Fotoelektrické ff-syA bezpečnostní bariéry
Fotoelektrické ff-syA bezpečnostní bariéry

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Výrobce: Honeywell

Fotoelektrické ff-syA bezpečnostní bariéry

The Honeywell FF-SYA light curtain is in compliance with IEC/EN 61496 - parts 1 and 2 standard and meets the requirements for a Type 4 Active Optoelectronic Protective Device, the highest level for safety products. The product received an EC type test certificate from the French INRS notified body, required for safety equipment as per the 98/37/EC Machinery Directive. It meets the applicable parts of North American standards and regulations (OSHA 1910.212, OSHA 1910.217, ANSI standards including ANSI RIA 15.06 for Control Reliability and CSA Z434). Its CSA mark makes it a product usable in most parts of the world.
As soon as an object is detected inside the protection field, the FF-SYA de-energizes its two static safety outputs to signal the dangerous motion to stop. The FF-SYA is a self-contained light curtain that does not require a separate control unit for operation. Safety relay modules are available to provide higher current capability and additional functionality. This light curtain has been designed to satisfy the requirements of worldwide machine manufacturers and users: its compact size combined with its universal and smart features makes it full-featured and easy to use. 

• Active Optoelectronic Protective Device compliant with the requirements of the IEC/EN 61496 - parts 1 and 2  European norms for Type 4 electrosensitive protective equipment
• Meets applicable parts of North American standards and regulations OSHA 1910.212 and 217; ANSI B11.1.2 and .19; ANSI RIA 15.06 for Control Reliability; CSA standards
• Self-contained with optical synchronisation
• 2 static safety outputs with short-circuit and cross-fault detection
• Selection of the infrared emission power allows cross-talk reduction
• Enhanced diagnostic information includes: a signal strength indicator, a cross-talk indicator and a failure diagnostic indicator
• Test input with selectable test input type
• Resolutions available: ø14 mm / 0.6 in for finger detection ø30 mm / 1.2 in for hand detection ø60 mm / 2.4 in for leg detection
• Protection height up to 1830 mm / 72 in
• Scanning range up to 20 m / 65 ft
• Electrical connection:
- Hirschmann N6RFF type connectors,
- Brad Harrison Mini-Change® connectors
- Terminal strips
• Mounting brackets included allowing multiple mounting positions
• Safety relay modules for more switching capability or additional features (to be ordered separately).

Typical applications
• Presses and punches
• Metal-forming, milling and drilling machines
• Spot-welding machines and fine-boring machines
• Pressing, moulding and thermoforming machines
• Stacking machines, transporting and conveyor technology; handling equipment and assembly lines

• The information presented in this product sheet (or catalogue) is for reference only. DO NOT USE this document as system
installation information.
• Complete installation, operation and maintenance information is to be referenced for each product.
Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.

The FF-SYA main features are:

The cross section of 42 mm2 x 55 mm2 makes installation possible in tight spaces, especially with the help of the  small brackets supplied with the light curtains. The available safety relay modules easily fit inside the machine control panel with its small width DIN rail mount housing.
The housing dimensions are the same for the 14 mm / 0.6 in, 30 mm / 1.2 in, 60 mm / 2.4 in resolution light curtains. The extended protected heights range from 334 mm to 1830 mm / 13.1 in to 72 in, covering industrial applications. The scanning range makes it possible to use mirrors in order to protect several sides of a machine with only one system.
The FF-SYA is equipped with 2 static safety outputs. Compatible safety relay modules are available for a greater
output current capability and manual restart functionality. An integrated cross talk reduction system allows the scanning range to be selected for the application distance. A cross-talk indicator flickers when emission from other systems is detected, indicating that a different selection of the scanning range is needed. The light curtain also has a signal strength indicator which flickers if there is a slight misalignment of the beams or front window contamination. Additional indicators provide information on the outputs status, on the selected scanning range and on failure diagnostic. Standard brackets are delivered with the light curtain to ease the order process. The housing has a T-slot mounting system to adapt brackets anywhere along the lateral sides, the rear sides or at the top and
the bottom of the light curtain. Hirschmann connectors are delivered with the FF-SYA❏❏❏❏❏C2 light curtains.

