Izolační materiály třídy H
Izolační materiály třídy H

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Výrobce: SEG

Izolační materiály třídy H


Properties are adjusted to insulation class 180 °C

Temperature and polymerisation time can be modified by user.

We recommend:     3min @ 190°C    20min @170°C                   45min @150°C


It is recommended to:
- Storage far away from light, heat, cold source, in original closed container.
- product highly sensitive for humidity,
- storage time: 4 months in temperature  10°C - 25°C,
- hardener: 12 months in temperature 5°C - 30°C


All SEGPREG types are marked with a combination of letters and digits.
First marking Second marking
N: Nomex F: Modified resin
3 and 4 number 5 i 6 number
multiplied by 10 indicates non pressed final product thickness, multiplied by 10 indicates weight  of final product.



  Unit Tolerance NF1110 NF1615 NF2121 NF2828 NF3334
Thickness µm ± 10% 80 130 180 250 300
Weight g/m2 ± 10% 64 115 173 248 309
Overall weight g/m2 ± 12% 100 140 210 280 345
Resin weight g/m2 ± 10% 35 25 35 35 35
Resin layer % ± 5 35 23 17 13 10
Unpressed layer mm ± 15% 0,11 0,16 0,21 0,28 0,34
Flow %   < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1
Volatile content %   < 2 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 2
Break down voltage kV min. 17 34 59 8 9,9

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Properties are adjusted to insulation class 180 °C

Temperature and polymerisation time can be modified by user.

We recommend:     3min @ 190°C    20min @170°C                   45min @150°C


It is recommended to:
- Storage far away from light, heat, cold source, in original closed container.
- product highly sensitive for humidity,
- storage time: 4 months in temperature  10°C - 25°C,
- hardener: 12 months in temperature 5°C - 30°C


All SEGPREG types are marked with a combination of letters and digits.
First marking Second marking
N: Nomex F: Modified resin
3 and 4 number 5 i 6 number
multiplied by 10 indicates non pressed final product thickness, multiplied by 10 indicates weight  of final product.



  Unit Tolerance NF1110 NF1615 NF2121 NF2828 NF3334
Thickness µm ± 10% 80 130 180 250 300
Weight g/m2 ± 10% 64 115 173 248 309
Overall weight g/m2 ± 12% 100 140 210 280 345
Resin weight g/m2 ± 10% 35 25 35 35 35
Resin layer % ± 5 35 23 17 13 10
Unpressed layer mm ± 15% 0,11 0,16 0,21 0,28 0,34
Flow %   < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1 < 1
Volatile content %   < 2 < 2 < 2 < 2 < 2
Break down voltage kV min. 17 34 59 8 9,9
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