Sie müssen eingeloggt sein
- Dioden
- Thyristoren
Elektroisolierte Module
- Elektroisolierte Module | VISHAY (IR)
- Elektroisolierte Module | INFINEON (EUPEC)
- Elektroisolierte Module | Semikron
- Elektroisolierte Module | POWEREX
- Elektroisolierte Module IXYS
- Elektroisolierte Module | POSEICO
- Elektroisolierte Module ABB
- Elektroisolierte Module | TECHSEM
- Gehen Sie zur Unterkategorie
- Brückengleichrichter
- Transistoren | GeneSiC
- SiC-MOSFET-Module | Mitsubishi
- Transistormodule | MITSUBISHI
- Transistormodule | ABB
- Halbleiterkomponente aus Siziliumkarbid
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- Treiber
- Leistungsblöcke
- Gehen Sie zur Unterkategorie
- Strom- und Spannungswandler von LEM
Passive Elemente (Kondensatoren, Widerstände, Sicherungen, Filter)
- Widerstände
- Miniatursicherungen für elektronische Schaltungen der Serien ABC und AGC
- Schnelle Röhrensicherungen
- Zeitverzögerungssicherungen mit GL / GG- und AM-Eigenschaften
- Ultraschnelle Sicherungseinsätze
- Britische und amerikanische schnelle Sicherungen
- Schnelle europäische Sicherungen
- Traktionssicherungen
- Hochspannungs-Sicherungseinsätze
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- Kondensatoren für Motoren
- Elektrolytkondensator
- Island Filmkondensatoren
- Leistungskondensatoren
- Kondensatoren für Gleichstromkreise
- Kondensatoren zur Leistungskompensation
- Hochspannungskondensatoren
- Induktionsheizkondensatoren
- Impulskondensatoren
- DC LINK-Kondensatoren
- Kondensatoren für AC / DC-Schaltungen
- Gehen Sie zur Unterkategorie
- Entstörungsfilter
- Superkondensatoren
- Überspannungsableiter für HF-Anwendungen
- Überspannungsableiter für Bildverarbeitungssysteme
- Überspannungsableiter für Stromleitungen
- Überspannungsableiter für LED
- Überspannungsableiter für die Photovoltaik
- Überspannungsableiter für Wägesysteme
- Überspannungsableiter für den Feldbus
- Gehen Sie zur Unterkategorie
- Gehen Sie zur Unterkategorie
Relais und Schütze
- Theorie der Relais und Schütze
- Dreiphasen-Halbleiterrelais AC
- Halbleiterrelais DC
- Regler, Steuerungen und Zubehör
- Sanftstarter und Schaltschütze
- Elektromechanische Relais
- Schütze
- Drehschalter
Einphasen-Halbleiterrelais AC
- Einphasen-Wechselstrom-Halbleiterrelais, Serie 1 | D2425 | D2450
- Einphasige AC-Halbleiterrelais der Serien CWA und CWD
- Einphasen-Wechselstrom-Halbleiterrelais der Serien CMRA und CMRD
- Einphasen-Wechselstrom-Halbleiterrelais, PS-Serie
- Doppel- und Vierfach-Wechselstrom-Halbleiterrelais, Serie D24 D, TD24 Q, H12D48 D.
