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Hersteller: TELE Haase

K3PF400VSY02 3-Phasen-Spannungsüberwachungsrelais

  • K3PF400VSY02
  • Ausgang 2 x styki przełączne
  • Anzahl der Phasen trójfazowe
  • Netzteil jak napięcie mierzone
  • Gemessener Wert 400/230V AC
  • Funktion zanik, asymetria, kolejność faz

Phase control relays dedicated to detecting phase failure, asymmetry in the network and incorrect phase sequence. The role of the device is to detect the above-mentioned abnormalities and react to them by switching the built-in SPDT contact and signaling about them This way, for example, by triggering the protection. The asymmetry detection threshold can be set using the adjuster placed on the front panel of the device. The device is perfect for all applications where it is important to maintain the appropriate phase sequence, e.g. industrial cranes, pumps, etc.

Sample Applications

  • Pumps,
  • Cranes,
  • Trash compactors,
  • Waste crushers


  • Securing the direction of operation of electric machines
  • Protection against phase loss and phase unbalance
430,50 PLN
430,50 PLN Bruttopreis / Stck.
350,00 PLN Nettopreis / Stk.

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  • Ausgang 2 x styki przełączne
  • Anzahl der Phasen trójfazowe
  • Netzteil jak napięcie mierzone
  • Gemessener Wert 400/230V AC
  • Funktion zanik, asymetria, kolejność faz

Phase control relays dedicated to detecting phase failure, asymmetry in the network and incorrect phase sequence. The role of the device is to detect the above-mentioned abnormalities and react to them by switching the built-in SPDT contact and signaling about them This way, for example, by triggering the protection. The asymmetry detection threshold can be set using the adjuster placed on the front panel of the device. The device is perfect for all applications where it is important to maintain the appropriate phase sequence, e.g. industrial cranes, pumps, etc.

Sample Applications

  • Pumps,
  • Cranes,
  • Trash compactors,
  • Waste crushers


  • Securing the direction of operation of electric machines
  • Protection against phase loss and phase unbalance
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