Cross-talk reduction system
The FF-SYA light curtain is based upon an infrared transmission between an emitter unit and a receiver unit. It is a requirement of the IEC/EN 61496-2 standard that if a receiver R2 receives two signals transmitted by two different emitters E1 and E2, the receiver R2 must turn to the alarm state. This happens if the receiver R2 is within the beam aperture angle and within the nominal scanning range of the second emitter E1. The cross-talk detection indicator flickers on the receiver R2 to warn the installer.

An internal configuration card is available on the emitter units for the selection of the adequate emission power. This configuration card can be used to eliminate this cross-talk phenomenon by decreasing the maximum scanning range down to minimum. The end cap can be easily removed, and there is no need to remove the unit from the machinery to select a different scanning range. Products are delivered with a maximum scanning range to ease the alignment process.

Type SYA14 SYA30 SYA60
Resolutions mm/in 0 14 /0,6 0 30 mm / 1.2 in 0 60/2,4
Protection heights   Patrz tabela 2  
Nominal scanning ranges (m/ft) 0 - 6/0 - 20 0,3 - 18/1 - 60 0,3 - 18/0,3 - 60
Supply voltage   24 V DC (± 15 %)  
Power consumption Emitter: 5 W max. • Receiver: 7 W max. (see Table 2)
Outputs 2 PNP safety static outputs (switching capacity: 0,35 A / 24 Vdc)
Response time 13,5 to 22,5 ms (see Table 2)
LED status indicators Emitter: test mode, failure alarm, selected scanning range
Cross sectional area W 42 mm2 x D 55 mm2 / W 1.65 in2 x D 2.16 in2
Emission Infrared modulated light source (880 nm)
Effective aperture angle ± 2°, ± 25 % (in compliance with the IEC/EN 61496 - Part 2)
Light immunity Sun: 20 000 lux • Lamp: 15 000 lux
Electrical noise immunity IEC 61000-4-4: level III / IEC 61000-4-3: level III
Ambient temperature

Operating temperature: 0 °C to 55 °C / 32 °F to 131 °F

Storage temperature: -20 °C to 75 °C / -4 °F to 167 °F

Vibrations IEC/EN 61496-1: 10 to 55 Hz frequency range, 1 octave/min.sweep rate,
Sealing IP 65, NEMA 4, 13
Material Housing: aluminium alloy • Front plate: polymethyl metacrylate (PMMA) • End caps: polycarbonate
Electrical connection FFF-SYA❏❏❏❏❏C2: EN 60423 plastic 7-pin right-angle plugs with crimping contacts


Table 1
Type R (resolution)
mm / in
P (lens scale)
mm / in
D (lens diameter)
mm / in
A (non active zone)
mm / in
B (non active zone)
mm / in
FF-SYA14 0 14/0,6 10/0,4 4/0,16 15,2/0,6 90,6/3,56
FF-SYA30 0 30/1,2 20 /0,8 10/0,4 22,27/0,7 86,8/3,45
FF-SYA60 0 60/ 2,4 40/1,6 10/0,4 42,2/1,66 87,6/3,45

Table 2
Model 032 048 064 080 096 112 128 144 160 176
Protection height mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
SYA14 334 494 654 814 974 1134 1294 - - -
SYA30 350 510 670 830 990 1150 1310 1470 1630 1790
SYA60 390 550 710 870 1030 1190 1350 1510 1670 1830
Sensing field height mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
SYA14 314 474 634 794 954 1114 1274 - - -
SYA30 310 470 630 790 950 1110 1270 1430 1590 1750
SYA60 290 450 610 770 930 1090 1250 1410 1570 1730
Total height mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
FF-SYAC2 483 643 803 963 1123 1283 1443 1603 1763 1923
Response time ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms
SYA14 14 15 15,5 17,5 19,5 20,5 22,5 - - -
SYA30 13,5 14 14 14,5 15 15 15,5 16 17,5 17,5
SYA60 13,5 14 14 14,5 15 15 15,5 16 17,5 17,5
Weight per device11,381,762,142,522,93,283,664,044,42
SYA14 5/3,5 38111 38142 6/4,5 6/5 7/5 7/5,5 - - -
SYA30 4/3,5 4/3,5 38111 38111 5/4 6/4 6/4,5 6/4,5 6/4,5 6/4,5
SYA60 4/3,5 4/3,5 5/3,5 38111 5/4 6/4 6/4,5 6/4,5 6/4,5 6/4,5
Ordering information

