Sie müssen eingeloggt sein
- Dioden
- Thyristoren
Elektroisolierte Module
- Elektroisolierte Module | VISHAY (IR)
- Elektroisolierte Module | INFINEON (EUPEC)
- Elektroisolierte Module | Semikron
- Elektroisolierte Module | POWEREX
- Elektroisolierte Module IXYS
- Elektroisolierte Module | POSEICO
- Elektroisolierte Module ABB
- Elektroisolierte Module | TECHSEM
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- Brückengleichrichter
- Transistoren | GeneSiC
- SiC-MOSFET-Module | Mitsubishi
- Transistormodule | MITSUBISHI
- Transistormodule | ABB
- Halbleiterkomponente aus Siziliumkarbid
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- Treiber
- Leistungsblöcke
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- Strom- und Spannungswandler von LEM
Passive Elemente (Kondensatoren, Widerstände, Sicherungen, Filter)
- Widerstände
- Miniatursicherungen für elektronische Schaltungen der Serien ABC und AGC
- Schnelle Röhrensicherungen
- Zeitverzögerungssicherungen mit GL / GG- und AM-Eigenschaften
- Ultraschnelle Sicherungseinsätze
- Britische und amerikanische schnelle Sicherungen
- Schnelle europäische Sicherungen
- Traktionssicherungen
- Hochspannungs-Sicherungseinsätze
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- Kondensatoren für Motoren
- Elektrolytkondensator
- Island Filmkondensatoren
- Leistungskondensatoren
- Kondensatoren für Gleichstromkreise
- Kondensatoren zur Leistungskompensation
- Hochspannungskondensatoren
- Induktionsheizkondensatoren
- Impulskondensatoren
- DC LINK-Kondensatoren
- Kondensatoren für AC / DC-Schaltungen
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- Entstörungsfilter
- Superkondensatoren
- Überspannungsableiter für HF-Anwendungen
- Überspannungsableiter für Bildverarbeitungssysteme
- Überspannungsableiter für Stromleitungen
- Überspannungsableiter für LED
- Überspannungsableiter für die Photovoltaik
- Überspannungsableiter für Wägesysteme
- Überspannungsableiter für den Feldbus
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- Gehen Sie zur Unterkategorie
Relais und Schütze
- Theorie der Relais und Schütze
- Dreiphasen-Halbleiterrelais AC
- Halbleiterrelais DC
- Regler, Steuerungen und Zubehör
- Sanftstarter und Schaltschütze
- Elektromechanische Relais
- Schütze
- Drehschalter
Einphasen-Halbleiterrelais AC
- Einphasen-Wechselstrom-Halbleiterrelais, Serie 1 | D2425 | D2450
- Einphasige AC-Halbleiterrelais der Serien CWA und CWD
- Einphasen-Wechselstrom-Halbleiterrelais der Serien CMRA und CMRD
- Einphasen-Wechselstrom-Halbleiterrelais, PS-Serie
- Doppel- und Vierfach-Wechselstrom-Halbleiterrelais, Serie D24 D, TD24 Q, H12D48 D.
- 1-phasige Festkörperrelais, gn-Serie
- Einphasige Wechselstrom-Halbleiterrelais, Serie ckr
- Einphasen-Wechselstromrelais der ERDA- UND ERAA-SERIE für die DIN-Schiene
- Einphasige Wechselstromrelais für 150A Strom
- Doppelte Halbleiterrelais mit integriertem Kühlkörper für eine DIN-Schiene
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- Einphasen-Halbleiterrelais AC für Leiterplatten
- Interface-Relais
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- Induktive Komponente
