J2102A - transformátor chránící proti hmotnostní smyčce
  • J2102A - transformátor chránící proti hmotnostní smyčce

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Výrobce: Picotest

J2102A - transformátor chránící proti hmotnostní smyčce

J2102A – Common Mode Transformer

The simplest and most effective method for eliminating a ground loop is to add a wideband common mode transformer to the measurement, such as the Picotest J2102A Common Mode Transformer. The transformer for a low impedance PDN measurement must have very wide bandwidth, low loss and tight coupling, otherwise, the results will not be accurate over the measured frequency range. It is also important to maintain the 50 Ohm transmission line impedance through this transformer. The J2102A accomplishes this with ease.


Key features:

  • Greatly attenuates the effects of low frequency ground loops
  • Supports the 2 Port Shunt Thru impedance measurement required for Power Distribution Networks (PDN’s)
  • Maintains 50 Ohm transmission line integrity to approximately 500MHz
  • Works with all types of test equipment to eliminate ground loops, such as Network Analyzers, Oscilloscopes and Spectrum Analyzers

Rated data:

Recommended Bandwidth 1Hz…100MHz
Insertion Loss 1Hz…100MHz 0.2dB typ, 0.5dB max
Return Loss 1Hz…100MHz 20dB typ, 10dB min
Max Voltage 50V
Temperature Range 0…50°C
Maximum Altitude 1850m
Dimensions 109x90x51mm
Weight 0.210kg
Input BNC
Output BNC

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J2102A – Common Mode Transformer

The simplest and most effective method for eliminating a ground loop is to add a wideband common mode transformer to the measurement, such as the Picotest J2102A Common Mode Transformer. The transformer for a low impedance PDN measurement must have very wide bandwidth, low loss and tight coupling, otherwise, the results will not be accurate over the measured frequency range. It is also important to maintain the 50 Ohm transmission line impedance through this transformer. The J2102A accomplishes this with ease.


Key features:

  • Greatly attenuates the effects of low frequency ground loops
  • Supports the 2 Port Shunt Thru impedance measurement required for Power Distribution Networks (PDN’s)
  • Maintains 50 Ohm transmission line integrity to approximately 500MHz
  • Works with all types of test equipment to eliminate ground loops, such as Network Analyzers, Oscilloscopes and Spectrum Analyzers

Rated data:

Recommended Bandwidth 1Hz…100MHz
Insertion Loss 1Hz…100MHz 0.2dB typ, 0.5dB max
Return Loss 1Hz…100MHz 20dB typ, 10dB min
Max Voltage 50V
Temperature Range 0…50°C
Maximum Altitude 1850m
Dimensions 109x90x51mm
Weight 0.210kg
Input BNC
Output BNC