- 1-phasige Festkörperrelais, gn-Serie
- Einphasige Wechselstrom-Halbleiterrelais, Serie ckr
- Einphasen-Wechselstromrelais der ERDA- UND ERAA-SERIE für die DIN-Schiene
- Einphasige Wechselstromrelais für 150A Strom
- Doppelte Halbleiterrelais mit integriertem Kühlkörper für eine DIN-Schiene
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- Einphasen-Halbleiterrelais AC für Leiterplatten
- Interface-Relais
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- Induktive Komponente
- Radiatoren, Varistoren, Thermoschütze
- Ventilatoren
- Klimaanlagen, Ausrüstung für Schaltschränke, Industriekühler
Batterien, Ladegeräte, Pufferstromversorgungen und Wechselrichter
- Batterien, Ladegeräte - theoretische Beschreibung
- Lithium-Ionen-Batterien. Kundenspezifische Batterien. Batteriemanagementsystem (BMS)
- Batterien
- Ladegeräte und Zubehör
- USV-Notstromversorgung und Pufferstromversorgung
- Konverter und Zubehör für die Photovoltaik
- Energiespeicher
- Brennstoffzellen
- Lithium-Ionen-Batterien
- Gehen Sie zur Unterkategorie
- Futaba Drone Parts
- Grenzschalter, Microschalter
- Sensoren, Wandler
- Infrarot-Temperatursensor, kabellos, wasserdicht, IR-TE-Serie
- Infrarot-Temperatursensor, kabellos, IR-TA-Serie
- Infrarot-Temperatursensor, kabellos, IR-H-Serie
- Ein schnelles stationäres Pyrometer in einem sehr kleinen IR-BA-Gehäuse
- Lichtleiter-Temperatursensoren, IR-FA-Serie
- Das stationäre Pyrometer der IR-BZ-Serie
- Gehen Sie zur Unterkategorie
- Zähler, Zeitrelais, Einbaumessgeräte
- Industrielle Schutzausrüstung
- Licht- und Signalentechnik
- Infrarot-Kamera
- LED-Anzeigen
- Taster, Schalter und Zubehör
Datenerfassung und Datenlogger
- Temperaturschreiber mit Display und Textdruck AL3000
- Digitale Temperaturschreiber mit LCD Display KR 2000-Serie
- Sicherheitstemperaturwächter KR 5000
- Temperatur / Feuchtigkeit Hand-Meter mit Datenlogger HN-CH-Serie
- Messdatenerfassung und Datenlogger Zubehör
- Kompakter Bildschirmschreiber 71VR1
- Sicherheitstemperaturwächter KR 3000-Serie
- PC-Datenerfassung R1M-Serie
- PC-Datenerfassung R2M-Serie
- PC-Datenerfassung, 12 universelle isolierte Eingänge, Typ RZMS-U9
- PC-Datenerfassung, 12 universelle isolierte Eingänge, USB, RZUS-Serie
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- Gehen Sie zur Unterkategorie
Adern, Litzen, Schutzhüllen, Flexible Verbingungen
- Drähte
- Litzen
Kabel für spezielle Anwendungen
- Verlängerungskabel und Kompensations
- Kabel für Thermoelemente
- Die Verbindungsdrähte zu czyjnków PT
- Mehradrige Kabel Temp. -60 ° C bis + 1400 ° C
- SILICOUL Mittelspannungskabeln
- Zündkabel
- Heizleitungen
- Einadriges Temp. -60 ° C bis + 450 ° C
- Zugbegleiter
- Heizleitungen im Ex
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- Schläuche
Geflochtene Kabel
- Zöpfe flach
- Zöpfen Runde
- Sehr flexible Geflecht - flach
- Sehr flexible Geflecht - Rund
- Kupfergeflecht zylindrischen
- Kupfergeflechtschirm und zylindrischer
- Flexible Massebänder
- Geflechte zylindrischen verzinkt und Edelstahl
- PVC-isolierte Kupferlitzen - Temperatur 85 ° C
- Flach geflochtene Aluminium
- Connection Kit - Zöpfe und Röhren
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- Leitungen und Sonstiges für Traktion
- Crimpverbinder
- Flexible isolierte Kupferschienen
- Mehrschichte flexible Kupferschienen
- Kabelrohre, Kabelkanäle und Kabelführung
- Kabelschutzschlauchsysteme
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- Alle Kategorien
- Lieferanten
- AC- und DC-Antriebe (Wechselrichter)
- Ausrüstung für Verteilungs-, Steuerungs- und Telekommunikationsschränke
- Bergbau, Metallurgie und Gründung
- CNC-Werkzeugmaschinen
- Energy bank
- HLK-Automatisierung
- Induktionsheizung
- Industrielle Automatisierung
- Industrielle Automatisierung
- Industrielle Schutzvorrichtungen
- Komponenten für explosionsgefährdete Bereiche (EX)
- Maschinen zum Tiefziehen von Kunststoffen
- Maschinen zum Trocknen und Verarbeiten von Holz
- Motoren und Transformatoren
- Schweißmaschinen und Schweißmaschinen
- Straßenbahn- und Bahntraktion
- Temperaturmessung und -regelung
- Temperaturmessung und -regelung
- USV- und Gleichrichtersysteme
Montaż urządzeń
- Schaltschränkebau
