Sie müssen eingeloggt sein
- Dioden
- Thyristoren
Elektroisolierte Module
- Elektroisolierte Module | VISHAY (IR)
- Elektroisolierte Module | INFINEON (EUPEC)
- Elektroisolierte Module | Semikron
- Elektroisolierte Module | POWEREX
- Elektroisolierte Module IXYS
- Elektroisolierte Module | POSEICO
- Elektroisolierte Module ABB
- Elektroisolierte Module | TECHSEM
- Gehen Sie zur Unterkategorie
- Brückengleichrichter
- Transistoren | GeneSiC
- SiC-MOSFET-Module | Mitsubishi
- Transistormodule | MITSUBISHI
- Transistormodule | ABB
- Halbleiterkomponente aus Siziliumkarbid
- Gehen Sie zur Unterkategorie
- Treiber
- Leistungsblöcke
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Strom- und Spannungswandler von LEM
Stromwandler von LEM
- Stromwandler mit geschlossener Rückkopplungsschleife (C / L)
- Stromwandler mit offener Rückkopplungsschleife (O / L)
- Stromwandler mit unipolarer Spannung
- Wandler in der Eta-Technologie
- Hochgenaue Stromwandler der Serie LF xx10
- Stromwandler der Serie LH
- HOYS und HOYL - zur direkten Montage auf einer Leiterschiene
- Stromwandler in der SMD-Technologie der Serien GO-SME und GO-SMS
- AUTOMOBIL-Stromwandler
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- Spannungswandler | LEM
- Präzisionsstromwandler | LEM
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Stromwandler von LEM
Passive Elemente (Kondensatoren, Widerstände, Sicherungen, Filter)
- Widerstände
- Miniatursicherungen für elektronische Schaltungen der Serien ABC und AGC
- Schnelle Röhrensicherungen
- Zeitverzögerungssicherungen mit GL / GG- und AM-Eigenschaften
- Ultraschnelle Sicherungseinsätze
- Britische und amerikanische schnelle Sicherungen
- Schnelle europäische Sicherungen
- Traktionssicherungen
- Hochspannungs-Sicherungseinsätze
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- Kondensatoren für Motoren
- Elektrolytkondensator
- Island Filmkondensatoren
- Leistungskondensatoren
- Kondensatoren für Gleichstromkreise
- Kondensatoren zur Leistungskompensation
- Hochspannungskondensatoren
- Induktionsheizkondensatoren
- Impulskondensatoren
- DC LINK-Kondensatoren
- Kondensatoren für AC / DC-Schaltungen
- Gehen Sie zur Unterkategorie
- Entstörungsfilter
- Superkondensatoren
- Überspannungsableiter für HF-Anwendungen
- Überspannungsableiter für Bildverarbeitungssysteme
- Überspannungsableiter für Stromleitungen
- Überspannungsableiter für LED
- Überspannungsableiter für die Photovoltaik
- Überspannungsableiter für Wägesysteme
- Überspannungsableiter für den Feldbus
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- Gehen Sie zur Unterkategorie
Relais und Schütze
- Theorie der Relais und Schütze
- Dreiphasen-Halbleiterrelais AC
- Halbleiterrelais DC
- Regler, Steuerungen und Zubehör
- Sanftstarter und Schaltschütze
- Elektromechanische Relais
- Schütze
- Drehschalter
Einphasen-Halbleiterrelais AC
- Einphasen-Wechselstrom-Halbleiterrelais, Serie 1 | D2425 | D2450
- Einphasige AC-Halbleiterrelais der Serien CWA und CWD
- Einphasen-Wechselstrom-Halbleiterrelais der Serien CMRA und CMRD
- Einphasen-Wechselstrom-Halbleiterrelais, PS-Serie
- Doppel- und Vierfach-Wechselstrom-Halbleiterrelais, Serie D24 D, TD24 Q, H12D48 D.
