We're offering an extensive choice of air heatsinks from Alutronic.

Radiators are used for carrying heat created in the power semiconductive device during the flow of the current to the environment. To achieve that, most often used structures are radiators cooled with air or water....

We're offering an extensive choice of air heatsinks from Alutronic.

Radiators are used for carrying heat created...

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We're offering an extensive choice of air heatsinks from Alutronic.

Radiators are used for carrying heat created in the power semiconductive device during the flow of the current to the environment. To achieve that, most often used structures are radiators cooled with air or water. 

We're offering air heatsinks of versions:

  • For mounting with clips and screws companies ALUTRONIC;
  • Alutronic Heatsink Profiles - Flatback/Rridged profiles;
  • Alutronic Heat Sink Profiles For forced convection;
  • Alutronic Heat Sink Profiles Flatback profiles with gap.

Radiators - usage

For filling and eliminating possible imperfections of the connection surface between the cover of the cooled element and the surface of the radiator, special based on silicone thermal conductive greases are used. However, they shouldn't be used in excess - thicker layers reduce heat conduction. One of the important things to be aware of is the right tightness between the cover of the semiconductive device and the radiator. For air radiators it’s helpful to use a pressure power indicator, while for other types the screw should be retightened with a  dynamometric wrench. 

Alutronic is a producer of a wide range of air radiators, heat sinks, cooling systems, heat conduction solutions and designing parts. The company has been operating on the market since 1977, providing optimized solutions and high quality cooling systems. They offer both standard and highly innovative products, adjusted to each customer and individual needs of a project.

Applications of air heatsinks:

  • cooling integrated circuits - electronic systems, amplifiers, cooling devices;
  • cooling electric engines;
  • applications and electronics with huge heat production.