- Radiatoren, Varistoren, Thermoschütze
- Ventilatoren
- Klimaanlagen, Ausrüstung für Schaltschränke, Industriekühler
Batterien, Ladegeräte, Pufferstromversorgungen und Wechselrichter
- Batterien, Ladegeräte - theoretische Beschreibung
- Lithium-Ionen-Batterien. Kundenspezifische Batterien. Batteriemanagementsystem (BMS)
- Batterien
- Ladegeräte und Zubehör
- USV-Notstromversorgung und Pufferstromversorgung
- Konverter und Zubehör für die Photovoltaik
- Energiespeicher
- Brennstoffzellen
- Lithium-Ionen-Batterien
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- Futaba Drone Parts
- Grenzschalter, Microschalter
- Sensoren, Wandler
- Infrarot-Temperatursensor, kabellos, wasserdicht, IR-TE-Serie
- Infrarot-Temperatursensor, kabellos, IR-TA-Serie
- Infrarot-Temperatursensor, kabellos, IR-H-Serie
- Ein schnelles stationäres Pyrometer in einem sehr kleinen IR-BA-Gehäuse
- Lichtleiter-Temperatursensoren, IR-FA-Serie
- Das stationäre Pyrometer der IR-BZ-Serie
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- Zähler, Zeitrelais, Einbaumessgeräte
- Industrielle Schutzausrüstung
- Licht- und Signalentechnik
- Infrarot-Kamera
- LED-Anzeigen
- Taster, Schalter und Zubehör
Datenerfassung und Datenlogger
- Temperaturschreiber mit Display und Textdruck AL3000
- Digitale Temperaturschreiber mit LCD Display KR 2000-Serie
- Sicherheitstemperaturwächter KR 5000
- Temperatur / Feuchtigkeit Hand-Meter mit Datenlogger HN-CH-Serie
- Messdatenerfassung und Datenlogger Zubehör
- Kompakter Bildschirmschreiber 71VR1
- Sicherheitstemperaturwächter KR 3000-Serie
- PC-Datenerfassung R1M-Serie
- PC-Datenerfassung R2M-Serie
- PC-Datenerfassung, 12 universelle isolierte Eingänge, Typ RZMS-U9
- PC-Datenerfassung, 12 universelle isolierte Eingänge, USB, RZUS-Serie
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Adern, Litzen, Schutzhüllen, Flexible Verbingungen
- Drähte
- Litzen
Kabel für spezielle Anwendungen
- Verlängerungskabel und Kompensations
- Kabel für Thermoelemente
- Die Verbindungsdrähte zu czyjnków PT
- Mehradrige Kabel Temp. -60 ° C bis + 1400 ° C
- SILICOUL Mittelspannungskabeln
- Zündkabel
- Heizleitungen
- Einadriges Temp. -60 ° C bis + 450 ° C
- Zugbegleiter
- Heizleitungen im Ex
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- Schläuche
Geflochtene Kabel
- Zöpfe flach
- Zöpfen Runde
- Sehr flexible Geflecht - flach
- Sehr flexible Geflecht - Rund
- Kupfergeflecht zylindrischen
- Kupfergeflechtschirm und zylindrischer
- Flexible Massebänder
- Geflechte zylindrischen verzinkt und Edelstahl
- PVC-isolierte Kupferlitzen - Temperatur 85 ° C
- Flach geflochtene Aluminium
- Connection Kit - Zöpfe und Röhren
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- Leitungen und Sonstiges für Traktion
- Crimpverbinder
- Flexible isolierte Kupferschienen
- Mehrschichte flexible Kupferschienen
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- Kabelschutzschlauchsysteme
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- Energy bank
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- Industrielle Automatisierung
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Introduction to the RAFI tactile switches