- Design und Montage von Schränken
- Installation von Stromversorgungssystemen
- Komponenten
- Maschinen, die auf Bestellung gebaut werden
- F&E-Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten
Produktionsprozessen Messungsanlagen
- Dioden und Thyristoren Messungsanlagen
- Schaltungen Messungsanlagen
- Varistor- und Überspannungsableiter-Tester
- Messungsanlagen für Kfz-Sicherungen
- Qr Sperrverzögerungsladung Messungsanlagen
- FD-Serie Schaltungen Rotorentester
- Audit-Messungsanlagen der Fehlerstromschutzschalter
- Tester für Kalibrierung der Relais
- Anlage für Video Qualitätskontrollsysteme
- Hochstrom-Thyristorschalter
- Maschenbruch-Tester
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- Alle Kategorien
Modernizacja induktorów
- Reparatur gebrauchter Induktivitäten
- Modernisierung von Induktoren
Produktion neuer Induktoren
- Härten von Kurbelwellen
- Aushärten der Bandsägezähne
- Erwärmung der Elemente vor dem Verkleben
- Härtung von Laufbahnen von Radnabenlagern für Kraftfahrzeuge
- Härtung der Antriebsgetriebekomponenten
- Härten von Stufenwellen
- Erwärmung in Kontraktionsfugen
- Scan-Härtung
- Weichlöten
- Knüppelheizungen
- Gehen Sie zur Unterkategorie
- Wissensbasis
- Alle Kategorien
Urządzenia indukcyjne
Generatoren für Induktionserwärmung
Ambrell Induktionsheizgeneratoren
- Generatoren: Leistung 500 W, Frequenz 150-400 kHz
- Generatoren: Leistung 1.2 - 2.4 kW, Frequenz 150 - 400 kHz
- Generatoren: Leistung 4.2 - 10 kW, Frequenz 150 - 400 kHz
- Generatoren: Leistung 10 - 15 kW, Frequenz 50 - 150 kHz
- Generatoren: Leistung 30-45 kW, Frequenz 50-150 kHz
- Generatoren: Leistung 65-135 kW, Frequenz 50-150 kHz
- Generatoren: Leistung 180-270 kW, Frequenz 50-150 kHz
- Generatoren: Leistung 20-35-50 kW, Frequenz 15-45 kHz
- Generatoren: Leistung 75-150 kW, Frequenz 15-45 kHz
- Generatoren: Leistung 200-500 kW, Frequenz 15-45 kHz
- Generatoren: Leistung 20-50 kW, Frequenz 5-15 kHz
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- Denki Kogyo Induktionsheizungsgeneratoren
JKZ Induktionsheizungsgeneratoren
- Generatoren der CX-Serie, Frequenz: 50-120 kHz, Leistung: 5-25 kW
- Generatoren der SWS-Serie, Frequenz: 15-30 kHz, Leistung: 25-260 kW
- Generatoren (Öfen) zum Formen und Schmieden der MFS-Serie, Frequenz: 0,5-10 kHz, Leistung: 80-500 kW
- MFS-Schmelzöfen, Frequenz: 0,5-10 kHz, Leistung: 70-200 kW
- Generatoren der UHT-Serie, Frequenz: 200-400 kHz, Leistung: 10-160 kW
- Gehen Sie zur Unterkategorie
- Lampengeneratoren für Induktionsheizung
- Himmelwerk Induktionsheizungsgeneratoren
- Gehen Sie zur Unterkategorie
Ambrell Induktionsheizgeneratoren
- Reparaturen und Modernisierung
- Peripheriegeräte
- Medizinische Anwendungen
- Automobilindustrie Applikationen
- Löten
- Hartlöten
- Hartlöten von Aluminium
- Löten von magnetischen Edelstahlwerkzeugen
- Präzisionslöten
- Löten unter Atmosphäre
- Löten von Kühlkörperkappen aus Messing und Stahl
- Löten von Sintercarbiden
- Löten der Kupferspitze und des Drahtes
- Gehen Sie zur Unterkategorie
- Wissensbasis
- Alle Kategorien
Generatoren für Induktionserwärmung
- Wartung von Brauchwasserkühlern und Klimaanlagen
- Reparaturen und Modernisierung von Maschinen
- Reparatur der Leistungselektronik und elektonischen und automatischen Vorrichtungen
- Hochspannungsnetzteile für Elektrofilter
- Industriedrucker und Etikettierer
- Certyfikaty / uprawnienia
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- Kontakt
- Zobacz wszystkie kategorie
Introduction to Semiconductors in an Industrial Context

What is a Semiconductor?
Semiconductors are materials that have properties intermediate between conductors and insulators. Unlike metals, which are good electrical conductors, and insulators, which are poor conductors, semiconductors have the ability to control the flow of electric current. It is this unique property that makes semiconductors a fundamental material in the production of electronic circuits.
Examples of Semiconductors in Industrial Applications
Semiconductors find application in many industries, from electronics to energy. Here are a few examples:
• Transistors: Used in electronics for amplifying and processing electrical signals.