Each listing consists of an emitter, a receiver,
2 pairs of right-angle brackets, a test rod and a
pair of Hirschmann N6RFF connector

1 - Resolutions
14: Ø 14mm
30: Ø 30mm
60: Ø 60mm
2 - Model:
(see Table 2)
3 - C: DIN43651
plastic plugs

Safety distances
European EN 999 standard SYA14 SYA30 SYA60
Normal approach
S≥ 2000 (t1 + t2),with S ≥ 100 If S ≥ 500, then use:S ≥ 1600 (t1 + t2),with S ≥ 500 S ≥ 2000 (t1 + t2) + 128, with S ≥ 100 If S ≥ 500, then use:S ≥ 1600 (t1 + t2) + 128,with S ≥ 500 S ≥ 1600 (t1 + t2) + 850,with Hu ≥ 900 HI ≤ 300 m
Parallel approach

S ≥ 1600 (t1+ t2) + (1200 - 0.4 H), with H ≤ 875 or
S ≥ 1600 (t1+ t2) + 850, with 875 ≤ H ≤ 1000
with H ≥ 15 (R-50), where R is the light curtain resolution
with H ≥ 150 for the FF-SYA60 light curtain

Montaż Angled approach
If α ≥ 30°, then use one of the formula given for a normal approach,
with Hu ≥ 900 and Hl ≤ 300 for the FF-SYA60 light curtain
If α ≤ 30°, then use one of the formula given for a parallel approach,
with Hu ≤ 1000 and Hl ≥ 15 (R-50), where R is the light curtain
resolution (with Hl ≥ 150 for the FF-SYA60 light curtain)

S: Minimum safety distance (in mm, 100 mm = 3.9 in)
t1: Light curtain response time (s)
t2: Machine stopping time (s)
H: Height of the detection plane above the reference floor (in mm)
Hu: Height of the uppermost beam above the reference floor (in mm)
Hl: Height of the lowest beam above the reference floor (in mm)

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The Honeywell FF-SYA light curtain is in compliance with IEC/EN 61496 - parts 1 and 2 standard and meets the requirements for a Type 4 Active Optoelectronic Protective Device, the highest level for safety products. The product received an EC type test certificate from the French INRS notified body, required for safety equipment as per the 98/37/EC Machinery Directive. It meets the applicable parts of North American standards and regulations (OSHA 1910.212, OSHA 1910.217, ANSI standards including ANSI RIA 15.06 for Control Reliability and CSA Z434). Its CSA mark makes it a product usable in most parts of the world.
As soon as an object is detected inside the protection field, the FF-SYA de-energizes its two static safety outputs to signal the dangerous motion to stop. The FF-SYA is a self-contained light curtain that does not require a separate control unit for operation. Safety relay modules are available to provide higher current capability and additional functionality. This light curtain has been designed to satisfy the requirements of worldwide machine manufacturers and users: its compact size combined with its universal and smart features makes it full-featured and easy to use. 

• Active Optoelectronic Protective Device compliant with the requirements of the IEC/EN 61496 - parts 1 and 2  European norms for Type 4 electrosensitive protective equipment
• Meets applicable parts of North American standards and regulations OSHA 1910.212 and 217; ANSI B11.1.2 and .19; ANSI RIA 15.06 for Control Reliability; CSA standards
• Self-contained with optical synchronisation
• 2 static safety outputs with short-circuit and cross-fault detection
• Selection of the infrared emission power allows cross-talk reduction
• Enhanced diagnostic information includes: a signal strength indicator, a cross-talk indicator and a failure diagnostic indicator
• Test input with selectable test input type
• Resolutions available: ø14 mm / 0.6 in for finger detection ø30 mm / 1.2 in for hand detection ø60 mm / 2.4 in for leg detection
• Protection height up to 1830 mm / 72 in
• Scanning range up to 20 m / 65 ft
• Electrical connection:
- Hirschmann N6RFF type connectors,
- Brad Harrison Mini-Change® connectors
- Terminal strips
• Mounting brackets included allowing multiple mounting positions
• Safety relay modules for more switching capability or additional features (to be ordered separately).

