Leitfähige Dichtungen der Silikondichtungen unter dem Stecker
Leitfähige Dichtungen der Silikondichtungen unter dem Stecker

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Hersteller: TC SHIELDING

Leitfähige Dichtungen der Silikondichtungen unter dem Stecker

The technique of printing conductive elastomers is a novel and very cost effective method of producing gaskets when compared to conventional means. The printed process produces a highly selective deposit resulting in negligible wastage. Below are its major advantages:

  • Cost effective versus conventional gaskets, e.g., die cut from moulded or calendered
  • Printed raised beads improve stress contact in lightly loaded flanges on hardware.
  • The gasket can be printed onto a conductive carrier (e.g., metal or plastic) to ease
  • Component hardware (e.g., panels, covers, providing the surface the gasket is to be
    located on is flat), can have the gasket printed direct onto the relevant surface, greatly
    improving assembly.
  • Secondary environmental sealing can be incorporated into the gasket.

Comparative properties

EcE Material Reference (Type) 3A 3B 3D 3G 31 3J 3A/1
Elastomer Type (Sil - Silicone) Sil Sil Sil Sil Sil Sil Sil
Filler Material Ag/Ni Ag/Cu Ag/Al Ag Ag/szkło Ag/Gr Al
Color Tan Tan Tan Tan Tan Grey Black
Electrical Properties
Volume Resistivity (ohm.cm) 5 5 8 5 5 5 12
Shielding Effectiveness (dB) 10 KHz 1 068 112 1 115 9 299 8 315 1 068 5 816
700 MHz 121 1 283 1 226 1 007 9 148 1 218 6 531
Shielding Effectiveness (dB)
200 KHz (H-Field)
70 70 70 70 55 70 50
100 MHz (E-Field) 105 115 110 115 95 95 72
500 MHz (E-Field) 105 115 105 115 95 90 70
2 GHz (Plane Wave) 100 115 100 115 95 90 65
10 GHz (fala płaska) 100 115 100 115 95 90 65

EcE Material Reference (Type) 3A/1 3B/1 3D/1 31/1 3J/2 3K/1
Elastomer Type (Sil - Silicone) Sil Sil Sil Sil Sil Sil
Filler Material Ag/Ni Ag/Cu Ag/Al Ag/szkło Ni/Gr Al
Color Tan Tan Tan Tan Grey Black
Volume Resistivity (ohm.cm) 5 5 1 1 5 20
Shielding Effectiveness (dB) 10 KHz 9 082   9 815 8 699 8 699  
700 MHz 1 028   1 056 9 482 9 599  
Shielding Effectiveness (dB)
200 KHz (H-Field)
70 70 70 55 70 50

Pure Print Sub ‘D’ Connector Gaskets

No. of Contacts. TSC REF A
+/- 0,38 mm
+/- 0,38 mm
+/- 0,20 mm
+/- 0,20 mm
+/- 0,38 mm
+/-0,20 mm
+/- 0,20 mm
9 21 32,7 17,5 25 9,5 14 2 1,6
15 22 41 25,6 33,3 9,5 14 2 1,6
25 23 54,75 39,6 47,05 9,5 14 2 1,6
37 24 71,2 55,9 63,5 9,5 14 2 1,6
50 25 68,8 53 61,1 12 16,5 2 1,6

Order example


Example: PA – 3D – 021
PA – Printed
3D – Silver
021 – Shell Size
Gasket Aluminium/Silicone

Standard Miniature Sub ‘D’ Connector Gaskets (Flange Mounting)

Drukowane silikonowe uszczelki przewodzące pod złącza

No. of Contacts. TSC REF A
+/- 0,38 mm
+/- 0,38 mm
+/- 0,18 mm
+/- 0,38 mm
+/-0,12 mm
9 1 30,81 20,45 25 11,34 14,91 3,12 3,56
15 2 39,14 28,57 33,3 11,34 14,91 3,12 3,56
25 3 53,03 42,29 47,05 11,34 14,91 3,12 3,56
37 4 69,32 58,8 63,48 11,34 14,91 3,12 3,56
50 5 66,93 56,64 61,14 14,23 17,83 3,12 3,56

Order example


Example: PB– 3A – 001
PB – Printed
3A – Silver
021 – Shell Size,
Gasket Aluminium/Silicone

