Schmieden von Stäben unterschiedlicher Materialien und Abmessungen
Schmieden von Stäben unterschiedlicher Materialien und Abmessungen

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Hersteller: Ambrell

Schmieden von Stäben unterschiedlicher Materialien und Abmessungen

Forging rods of various materials and dimensions

Objective: To heat rods of various materials and dimensions to temperature for forging with a single coil and induction heating system.


  • Ambrell EKOHEAT® 35 kW, 15-45 kHz induction heating system equipped with a remote workhead containing four 6.3 μF capacitors;
  • A single position nine-turn helical induction heating coil designed and developed specifically for this application

Frequency: 38 kHz

Material: Rods with outside diameters ranging from 0.5” to 1.0” (13 to 25 mm) and lengths ranging from 2.75” to 8.5” (70 to 216 mm) made from steel, stainless steel, Inconel and titanium.

Temperature: 1832 °F (1000°C)


  • Each of the rods were placed into the coil and heated. They achieved the targeted temperature in 30-40 seconds. The coil was designed for a 5” (127 mm) heat zone.


  • Speed: The client was using a less powerful competitive system, and consequently, heating the larger rods could take nearly three times as long as this solution.
  • Higher Throughput: Less heating time means an improved production rate.
  • Reliability: The client’s old induction heating system from a competitor wasn’t reliable, and a new system from Ambrell resolves that issue.

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Forging rods of various materials and dimensions

Objective: To heat rods of various materials and dimensions to temperature for forging with a single coil and induction heating system.


  • Ambrell EKOHEAT® 35 kW, 15-45 kHz induction heating system equipped with a remote workhead containing four 6.3 μF capacitors;
  • A single position nine-turn helical induction heating coil designed and developed specifically for this application

Frequency: 38 kHz

Material: Rods with outside diameters ranging from 0.5” to 1.0” (13 to 25 mm) and lengths ranging from 2.75” to 8.5” (70 to 216 mm) made from steel, stainless steel, Inconel and titanium.

Temperature: 1832 °F (1000°C)


  • Each of the rods were placed into the coil and heated. They achieved the targeted temperature in 30-40 seconds. The coil was designed for a 5” (127 mm) heat zone.


  • Speed: The client was using a less powerful competitive system, and consequently, heating the larger rods could take nearly three times as long as this solution.
  • Higher Throughput: Less heating time means an improved production rate.
  • Reliability: The client’s old induction heating system from a competitor wasn’t reliable, and a new system from Ambrell resolves that issue.
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