• Diodes: Used for rectifying and regulating electric current in various electronic devices.
• Thyristors: Used for current control in power and control systems.
Semiconductors form the foundation for many advanced industrial technologies, enabling the production of more efficient, reliable, and cost-effective electronic devices. Therefore, understanding their role and applications in the industry is crucial for anyone interested in modern technology and industrial innovations.
Characteristics of Semiconductors in Industrial Applications
Semiconductors are extremely important elements in industry, enabling the production of advanced electronic systems, power, and automation. But what does this concept really mean, and why are they so crucial for industry?
What is a Semiconductor?
Semiconductors are materials that have the ability to conduct electric current under certain conditions but not under others. Unlike metals, which are good conductors, and insulators, which are poor conductors, semiconductors have properties intermediate between them. It is this unique feature that makes semiconductors useful in many industrial applications.
Characteristics of Semiconductors in Industrial Applications
Semiconductors are extremely important elements in industry, enabling the production of advanced electronic systems, power, and automation. But what does this concept really mean, and why are they so crucial for industry?
What is a Semiconductor?
Semiconductors are materials that have the ability to conduct electric current under certain conditions but not under others. Unlike metals, which are good conductors, and insulators, which are poor conductors, semiconductors have properties intermediate between them. It is this unique feature that makes semiconductors useful in many industrial applications
Characteristics of Semiconductors in Industrial Applications
Semiconductors possess specific characteristics that make them ideal for industrial applications:
• Durability: Semiconductors are resistant to extreme conditions such as high temperature, vibrations, and shocks, making them ideal for use in challenging industrial environments.
• Operational Stability: Semiconductors exhibit stable operation in various environmental conditions, ensuring the reliability of devices over long periods.
Examples of Semiconductor Applications in Industry
Semiconductors are widely used in various sectors of industry. Here are a few examples of their applications:
• Power Systems: Power transistors and diodes are used in power systems for efficient current and voltage control.
• Control Systems: Thyristors and transistors are key components in control systems, enabling precise regulation of industrial processes.
• Measurement Devices: Semiconductors are used in the production of sensors and signal converters, enabling precise measurement and control of various industrial process parameters.
Semiconductors are indispensable elements in industry, enabling the production of advanced electronic devices, power systems, and automation. Their durability, resistance to extreme conditions, and operational stability make them ideal for use in various industrial environments.
Examples of Semiconductors Significant for the Industrial Sector
Semiconductors play a crucial role in industry, enabling the production of advanced electronic systems, power, and automation. But which specific semiconductors are used in industry, and why are they so important?
Examples of Semiconductor Applications in Industrial Settings
Below are some specific examples of semiconductors used in industry:
1. Power Transistors
• What Are They: Power transistors are semiconductor control elements that enable the control of large currents and voltages in various power and control systems.
• Application: They are mainly used in power systems, in converters, inverters, voltage regulators, electric motors, and other industrial devices.
2. Thyristors
• What Are They: Thyristors are semiconductor control elements that allow current flow in only one direction after being turned on.
• Application: They are mainly used in control circuits, power regulators, surge protection systems, and other industrial devices requiring precise current regulation.
3. Rectifier Diodes
• What Are They: Rectifier diodes are semiconductor elements that allow current flow in only one direction.
• Application: They are mainly used in rectifiers, power supplies, voltage regulators, energy converters, and other electronic devices requiring rectification and current regulation.
The above examples demonstrate the diversity and significance of semiconductors for industry, enabling the production of advanced and technologically efficient devices and systems.
Advantages and Limitations of Semiconductors in an Industrial Context
Semiconductors possess specific characteristics that make them ideal for industrial applications:
• Durability: Semiconductors are resistant to extreme conditions such as high temperature, vibrations, and shocks, making them ideal for use in challenging industrial environments.
• Operational Stability: Semiconductors exhibit stable operation in various environmental conditions, ensuring the reliability of devices over long periods.
Power Transistors
• High Performance: Power transistors offer high performance in controlling large currents and voltages.
• Fast Switching: They ensure fast switching, which is crucial in many industrial control applications.
• High Costs: Power transistors can be relatively expensive to produce, which may affect the costs of final devices.
• Heat Generation: They can generate large amounts of heat, requiring proper cooling.
• Operational Stability: Thyristors exhibit stable operation under various environmental conditions.
• High Durability: They have high resistance to extreme conditions, making them ideal for industrial applications.
• Lack of Conduction Control: Once triggered, thyristors cannot be turned off by applying a control signal, which may be a limitation in some applications.