Mil Spec Printed Back Shell Connector Gaskets

Drukowane silikonowe uszczelki przewodzące pod złącza

Shell size TSC REF A+/-0,20 mm b+/-0,20 mm C+/-0,25 mm d+/-0,15mm E+/-0,20 mm f+/-0,20 mm
8 1 15,09 16,25 21,34 3,43 7 20,75
9+10 2 18,26 19,3 24,51 3,43 7 23,8
11+12 3 20,62 22,48 26,92 3,58 7,5 26,98
13+14 4 23,01 25,78 29,29 3,43 7 30,28
15+16 5 24,61 29,05 31,95 3,96 7,5 33,55
17+18 6 26,97 32,25 34,32 3,96 7,5 36,75
19+20 7 29,36 35,18 38,1 3,58 7,5 39,68
21+22 8 31,75 38,35 41,28 3,58 7,5 42,85
23+24 9 34,93 41,53 44,45 4,37 8 46,03
25 10 38,1 44,7 47,63 4,37 8 49,2
8 11 15,09 12,95 22,23 3,96 7,5 17,45
10 12 18,26 16,08 25,4 3,96 7,5 20,58
12 13 20,65 19,3 27,79 3,58 7 23,8
14 14 23,01 22,48 30,18 3,96 7,5 26,98
16 15 24,61 25,65 32,54 3,96 7,5 30,15
18 16 26,97 29,08 34,93 3,96 7,5 33,58
20 17 29,36 32 38,1 4,37 8 36,5
22 18 31,75 35,18 41,28 4,37 8 39,68
24 19 34,93 38,35 44,45 5,16 9 42,85

Shell size TSC REF A+/-0,20 mm b+/-0,20 mm C+/-0,25 mm d+/-0,15mm E+/-0,20 mm f+/-0,20 mm
28 20 39,67 44,7 50,8 5,16 9 49,2
32 21 44,45 51,05 57,15 5,56 9,5 55,55
36 22 49,23 57,4 63,5 5,56 9,5 61,9
40 23 55,58 63,75 69,85 5,56 9,5 68,25
44 24 60,33 70,89 76,2 5,56 9,5 75,39
48 25 66,68 77,24 82,55 5,56 9,5 81,74
8 26 15,09 14,68 20,62 3,18 7 19,18
10 27 18,26 17,52 23,8 3,18 7 22,02
14 28 23,01 24,08 28,58 3,18 7 28,58
16 29 24,61 27,25 31,75 3,18 7 31,75
18 30 26,97 30,45 34,11 3,18 7 34,95
20 31 29,36 33,57 37,26 3,18 7 38,07
22 32 31,75 36,75 39,67 3,18 7 41,25
24 33 34,93 39,95 43,26 3,86 7 44,45
17 34 26,97 29 34,93 3,58 7,5 33,5

Order example

Example: PD– 3D – 001

PD – Printed
3D – Silver
001 – Shell Size

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The technique of printing conductive elastomers is a novel and very cost effective method of producing gaskets when compared to conventional means. The printed process produces a highly selective deposit resulting in negligible wastage. Below are its major advantages:

  • Cost effective versus conventional gaskets, e.g., die cut from moulded or calendered
  • Printed raised beads improve stress contact in lightly loaded flanges on hardware.
  • The gasket can be printed onto a conductive carrier (e.g., metal or plastic) to ease
  • Component hardware (e.g., panels, covers, providing the surface the gasket is to be
    located on is flat), can have the gasket printed direct onto the relevant surface, greatly
    improving assembly.
  • Secondary environmental sealing can be incorporated into the gasket.

Comparative properties

EcE Material Reference (Type) 3A 3B 3D 3G 31 3J 3A/1
Elastomer Type (Sil - Silicone) Sil Sil Sil Sil Sil Sil Sil
Filler Material Ag/Ni Ag/Cu Ag/Al Ag Ag/szkło Ag/Gr Al
Color Tan Tan Tan Tan Tan Grey Black
Electrical Properties
Volume Resistivity (ohm.cm) 5 5 8 5 5 5 12
Shielding Effectiveness (dB) 10 KHz 1 068 112 1 115 9 299 8 315 1 068 5 816
700 MHz 121 1 283 1 226 1 007 9 148 1 218 6 531
Shielding Effectiveness (dB)
200 KHz (H-Field)
70 70 70 70 55 70 50
100 MHz (E-Field) 105 115 110 115 95 95 72
500 MHz (E-Field) 105 115 105 115 95 90 70
2 GHz (Plane Wave) 100 115 100 115 95 90 65
10 GHz (fala płaska) 100 115 100 115 95 90 65

EcE Material Reference (Type) 3A/1 3B/1 3D/1 31/1 3J/2 3K/1
Elastomer Type (Sil - Silicone) Sil Sil Sil Sil Sil Sil
Filler Material Ag/Ni Ag/Cu Ag/Al Ag/szkło Ni/Gr Al
Color Tan Tan Tan Tan Grey Black
Volume Resistivity (ohm.cm) 5 5 1 1 5 20
Shielding Effectiveness (dB) 10 KHz 9 082   9 815 8 699 8 699  
700 MHz 1 028   1 056 9 482 9 599  
Shielding Effectiveness (dB)
200 KHz (H-Field)
70 70 70 55 70 50