Typical applications
• Presses and punches
• Metal-forming, milling and drilling machines
• Spot-welding machines and fine-boring machines
• Pressing, moulding and thermoforming machines
• Stacking machines, transporting and conveyor technology; handling equipment and assembly lines

• The information presented in this product sheet (or catalogue) is for reference only. DO NOT USE this document as system
installation information.
• Complete installation, operation and maintenance information is to be referenced for each product.
Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.

The FF-SYA main features are:

The cross section of 42 mm2 x 55 mm2 makes installation possible in tight spaces, especially with the help of the  small brackets supplied with the light curtains. The available safety relay modules easily fit inside the machine control panel with its small width DIN rail mount housing.
The housing dimensions are the same for the 14 mm / 0.6 in, 30 mm / 1.2 in, 60 mm / 2.4 in resolution light curtains. The extended protected heights range from 334 mm to 1830 mm / 13.1 in to 72 in, covering industrial applications. The scanning range makes it possible to use mirrors in order to protect several sides of a machine with only one system.
The FF-SYA is equipped with 2 static safety outputs. Compatible safety relay modules are available for a greater
output current capability and manual restart functionality. An integrated cross talk reduction system allows the scanning range to be selected for the application distance. A cross-talk indicator flickers when emission from other systems is detected, indicating that a different selection of the scanning range is needed. The light curtain also has a signal strength indicator which flickers if there is a slight misalignment of the beams or front window contamination. Additional indicators provide information on the outputs status, on the selected scanning range and on failure diagnostic. Standard brackets are delivered with the light curtain to ease the order process. The housing has a T-slot mounting system to adapt brackets anywhere along the lateral sides, the rear sides or at the top and
the bottom of the light curtain. Hirschmann connectors are delivered with the FF-SYA❏❏❏❏❏C2 light curtains.

Cross-talk reduction system
The FF-SYA light curtain is based upon an infrared transmission between an emitter unit and a receiver unit. It is a requirement of the IEC/EN 61496-2 standard that if a receiver R2 receives two signals transmitted by two different emitters E1 and E2, the receiver R2 must turn to the alarm state. This happens if the receiver R2 is within the beam aperture angle and within the nominal scanning range of the second emitter E1. The cross-talk detection indicator flickers on the receiver R2 to warn the installer.

An internal configuration card is available on the emitter units for the selection of the adequate emission power. This configuration card can be used to eliminate this cross-talk phenomenon by decreasing the maximum scanning range down to minimum. The end cap can be easily removed, and there is no need to remove the unit from the machinery to select a different scanning range. Products are delivered with a maximum scanning range to ease the alignment process.

Type SYA14 SYA30 SYA60
Resolutions mm/in 0 14 /0,6 0 30 mm / 1.2 in 0 60/2,4
Protection heights   Patrz tabela 2  
Nominal scanning ranges (m/ft) 0 - 6/0 - 20 0,3 - 18/1 - 60 0,3 - 18/0,3 - 60
Supply voltage   24 V DC (± 15 %)  
Power consumption Emitter: 5 W max. • Receiver: 7 W max. (see Table 2)
Outputs 2 PNP safety static outputs (switching capacity: 0,35 A / 24 Vdc)
Response time 13,5 to 22,5 ms (see Table 2)
LED status indicators Emitter: test mode, failure alarm, selected scanning range
Cross sectional area W 42 mm2 x D 55 mm2 / W 1.65 in2 x D 2.16 in2
Emission Infrared modulated light source (880 nm)
Effective aperture angle ± 2°, ± 25 % (in compliance with the IEC/EN 61496 - Part 2)
Light immunity Sun: 20 000 lux • Lamp: 15 000 lux
Electrical noise immunity IEC 61000-4-4: level III / IEC 61000-4-3: level III
Ambient temperature