- 1-phasige Festkörperrelais, gn-Serie
- Einphasige Wechselstrom-Halbleiterrelais, Serie ckr
- Einphasen-Wechselstromrelais der ERDA- UND ERAA-SERIE für die DIN-Schiene
- Einphasige Wechselstromrelais für 150A Strom
- Doppelte Halbleiterrelais mit integriertem Kühlkörper für eine DIN-Schiene
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- Einphasen-Halbleiterrelais AC für Leiterplatten
- Interface-Relais
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- Induktive Komponente
- Radiatoren, Varistoren, Thermoschütze
- Ventilatoren
- Klimaanlagen, Ausrüstung für Schaltschränke, Industriekühler
Batterien, Ladegeräte, Pufferstromversorgungen und Wechselrichter
- Batterien, Ladegeräte - theoretische Beschreibung
- Lithium-Ionen-Batterien. Kundenspezifische Batterien. Batteriemanagementsystem (BMS)
- Batterien
- Ladegeräte und Zubehör
- USV-Notstromversorgung und Pufferstromversorgung
- Konverter und Zubehör für die Photovoltaik
- Energiespeicher
- Brennstoffzellen
- Lithium-Ionen-Batterien
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- Futaba Drone Parts
- Grenzschalter, Microschalter
- Sensoren, Wandler
- Infrarot-Temperatursensor, kabellos, wasserdicht, IR-TE-Serie
- Infrarot-Temperatursensor, kabellos, IR-TA-Serie
- Infrarot-Temperatursensor, kabellos, IR-H-Serie
- Ein schnelles stationäres Pyrometer in einem sehr kleinen IR-BA-Gehäuse
- Lichtleiter-Temperatursensoren, IR-FA-Serie
- Das stationäre Pyrometer der IR-BZ-Serie
- Gehen Sie zur Unterkategorie
- Zähler, Zeitrelais, Einbaumessgeräte
- Industrielle Schutzausrüstung
- Licht- und Signalentechnik
- Infrarot-Kamera
- LED-Anzeigen
- Taster, Schalter und Zubehör
Datenerfassung und Datenlogger
- Temperaturschreiber mit Display und Textdruck AL3000
- Digitale Temperaturschreiber mit LCD Display KR 2000-Serie
- Sicherheitstemperaturwächter KR 5000
- Temperatur / Feuchtigkeit Hand-Meter mit Datenlogger HN-CH-Serie
- Messdatenerfassung und Datenlogger Zubehör
- Kompakter Bildschirmschreiber 71VR1
- Sicherheitstemperaturwächter KR 3000-Serie
- PC-Datenerfassung R1M-Serie
- PC-Datenerfassung R2M-Serie
- PC-Datenerfassung, 12 universelle isolierte Eingänge, Typ RZMS-U9
- PC-Datenerfassung, 12 universelle isolierte Eingänge, USB, RZUS-Serie
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- Gehen Sie zur Unterkategorie
Adern, Litzen, Schutzhüllen, Flexible Verbingungen
- Drähte
- Litzen
Kabel für spezielle Anwendungen
- Verlängerungskabel und Kompensations
- Kabel für Thermoelemente
- Die Verbindungsdrähte zu czyjnków PT
- Mehradrige Kabel Temp. -60 ° C bis + 1400 ° C
- SILICOUL Mittelspannungskabeln
- Zündkabel
- Heizleitungen
- Einadriges Temp. -60 ° C bis + 450 ° C
- Zugbegleiter
- Heizleitungen im Ex
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- Schläuche
Geflochtene Kabel
- Zöpfe flach
- Zöpfen Runde
- Sehr flexible Geflecht - flach
- Sehr flexible Geflecht - Rund
- Kupfergeflecht zylindrischen
- Kupfergeflechtschirm und zylindrischer
- Flexible Massebänder
- Geflechte zylindrischen verzinkt und Edelstahl
- PVC-isolierte Kupferlitzen - Temperatur 85 ° C
- Flach geflochtene Aluminium
- Connection Kit - Zöpfe und Röhren
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- Leitungen und Sonstiges für Traktion
- Crimpverbinder
- Flexible isolierte Kupferschienen
- Mehrschichte flexible Kupferschienen
- Kabelrohre, Kabelkanäle und Kabelführung
- Kabelschutzschlauchsysteme
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- Alle Kategorien
- Lieferanten
- AC- und DC-Antriebe (Wechselrichter)
