degree of protection | IP20, NEMA1 | |
Cooling | Cooling fan is provided for 200 V, 0.75 kW (1HP) (3/single-phase) 400 V, 1.5 kW (2HP) (3-phase), others are self-cooling |
Ambient humidity | 95% RH or less (without condensation) | |
Storage temperature | -20 ºC..+60 ºC (short-term temperature during transportation) | |
Installation | Indoor (no corrosive gas, dust, etc.) | |
Installation height Max. 1000 m | Maks. 1000 m | |
Vibration | Up to 9.8 m/s2 at 10 to less than 20 Hz, Up to 6.37 m/s2 at 20 to 50 Hz |
IP 20 type 0,1 do 4 kW
Drawing 1
Drawing 2
Voltage class | Max. applicable motor output kW [kW] |
Inverter model VZA | Drawing | Dimensions in mm | Masa | |||||||||
W1 | H1 | W | H | D | tl | H2 | D1 | H3 | H4 | |||||
Single-phase 200 V |
0,12 | B0P1 | 1 | 56 | 118 | 68 | 128 | 76 | 3 | 5 | 6,5 | 0,6 | ||
0,25 | B0P2 | 0,7 | ||||||||||||
0,55 | B0P4 | 108 | 5 | 38,5 | 1,0 | |||||||||
1,1 | B0P7 | 2 | 96 | 108 | 137,5 | 58 | 1,5 | |||||||
1 5 | B1P5 | 154 | 1 5 | |||||||||||
2,2 | B2P2 | 128 | 140 | 163 | 65 | 2,1 | ||||||||
4,0 | B4P0 | W trakcie opracowania | ||||||||||||
Three-phase 200V |
0,12 | 30P1 | 1 | 56 | 118 | 68 | 128 | 76 | 3 | 5 | 6,5 | - | - | 06 |
0,25 | 20P2 | 0,6 | ||||||||||||
0,55 | 20P4 | 108 | 5 | 38,5 | 0,9 | |||||||||
1 1 | 30P7 | 128 | 1 1 | |||||||||||
1,5 | 21P5 | 2 | 96 | 108 | 129 | 58 | 1,3 | |||||||
2,2 | 22P2 | 137,5 | 1,4 | |||||||||||
40 | 34P0 | 128 | 140 | 143 | 65 | 2,1 | ||||||||
5,5 | 25P5 | 3 | 122 | 248 | 140 | 254 | 140 | - | 6 | 55 | 13 | 6,2 | 3,0 | |
7,5 | 27P5 | 3,8 | ||||||||||||
11 | 9011 | 160 | 284 | 180 | 290 | 163 | 8 | 75 | 15 | 5,5 | ||||
15 | 2015 | 192 | 336 | 220 | 358 | 187 | 7 | 78 | ' | 9,2 | ||||
Three-phase 400V |
0,37 | 40P2 | 2 | 96 | 118 | 108 | 128 | 81 | 5 | 5 | 10 | - | 0,8 | |
0,55 | 40P4 | 99 | 78 | 1 0 | ||||||||||
1,1 | 40P4 | 137,5 | 58 | 1,4 | ||||||||||
1,5 | 41P5 | 154 | 1,5 | |||||||||||
3 3 | 43P3 | 1 5 | ||||||||||||
3,0 | 43P0 | 1,5 | ||||||||||||
4,0 | 44P0 | 128 | 140 | 143 | 65 | 2,1 | ||||||||
5,5 | 45P5 | 3 | 122 | 248 | 140 | 254 | 140 | " | 6 | 55 | 13 | 6 | 3,8 | |
7,5 | 47P5 | 6,2 | 3,8 | |||||||||||
11 | 4011 | 160 | 284 | 180 | 290 | 143 | 8 | 15 | 6 | 5,2 | ||||
15 | 4015 | 163 | 75 | 5,5 |
V1000 + Option board (Communication and 24V DC power supply)
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• Current vector control
• High starting torque (200% / 0.5 Hz)
• 1:100 speed control range
• Double rating ND 120%/1min and HD 150%/1 min
• IM[&]PM motor control
• Online Tuning
• Low-noise Low carrier technology
• 10 years lifetime design
• Built-in filter
• Screw-less terminals
• Control Terminals with memory backup
• 24 VDC control board power supply option
• Fieldbus communications: Modbus, Profibus, CanOpen, DeviceNet, Lonworks, CompoNet, Ethernet, ML-II