Pure Print Sub ‘D’ Connector Gaskets

No. of Contacts. TSC REF A
+/- 0,38 mm
+/- 0,38 mm
+/- 0,20 mm
+/- 0,20 mm
+/- 0,38 mm
+/-0,20 mm
+/- 0,20 mm
9 21 32,7 17,5 25 9,5 14 2 1,6
15 22 41 25,6 33,3 9,5 14 2 1,6
25 23 54,75 39,6 47,05 9,5 14 2 1,6
37 24 71,2 55,9 63,5 9,5 14 2 1,6
50 25 68,8 53 61,1 12 16,5 2 1,6

Order example


Example: PA – 3D – 021
PA – Printed
3D – Silver
021 – Shell Size
Gasket Aluminium/Silicone

Standard Miniature Sub ‘D’ Connector Gaskets (Flange Mounting)

Drukowane silikonowe uszczelki przewodzące pod złącza

No. of Contacts. TSC REF A
+/- 0,38 mm
+/- 0,38 mm
+/- 0,18 mm
+/- 0,38 mm
+/-0,12 mm
9 1 30,81 20,45 25 11,34 14,91 3,12 3,56
15 2 39,14 28,57 33,3 11,34 14,91 3,12 3,56
25 3 53,03 42,29 47,05 11,34 14,91 3,12 3,56
37 4 69,32 58,8 63,48 11,34 14,91 3,12 3,56
50 5 66,93 56,64 61,14 14,23 17,83 3,12 3,56

Order example


Example: PB– 3A – 001
PB – Printed
3A – Silver
021 – Shell Size,
Gasket Aluminium/Silicone

Mil Spec Printed Back Shell Connector Gaskets

Drukowane silikonowe uszczelki przewodzące pod złącza

Shell size TSC REF A+/-0,20 mm b+/-0,20 mm C+/-0,25 mm d+/-0,15mm E+/-0,20 mm f+/-0,20 mm
8 1 15,09 16,25 21,34 3,43 7 20,75
9+10 2 18,26 19,3 24,51 3,43 7 23,8
11+12 3 20,62 22,48 26,92 3,58 7,5 26,98
13+14 4 23,01 25,78 29,29 3,43 7 30,28
15+16 5 24,61 29,05 31,95 3,96 7,5 33,55
17+18 6 26,97 32,25 34,32 3,96 7,5 36,75
19+20 7 29,36 35,18 38,1 3,58 7,5 39,68
21+22 8 31,75 38,35 41,28 3,58 7,5 42,85
23+24 9 34,93 41,53 44,45 4,37 8 46,03
25 10 38,1 44,7 47,63 4,37 8 49,2
8 11 15,09 12,95 22,23 3,96 7,5 17,45
10 12 18,26 16,08 25,4 3,96 7,5 20,58
12 13 20,65 19,3 27,79 3,58 7 23,8
14 14 23,01 22,48 30,18 3,96 7,5 26,98
16 15 24,61 25,65 32,54 3,96 7,5 30,15
18 16 26,97 29,08 34,93 3,96 7,5 33,58
20 17 29,36 32 38,1 4,37 8 36,5
22 18 31,75 35,18 41,28 4,37 8 39,68
24 19 34,93 38,35 44,45 5,16 9 42,85

Shell size TSC REF A+/-0,20 mm b+/-0,20 mm C+/-0,25 mm d+/-0,15mm E+/-0,20 mm f+/-0,20 mm
28 20 39,67 44,7 50,8 5,16 9 49,2
32 21 44,45 51,05 57,15 5,56 9,5 55,55
36 22 49,23 57,4 63,5 5,56 9,5 61,9
40 23 55,58 63,75 69,85 5,56 9,5 68,25
44 24 60,33 70,89 76,2 5,56 9,5 75,39
48 25 66,68 77,24 82,55 5,56 9,5 81,74
8 26 15,09 14,68 20,62 3,18 7 19,18
10 27 18,26 17,52 23,8 3,18 7 22,02
14 28 23,01 24,08 28,58 3,18 7 28,58
16 29 24,61 27,25 31,75 3,18 7 31,75
18 30 26,97 30,45 34,11 3,18 7 34,95
20 31 29,36 33,57 37,26 3,18 7 38,07
22 32 31,75 36,75 39,67 3,18 7 41,25
24 33 34,93 39,95 43,26 3,86 7 44,45
17 34 26,97 29 34,93 3,58 7,5 33,5

Order example

Example: PD– 3D – 001

PD – Printed
3D – Silver
001 – Shell Size

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