- Ausrüstung für Verteilungs-, Steuerungs- und Telekommunikationsschränke
- Bergbau, Metallurgie und Gründung
- CNC-Werkzeugmaschinen
- Energy bank
- HLK-Automatisierung
- Induktionsheizung
- Industrielle Automatisierung
- Industrielle Automatisierung
- Industrielle Schutzvorrichtungen
- Komponenten für explosionsgefährdete Bereiche (EX)
- Maschinen zum Tiefziehen von Kunststoffen
- Maschinen zum Trocknen und Verarbeiten von Holz
- Motoren und Transformatoren
- Schweißmaschinen und Schweißmaschinen
- Straßenbahn- und Bahntraktion
- Temperaturmessung und -regelung
- Temperaturmessung und -regelung
- USV- und Gleichrichtersysteme
Montaż urządzeń
- Schaltschränkebau
- Design und Montage von Schränken
- Installation von Stromversorgungssystemen
- Komponenten
- Maschinen, die auf Bestellung gebaut werden
- F&E-Forschungs- und Entwicklungsarbeiten
Produktionsprozessen Messungsanlagen
- Dioden und Thyristoren Messungsanlagen
- Schaltungen Messungsanlagen
- Varistor- und Überspannungsableiter-Tester
- Messungsanlagen für Kfz-Sicherungen
- Qr Sperrverzögerungsladung Messungsanlagen
- FD-Serie Schaltungen Rotorentester
- Audit-Messungsanlagen der Fehlerstromschutzschalter
- Tester für Kalibrierung der Relais
- Anlage für Video Qualitätskontrollsysteme
- Hochstrom-Thyristorschalter
- Maschenbruch-Tester
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- Alle Kategorien
Modernizacja induktorów
- Reparatur gebrauchter Induktivitäten
- Modernisierung von Induktoren
Produktion neuer Induktoren
- Härten von Kurbelwellen
- Aushärten der Bandsägezähne
- Erwärmung der Elemente vor dem Verkleben
- Härtung von Laufbahnen von Radnabenlagern für Kraftfahrzeuge
- Härtung der Antriebsgetriebekomponenten
- Härten von Stufenwellen
- Erwärmung in Kontraktionsfugen
- Scan-Härtung
- Weichlöten
- Knüppelheizungen
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- Wissensbasis
- Alle Kategorien
Urządzenia indukcyjne
Generatoren für Induktionserwärmung
Ambrell Induktionsheizgeneratoren
- Generatoren: Leistung 500 W, Frequenz 150-400 kHz
- Generatoren: Leistung 1.2 - 2.4 kW, Frequenz 150 - 400 kHz
- Generatoren: Leistung 4.2 - 10 kW, Frequenz 150 - 400 kHz
- Generatoren: Leistung 10 - 15 kW, Frequenz 50 - 150 kHz
- Generatoren: Leistung 30-45 kW, Frequenz 50-150 kHz
- Generatoren: Leistung 65-135 kW, Frequenz 50-150 kHz
- Generatoren: Leistung 180-270 kW, Frequenz 50-150 kHz
- Generatoren: Leistung 20-35-50 kW, Frequenz 15-45 kHz
- Generatoren: Leistung 75-150 kW, Frequenz 15-45 kHz
- Generatoren: Leistung 200-500 kW, Frequenz 15-45 kHz
- Generatoren: Leistung 20-50 kW, Frequenz 5-15 kHz
- Gehen Sie zur Unterkategorie
- Denki Kogyo Induktionsheizungsgeneratoren
JKZ Induktionsheizungsgeneratoren
- Generatoren der CX-Serie, Frequenz: 50-120 kHz, Leistung: 5-25 kW
- Generatoren der SWS-Serie, Frequenz: 15-30 kHz, Leistung: 25-260 kW
- Generatoren (Öfen) zum Formen und Schmieden der MFS-Serie, Frequenz: 0,5-10 kHz, Leistung: 80-500 kW
- MFS-Schmelzöfen, Frequenz: 0,5-10 kHz, Leistung: 70-200 kW
- Generatoren der UHT-Serie, Frequenz: 200-400 kHz, Leistung: 10-160 kW
- Gehen Sie zur Unterkategorie
- Lampengeneratoren für Induktionsheizung
- Himmelwerk Induktionsheizungsgeneratoren
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Ambrell Induktionsheizgeneratoren
- Reparaturen und Modernisierung
- Peripheriegeräte
- Medizinische Anwendungen
- Automobilindustrie Applikationen
- Löten
- Hartlöten
- Hartlöten von Aluminium
- Löten von magnetischen Edelstahlwerkzeugen
- Präzisionslöten
- Löten unter Atmosphäre
- Löten von Kühlkörperkappen aus Messing und Stahl