• Safety embedded: EN954-1 safety cat. 3, EN6158 SIL II and EN60204-1 Stop category 0
• CE, UL, cUL and TUV
• 200 V Class single-phase 0.1 to 4 kW
• 200 V Class three-phase 0.1 to 15 kW
• 400 V Class three-phase 0.2 to 15 kW
V | V1000 series |
Z |
Z: European standard
specifications |
A |
A: Standard specs
B |
B: Single-phase 200 VAC 2: Three-phase 200 VAC 4: Three-phase 400 VAC |
O P 1 |
[”P” indicates a decimal point]
Max. applicable motor output 0P1: 0.1 kW ~ 015: 15 kW |
B |
Enclosure, Fin, Filter:
B: IP20 without top cover F: Nema 1 E: IP20 without top cover and C3 filter |
A |
Coating specs:
A: Standard |
A | Version |
Single-phase:: VZ-@ | B0P1 | B0P2 | B0P4 | B0P7 | B1P5 | B2P2 | B4P0 | - | - | - | - | |
Three-phase: VZ-@ | 20P1 | 20P2 | 20P4 | 20P7 | 21P5 | 22P2 | 24P0 | 25P5 | 27P5 | 2011 | 2015 | |
Motor [ kW]1 | For HD setting | 0,12 | 0,25 | 0,4 | 0,75 | 1,5 | 2,2 | 4,0 | 5,5 | 7,5 | 11 | 15 |
For ND setting | 0,18 | 0,37 | 0,75 | 1,1 | 2,2 | 3,0 | 5,5 | 7,5 | 11 | 15 | 18,5 | |
Output characteristics |
Inverter capacity kVA | 0,3 | 0,6 | 1,1 | 1,9 | 3,0 | 4,2 | 6,7 | 9,5 | 13 | 18 | 23 |
Rated output current (A) at HD | 0,8 | 1,6 | 3,0 | 5,0 | 8,0 | 11,0 | 17,5 | 25,0 | 33,0 | 47,0 | 60,0 | |
Rated output current (A) at ND | 1,2 | 1,9 | 3,5 | 6,0 | 9,6 | 12,0 | 21,0 | 30,0 | 40,0 | 56,0 | 69,0 | |
Max. output voltage | Proportional to input voltage: 0..240 V | |||||||||||
Max. output frequency | 400 Hz | |||||||||||
Power supply |
Rated input voltage and frequency |
Single-phase 200..240 V 50/60 Hz 3-phase 200..240 V 50/60 Hz |
Allowable voltage fluctuation |
-15% - +10% | |||||||||||
Allowable frequency fluctuation |
+5% |
1) Based on a standard 4-pole motor for maximum applicable motor output:
Heavy Duty (HD) mode with a 150% overload capacity
Normal Duty (ND) mode with a 120% overlaod capacity
Three-phase: VZ-@ | 40P2 | 40P4 | 40P7 | 41P5 | 42P2 | 43PO | 44P0 | 45P5 | 47P5 | 4011 | 4015 | |
Motor [ kW]1 | For HD setting | 0,2 | 0,4 | 0,75 | 1,5 | 2,2 | 3,0 | 4,0 | 5,5 | 7,5 | 11 | 15 |
For ND setting | 0,37 | 0,75 | 1,5 | 2,2 | 3,0 | 3,7 | 5,5 | 7,5 | 11 | 15 | 18,5 | |
Output characteristics |
Inverter capacity [kVA] | 0,9 | 1,4 | 2,6 | 3,7 | 4,2 | 5,5 | 7,2 | 9,2 | 14,8 | 18 | 24 |
Rated output current (A) at HD | 1,2 | 1,8 | 3,4 | 4,8 | 5,5 | 7,2 | 9,2 | 14,8 | 18 | 24 | 31 | |
Rated output current (A) at ND | 1,2 | 2,1 | 4,1 | 5,4 | 6,9 | 8,8 | 11,1 | 17,5 | 23 | 31 | 38 | |
Max. output voltage | 0..480V (proportional to input voltage) | |||||||||||
Max. output frequency | 400 Hz | |||||||||||
Power supply |
Rated input voltage and frequency |
3-phase 380..480 VAC, 50/60 Hz | ||||||||||
Allowable voltage fluctuation |
-15% do +10% | |||||||||||
Allowable frequency fluctuation |
+5% |
Heavy Duty (HD) mode with a 150% overload capacity
Normal Duty (ND) mode with a 120% overlaod capacity.