Introduction to the RAFI tactile switches
RAFI tactile switches are high-quality and innovative switching solutions that are widely used in various fields and industries. These are electromechanical components that allow human interaction with electronic devices by pressing their surfaces.
What are the RAFI tactile switches?
First of all, RAFI buttons are characterized by excellent workmanship and operational reliability. These are microswitches designed for use on a PCB and are available in various variants for mounting SMT (Surface Mount Technology) and THT (Through-Hole technology). The use of the most modern production technologies and careful testing of each element guarantee high durability and operational reliability of the RAFI buttons. Properly designed and precisely made RAFI buttons provide the user with excellent touch quality and tactile feedback, which translates into convenience and comfort of use.
RAFI tactile switches are available in various variants, such as MICON 5 S, MICON 5 SL, MICON 5 SAFETY, RACON ST, which differ in form, activation force, environmental protection or number of contacts. This makes RAFI push buttons extremely versatile and can be used in a variety of applications, from medical and automotive devices to industrial equipment and household appliances.

Sealed RAFI buttons with extended life, ideal for intensive use, ensuring reliable control in difficult conditions.
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Sealed RAFI tactile switches with two separate NC and NO contacts for reliable and safe control, ideal for applications related to safety standards.
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RAFI sealed tactile switches with extreme temperature resistance for reliable control in harsh environments, ideal for automotive and similar applications.
More informationAnother important feature of the RAFI buttons is their availability in terms of customization. RAFI buttons can be personalized in terms of colors, finishes or labeling, which allows them to be adapted to the visual identification of a given product or brand.

Main features and benefits of using the RAFI tactile switches
RAFI tactile switches are innovative and reliable switching solutions that offer many important features and benefits for users. The main features and benefits associated with the use of RAFI buttons are key to their popularity and wide use in various industries and applications.
One of the main features of the RAFI buttons is their excellent workmanship and reliability. RAFI buttons are carefully designed and made of high-quality materials, which guarantees their durability and reliability even with intensive use. The reliability of the RAFI buttons is crucial for applications where precise and reliable control is essential.
Another significant feature of the RAFI buttons is their excellent tactile feedback. Thanks to the precise design and appropriate construction, the RAFI buttons offer the user a clear tactile and responsive feel when pressed. This tactile feedback improves comfort and accuracy, enabling smooth and intuitive use of devices.
RAFI push buttons are also versatile in terms of available variants and options. Various sizes, forms, actuation forces and configurations are available, allowing you to tailor RAFI buttons to specific needs and application requirements. Whatever your industry or application, there is a RAFI button variation to meet your project requirements.
Using RAFI buttons brings many benefits such as reliability, precise control, ease of use and versatility. RAFI tactile switches are used in many fields, from medicine and automotive to consumer and industrial electronics. Their excellent workmanship and tactile properties make them irreplaceable elements of man-machine interaction.
Use of RAFI tactile switches
RAFI tactile switches are widely used in a variety of fields and industries, providing reliable and precise control in a wide variety of applications. Over the years, RAFI buttons have gained recognition and trust in many industries thanks to their excellent quality and functionality. Let's analyze an overview of common applications of RAFI buttons.

Electronic industry
RAFI tactile switches are widely used in the electronics industry for various purposes, such as operator panels, controllers, measuring devices and laboratory equipment. Thanks to their reliability and precise operation, the RAFI buttons enable intuitive control of electronic devices.

In the medical field, RAFI buttons are used in medical equipment, such as diagnostic test devices, patient monitoring devices and laboratory devices. They require precise control and reliable operation.

RAFI buttons are also widely used in the automotive industry, both in passenger cars and commercial vehicles. They are used as a button to open the trunk lid or buttons on car keys. In this dynamic automotive environment, RAFI buttons must withstand harsh weather conditions.

Heavy industry
In heavy industry, where there are difficult environmental conditions, such as moisture, dust, vibrations or variable temperatures, RAFI tactile switches are a reliable solution. They are used in industrial machines, control devices or operator panels, enabling precise control in demanding working conditions.

Overview of the different series and available variants
RAFI tactile switches offer a variety of series and variants that are available to meet different needs and application requirements. It's important to understand the differences between these series and variants so you can make the right choice based on your specific project needs
One of the popular series of RAFI buttons is . Various variants are available within this series, such as MICON 5 S, MICON 5 SL and MICON 5 SAFETY. Each of these variants has its own unique features and applications. For example, MICON 5 S is a sealed button that can be used on printed circuit boards protected from environmental influences by protective coatings. The MICON 5 SL is a sealed button with an extended life, ideal for applications where buttons are pressed frequently. On the other hand, MICON 5 SAFETY is a button that, in addition to the features of MICON 5 S, offers two separate NC and NO contacts, which makes it unique in this class.
Another series of RAFI tactile switches is characterized by high resistance to extreme temperatures from -40°C to +125°C. RACON ST buttons are airtight and can be used in automotive or similar applications that are exposed to harsh weather conditions. They also feature a rugged and reliable gold-based contact system for long-term operational reliability
In addition to these series, RAFI offers many other variants of tactile switches, such as the RAFIX series, the LUMOTAST series, the RAMO series or the RF 15 series. Each of these series has its own unique features and applications, providing a wide choice for various applications
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