- Löten von Sintercarbiden
- Löten der Kupferspitze und des Drahtes
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- Wissensbasis
- Alle Kategorien
Generatoren für Induktionserwärmung
- Wartung von Brauchwasserkühlern und Klimaanlagen
- Reparaturen und Modernisierung von Maschinen
- Reparatur der Leistungselektronik und elektonischen und automatischen Vorrichtungen
- Hochspannungsnetzteile für Elektrofilter
- Industriedrucker und Etikettierer
- Certyfikaty / uprawnienia
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- Kontakt
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Light fittings eLLB 20
eLLB 20... 18-58 W
Oprawy świetlówkowe z serii nLLK 08 spełniają zasadnicze wymagania Dyrektywy ATEX (94/9/ WE) i są dopuszczone do pracy w strefie 2 oraz 21 i 22 zagrożenia wybuchem. Wyposażone są w stateczniki elektroniczne (EVG), które umożliwiają bezpieczną i oszczędną pracę dwupinowych świetlówek G13, które pod koniec okresu swojej żywotności są monitorowane i bezpiecznie wyłączane. oprawy dostępne są w dwóch wariantach: o mocy 18 lub 36 W. Wyposażone są w system baterii – dla trybu z konserwacją lub bez konserwacji. Oprawy te charakteryzują się 1,5- lub 3-godzinnym czasem pracy w trybie awaryjnym oraz zieloną diodą LED sygnalizującą ładowanie baterii. Standardowe jednostronne okablowanie przelotowe oraz przestronny przedział zaciskowy, zapewnia szybką i wygodną instalację. Dzięki dwustronnej blokadzie z 10 lub 20 zatrzaskami, przy montażu oprawy nie trzeba zwracać uwagi na to, która strona jest właściwa. Przyjazny w eksploatacji system baterii zamontowany jest za klapą reflektora.
eLLB 20018/18 | eLLB 20036/36 | eLLB 20058/58 eLLB 20418 | eLLB 20436
eLLB 20436 | eLLB 20418 | eLLB 20058/58 | eLLB 20036/36 | eLLB 20018/18 |
Marking accd. to 94/9/EC | Ex II 2G Ex de mb ib IIC T4 Gb Ex II 2D Ex tb IIIC T80 °C Db IP66 |
Certyfikat badania typu WE | BVS 09 ATEX E 044 X |
IECEx Certificate of Conformity | IECEx BKI 08.0017 |
Marking accd. to IECEx | Ex edmb [ib] IIC T4 Gb Ex t IIIC IP66 T80 °C Db |
Permissible ambient temperature | -25 °C do +50 °C |
Frequency | 50-60 Hz |
Power factor cos φ | ≥ 0,95 |
Circuit | EVG lub EVG/CG-S |
Connecting terminals | L1, L2, L3, L, N, PE; max. 2 x 6 mm2 per terminal, through-wiring twin-ende |
Protection class | I |
Lamp cap | G13 wg IEC 60081 |
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 | IP66 |
Cable glands / gland plates / enclosure drilling | Ex-e cable glands Ex-e M25 x 1,5 (plastic)) na kable o średnicy 0 8 - 17 mm, |
Option: | M20 x 1,5 metal thread |
Enclosure material | painted steel sheet, white optional polished stainless steel |
Enclosure colour | white RAL 9010 |
Protective cover / protective bowl | single-safety glass pane of 6 mm thick |
Permissible ceiling tickness for fixing accessories | min. 25 mm do max. 90 mm |
1 eLLB 20018/18 | 1 eLLB 20418 | |
Rated voltage | 110-254 V AC / 110-250 V DC | 110-254 V AC / 110-250 V DC |
Rated voltage CG-S | 220-254 V AC / 195-250 V DC | 220-254 V AC / 195-250 V DC |
Rated current | 0,18 A / 0,19 A (CG-S wariant) | 0,36 A / 0,37 A (CG-S wariant) |
Lamp/illuminant | 2 x T26 / 18 W (T8) | 4 x T26 / 18 W (T8) |
Rated luminous flux1) | 2700 lm | 5400lm |
Dimensions (L x W x H) | 862 x 340 x 120 mm | 862 x 490 x 120 mm |
Weight | ok. 15 kg / ok. 15,5 kg (CG-S wariant) | ok. 25 kg / ok. 25,5 kg (CG-S wariant) |
eLLB 20036/36 | eLLB 20436 | |
Rated voltage | 110-254 V AC / 110-250 V DC | 110-254 V AC / 110-250 V DC |
Rated voltage CG-S | 220-254 V AC / 195-250 V DC | 220-254 V AC / 195-250 V DC |