Model number VZ-D | Specifications | |
Control functions | Control methods Sine wave PWM (V/f control, sensorless current vector control) | |
Output frequency range | 0,1-400 Hz | |
Frequency tolerance | Digital set value: ±0.01% (-10..+50 ºC) | |
Analogue set value: ±0.1% (25 ±10 ºC) | ||
Resolution of frequency set value | Digital set value: 0.01 Hz (<100 Hz), 0.1 Hz (>100 Hz) | |
Analogue set value: 1/1000 of maximum frequency | ||
Resolution of output frequency 0.01 Hz | 0,01 Hz | |
Overload capability | Heavy duty use: 150% rated output current for one minute Normal duty use: 120% rated output current for one minute |
Frequency set value | 0..10 V (20 kΩ), 4..20 mA (250 Ω), 0..20 mA (250 Ω) Pulse train input, frequency setting value (selectable) |
Braking torque (short term peak torque) |
Short-term average deceleration torque: 150% (up 1.5 kW), 100% (for 1.5 kW), 50% (for 2.2 kW), 20% (fof bigger size) Continous regenerative torque: Aprox 20% (125% with optional braking resistor, 10%ED, 10 s, braking transistor built itn) |
V/f Characteristics | Possible to program any V/f pattern | |
Inputs signals | Seven of the following input signals are selectable: Forward/reverse run (3-wire sequence), fault reset, external fault (NO/NC contact input), multi-step speed operation, Jog command, accel/decel time select, external baseblock, speed search command, UP/DOWN command, accel/decel hold command, LOCAL/REMOTE selection, communication/control circuit terminal selection, mergency stop fault, emergency stop alarm, self test |
Output signals | Following output signals are selectable (NO/NC contact output, 2 photo-coupler outputs): Fault, running, zero speed, speed agree, frequency detection (output frequency <= or => set value), during overtorque detection, minor error, during baseblock, operation mode, inverter run ready, during fault retry, during undervoltage detection, reverse running, during speed search, data output through communication. |
Standard functions | Open-loop vector control, full-range automatic torque boost, slip compensation, 17-step speed operation (max.), restart after momentary power loss, DC injection braking current at stop/start (50% of inverter rated current, 0.5 sec, or less), frequency reference bias/gain, MEMOBUS communications (RS-485/422, max. 115K bps), fault retry, speed search, frequency upper/ lower limit setting, overtorque detection, frequency jump, accel/decel time switch, accel/decel prohibited, S-curve accel/decel, PID control, energy-saving control, constant copy. |
Analogue inputs | 2 analogue inputs, 0..10 V, 4..20 mA, 0..20 mA | |
Braking/acceleration times 0.01..6000 s | ||
Display | Optionally frequency, current or set value | |
Error and status LED | ||
Motor overload protection Electronic thermal overload relay | ||
Instantaneous overcurrent | Motor coasts to a stop if DC bus voltage exceed 410 V (double for 400 V class) | |
Overload | Heavy Duty: Motor coasts to a stop after 1 minute at 150% of inverter rated output current Normal Duty: Motor coasts to a stop after 1 minute at 120% of inverter rated output current |