Rectifier Diodes
• Simple Construction: Rectifier diodes have a simple construction and are easy to use.
• Low Voltage Drop: They have a low voltage drop, contributing to increased system efficiency.
• Lack of Control: Rectifier diodes conduct current only in one direction, which may limit their application in some scenarios.
Applications of Semiconductors in Various Industrial Sectors
Semiconductors find wide applications in various industrial sectors, contributing to improving energy efficiency, increasing system reliability, and reducing operating costs. Here are a few examples of semiconductor applications in different industrial sectors:
Power Generation:
• Power Transistors: They are used in inverters, converters, voltage regulators, and other power supply systems for efficient control of electrical energy.
• Thyristors: They are employed in control circuits, power regulators, frequency converters, and other industrial automation systems.
Industrial Electronics:
• Rectifier Diodes: They are used in rectifiers, power supplies, voltage regulators, energy converters, and other electronic devices.
• Semiconductor Sensors: They are utilized in temperature, humidity, pressure, velocity, liquid level, and other parameter sensors in telecommunication systems.
The application of semiconductors in industry contributes to improving the performance, reliability, and economy of various systems, which is a key factor in the dynamic development of modern industry.
Trends and Innovations in the Semiconductor Industry
The semiconductor industry is continuously evolving, introducing new technologies and innovations that have the potential to revolutionize various sectors of industry. Among the most promising trends are Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (GaN) technologies.
Silicon Carbide (SiC) Technology
What it is:
SiC technology utilizes silicon carbide for semiconductor production. Compared to traditional silicon-based semiconductors, SiC semiconductors exhibit significantly better electrical properties.
Examples of Applications:
• SiC Power Transistors: Transistors made of silicon carbide are used in power systems, frequency converters, electric drives, and other applications where high performance and reliability are required.
Gallium Nitride (GaN) Technology
What it is:
GaN technology employs gallium nitride for semiconductor production. GaN semiconductors are characterized by high efficiency, fast switching, and low power losses.
Examples of Applications:
• GaN Transformers and Power Sources: They are utilized in power systems, LED light sources, UV lighting, radars, telecommunications systems, and many other applications where high efficiency and fast switching are required.
Future Semiconductor Development Perspectives
With technological advancements and increasing demand for efficient and reliable systems, the semiconductor industry will continue to evolve, introducing newer technologies and innovations. Key areas of development include:
• Increased Efficiency: Through the utilization of SiC and GaN technologies and further research into new semiconductor materials.
• Reduction of Production Costs: By developing more efficient manufacturing processes and scaling production.
• Increased Integration and Miniaturization: Through the development of advanced integration technologies, enabling the production of smaller and more efficient semiconductor devices.
Semiconductors play a crucial role in the industry, enabling the production of advanced electronic devices, power systems, and automation. The introduction of new technologies, such as SiC and GaN, has the potential to revolutionize the industry, improving the performance, reliability, and energy efficiency of various industrial systems.
Summary and Perspectives
Semiconductors play a crucial role in the industry, enabling the production of advanced electronic devices, power systems, and automation. It is worth emphasizing once again how significant semiconductors are for modern industry and how many opportunities they open up for the development of new technologies.
The Role of Semiconductors in Industry
Semiconductors are indispensable components in the industry, enabling the production of advanced electronic devices, power systems, and automation. Examples of their applications include power transistors, thyristors, rectifier diodes, semiconductor sensors, and many others.
The Importance of Continuous Development
Continuous development in the field of semiconductors is crucial for the future of the industry. New technologies, such as Silicon Carbide (SiC) and Gallium Nitride (GaN), have the potential to revolutionize various sectors of the industry, improving the performance, reliability, and energy efficiency of systems.
Development Perspectives
In the future, we can expect further growth in the importance of semiconductors in the industry. Key areas of development will include increasing efficiency, reducing production costs, increasing integration and miniaturization, and developing more advanced semiconductor technologies.
Monitoring Progress
We encourage monitoring progress in the field of semiconductors and tracking new technologies and innovations. Awareness of the latest achievements in this field will enable the effective utilization of the potential of semiconductors in the industry and ensure competitiveness in the market.
Semiconductors form the foundation of modern industry, enabling the production of advanced electronic devices, power systems, and automation. Continuous development in this field is crucial for the future of the industry, so it is worth keeping up with the latest semiconductor technologies and innovations.
Read also:
What is a network switch and what are its applications?
What are thermal conductive materials?
What is a radiator? Types and applications of radiators
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