Khe - multi-signální signalizační lampa
  • Khe - multi-signální signalizační lampa

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Khe - multi-signální signalizační lampa

· Flashing Pattern: 3 Patterns···Simulated Rotation, Strobe, Blinking.
· Enhanced Illumination: Use of long-life, super bright LED.
· Maintenance-free: No bulb replacement needed.
· Energy Efficient: Low power consumption.
· Extended Product Life: Longer life without the use of a motor.
· Installation: Indoor: upright, inverted and sideways; Outdoors: upright only.
· Available Colors: Red, Amber, Green, Blue

Type Supply voltage Colour Power consumption Current consumption Light intensity
KHE-R 24V DC without polarisation Red 8,2W 340mA 10cd
KHE-Y Yellow 8,2W 340mA 15cd
KHE-G Green 10,1W 420mA 15cd
KHE-B Blue 21,6W 900mA 3cd


Assembly dimensions [mm]

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· Flashing Pattern: 3 Patterns···Simulated Rotation, Strobe, Blinking.
· Enhanced Illumination: Use of long-life, super bright LED.
· Maintenance-free: No bulb replacement needed.
· Energy Efficient: Low power consumption.
· Extended Product Life: Longer life without the use of a motor.
· Installation: Indoor: upright, inverted and sideways; Outdoors: upright only.
· Available Colors: Red, Amber, Green, Blue

Type Supply voltage Colour Power consumption Current consumption Light intensity
KHE-R 24V DC without polarisation Red 8,2W 340mA 10cd
KHE-Y Yellow 8,2W 340mA 15cd
KHE-G Green 10,1W 420mA 15cd
KHE-B Blue 21,6W 900mA 3cd


Assembly dimensions [mm]