Overvoltage | Motor coasts to a stop if DC bus voltage exceed 410 V (double for 400 V class) | |
Undervoltage | Stops when DC bus voltage is approx. 190 V or less (double for 400 V class) (approx. 150 V or less for single-phase series) |
Momentary power loss | Following items are selectable: not provided (stop if power loss is 15 ms or longer), continuous operation if power loss is approx. 0.5 s or shorter, continuous operation |
Cooling fin overheat | Protected by thermister | |
Stall prevention level | Stall prevention level Stall prevention during acceleration/deceleration and constant speed operation | |
Ground fault | Protected by electronic circuit (operation level is approx. 250% of rated output current) | |
Power charge indication | Indicates until the main circuit voltage reaches 50 V. | |
Degree of protection | IP20, NEMA1 | |
Cooling | Cooling fan is provided for 200 V, 0.75 kW (1HP) (3/single-phase) 400 V, 1.5 kW (2HP) (3-phase), others are self-cooling |
Ambient humidity | 95% RH or less (without condensation) | |
Storage temperature | -20 ºC..+60 ºC (short-term temperature during transportation) | |
Installation | Indoor (no corrosive gas, dust, etc.) | |
Installation height Max. 1000 m | Maks. 1000 m | |
Vibration | Up to 9.8 m/s2 at 10 to less than 20 Hz, Up to 6.37 m/s2 at 20 to 50 Hz |
IP 20 type 0,1 do 4 kW
Drawing 1
Drawing 2
Voltage class | Max. applicable motor output kW [kW] |
Inverter model VZA | Drawing | Dimensions in mm | Masa | |||||||||
W1 | H1 | W | H | D | tl | H2 | D1 | H3 | H4 | |||||
Single-phase 200 V |
0,12 | B0P1 | 1 | 56 | 118 | 68 | 128 | 76 | 3 | 5 | 6,5 | 0,6 | ||
0,25 | B0P2 | 0,7 | ||||||||||||
0,55 | B0P4 | 108 | 5 | 38,5 | 1,0 | |||||||||
1,1 | B0P7 | 2 | 96 | 108 | 137,5 | 58 | 1,5 | |||||||
1 5 | B1P5 | 154 | 1 5 | |||||||||||
2,2 | B2P2 | 128 | 140 | 163 | 65 | 2,1 | ||||||||
4,0 | B4P0 | W trakcie opracowania | ||||||||||||
Three-phase 200V |
0,12 | 30P1 | 1 | 56 | 118 | 68 | 128 | 76 | 3 | 5 | 6,5 | - | - | 06 |
0,25 | 20P2 | 0,6 | ||||||||||||
0,55 | 20P4 | 108 | 5 | 38,5 | 0,9 | |||||||||
1 1 | 30P7 | 128 | 1 1 | |||||||||||
1,5 | 21P5 | 2 | 96 | 108 | 129 | 58 | 1,3 | |||||||
2,2 | 22P2 | 137,5 | 1,4 | |||||||||||
40 | 34P0 | 128 | 140 | 143 | 65 | 2,1 | ||||||||
5,5 | 25P5 | 3 | 122 | 248 | 140 | 254 | 140 | - | 6 | 55 | 13 | 6,2 | 3,0 | |
7,5 | 27P5 | 3,8 | ||||||||||||
11 | 9011 | 160 | 284 | 180 | 290 | 163 | 8 | 75 | 15 | 5,5 | ||||
15 | 2015 | 192 | 336 | 220 | 358 | 187 | 7 | 78 | ' | 9,2 | ||||
Three-phase 400V |
0,37 | 40P2 | 2 | 96 | 118 | 108 | 128 | 81 | 5 | 5 | 10 | - | 0,8 | |
0,55 | 40P4 | 99 | 78 | 1 0 | ||||||||||
1,1 | 40P4 | 137,5 | 58 | 1,4 | ||||||||||
1,5 | 41P5 | 154 | 1,5 | |||||||||||
3 3 | 43P3 | 1 5 | ||||||||||||
3,0 | 43P0 | 1,5 | ||||||||||||
4,0 | 44P0 | 128 | 140 | 143 | 65 | 2,1 | ||||||||
5,5 | 45P5 | 3 | 122 | 248 | 140 | 254 | 140 | " | 6 | 55 | 13 | 6 | 3,8 | |
7,5 | 47P5 | 6,2 | 3,8 | |||||||||||
11 | 4011 | 160 | 284 | 180 | 290 | 143 | 8 | 15 | 6 | 5,2 | ||||
15 | 4015 | 163 | 75 | 5,5 |
V1000 + Option board (Communication and 24V DC power supply)
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