Operating temperature: 0 °C to 55 °C / 32 °F to 131 °F

Storage temperature: -20 °C to 75 °C / -4 °F to 167 °F

Vibrations IEC/EN 61496-1: 10 to 55 Hz frequency range, 1 octave/min.sweep rate,
Sealing IP 65, NEMA 4, 13
Material Housing: aluminium alloy • Front plate: polymethyl metacrylate (PMMA) • End caps: polycarbonate
Electrical connection FFF-SYA❏❏❏❏❏C2: EN 60423 plastic 7-pin right-angle plugs with crimping contacts


Table 1
Type R (resolution)
mm / in
P (lens scale)
mm / in
D (lens diameter)
mm / in
A (non active zone)
mm / in
B (non active zone)
mm / in
FF-SYA14 0 14/0,6 10/0,4 4/0,16 15,2/0,6 90,6/3,56
FF-SYA30 0 30/1,2 20 /0,8 10/0,4 22,27/0,7 86,8/3,45
FF-SYA60 0 60/ 2,4 40/1,6 10/0,4 42,2/1,66 87,6/3,45

Table 2
Model 032 048 064 080 096 112 128 144 160 176
Protection height mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
SYA14 334 494 654 814 974 1134 1294 - - -
SYA30 350 510 670 830 990 1150 1310 1470 1630 1790
SYA60 390 550 710 870 1030 1190 1350 1510 1670 1830
Sensing field height mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
SYA14 314 474 634 794 954 1114 1274 - - -
SYA30 310 470 630 790 950 1110 1270 1430 1590 1750
SYA60 290 450 610 770 930 1090 1250 1410 1570 1730
Total height mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
FF-SYAC2 483 643 803 963 1123 1283 1443 1603 1763 1923
Response time ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms ms
SYA14 14 15 15,5 17,5 19,5 20,5 22,5 - - -
SYA30 13,5 14 14 14,5 15 15 15,5 16 17,5 17,5
SYA60 13,5 14 14 14,5 15 15 15,5 16 17,5 17,5
Weight per device11,381,762,142,522,93,283,664,044,42
SYA14 5/3,5 38111 38142 6/4,5 6/5 7/5 7/5,5 - - -
SYA30 4/3,5 4/3,5 38111 38111 5/4 6/4 6/4,5 6/4,5 6/4,5 6/4,5
SYA60 4/3,5 4/3,5 5/3,5 38111 5/4 6/4 6/4,5 6/4,5 6/4,5 6/4,5
Ordering information

Each listing consists of an emitter, a receiver,
2 pairs of right-angle brackets, a test rod and a
pair of Hirschmann N6RFF connector

1 - Resolutions
14: Ø 14mm
30: Ø 30mm
60: Ø 60mm
2 - Model:
(see Table 2)
3 - C: DIN43651
plastic plugs

Safety distances
European EN 999 standard SYA14 SYA30 SYA60
Normal approach
S≥ 2000 (t1 + t2),with S ≥ 100 If S ≥ 500, then use:S ≥ 1600 (t1 + t2),with S ≥ 500 S ≥ 2000 (t1 + t2) + 128, with S ≥ 100 If S ≥ 500, then use:S ≥ 1600 (t1 + t2) + 128,with S ≥ 500 S ≥ 1600 (t1 + t2) + 850,with Hu ≥ 900 HI ≤ 300 m
Parallel approach

S ≥ 1600 (t1+ t2) + (1200 - 0.4 H), with H ≤ 875 or
S ≥ 1600 (t1+ t2) + 850, with 875 ≤ H ≤ 1000
with H ≥ 15 (R-50), where R is the light curtain resolution
with H ≥ 150 for the FF-SYA60 light curtain

Montaż Angled approach
If α ≥ 30°, then use one of the formula given for a normal approach,
with Hu ≥ 900 and Hl ≤ 300 for the FF-SYA60 light curtain
If α ≤ 30°, then use one of the formula given for a parallel approach,
with Hu ≤ 1000 and Hl ≥ 15 (R-50), where R is the light curtain
resolution (with Hl ≥ 150 for the FF-SYA60 light curtain)

S: Minimum safety distance (in mm, 100 mm = 3.9 in)
t1: Light curtain response time (s)
t2: Machine stopping time (s)
H: Height of the detection plane above the reference floor (in mm)
Hu: Height of the uppermost beam above the reference floor (in mm)
Hl: Height of the lowest beam above the reference floor (in mm)

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