Rated current | 0,34 A / 0,35 A (CG-S wariant) | 0,68 A / 0,69 A (CG-S wariant) |
Lamp/illuminant | 2 x T26 / 36 W (T8) | 4 x T26 / 36 W (T8) |
Rated luminous flux1) | 6700lm | 13400lm |
Dimensions (L x W x H) | 1460 x 340 x 120 mm | 1460 x 490 x 120 mm |
Weight | ok. 22 kg / ok. 22,5 kg (CG-S wariant) | ok. 34 kg / ok. 34,5 kg (CG-S wariant) |
eLLB 20058/58 | ||
Rated voltage | 220-254 V AC / 195-250 V DC | |
Rated voltage CG-S | 220-254 V AC / 195-250 V DC | |
Rated current | 0,53 A / 0,54 A (CG-S wariant) | |
Lamp/illuminant | 2 x T26 / 58 W (T8) | |
Rated luminous flux | 10400lm | |
Dimensions (L x W x H) | 1760 x 340 x 120 mm | |
Weight | około 26 kg / około 26,5 kg (CG-S wariant) |
1)Depending on the housing
eLLB 20018/18 | eLLB 20036/36 | eLLB 20058/58 eLLB 20418 | eLLB 20436
eLLB 20436 | eLLB 20418 | eLLB 20058/58 | eLLB 20036/36 | eLLB 20018/18 |
Details of the order
Product Groups | Product Subgroup | Description | Part No. | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 018/18 2/6-2M Stainless Steel 316 | 12190218111 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 018/18 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190218001 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 018/18 2/6-2 Stainless Steel 316 | 12190218011 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 018/18 2/6-2M Sheet Metal, painted | 12190218101 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 036/36 2/6-2M Stainless Steel 316 | 12190236111 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 036/36 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190236001 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 036/36 2/6-2 Stainless Steel 316 | 12190236011 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 036/36 2/6-2M Sheet Metal, painted | 12190236101 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 058/58 2/6-2M Stainless Steel 316 | 12190258111 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 058/58 2/6-2 Stainless Steel 316 | 12190258011 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 058/58 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190258001 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 058/58 2/6-2M Sheet Metal, painted | 12190258101 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) 2/6-2M Stainless Steel 316 | 12190418111 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) 2/6-2M Sheet Metal, painted | 12190418101 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) 2/6-2, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190418011 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190418001 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) 2/6-2M Stainless Steel 316 | 12190436111 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) 2/6-2M Sheet Metal, painted | 12190436101 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) 2/6-2, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190436011 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190436001 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 018/18 V-CG-S 2/6-2M Stainless Steel 316 | 12190218723 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 018/18 V-CG-S 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190218703 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 018/18 V-CG-S 2/6-2M Stainless Steel 316 | 12190218733 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 018/18 V-CG-S 2/6-2M Sheet Metal, painted | 12190218713 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 036/36 V-CG-S 2/6-2M Stainless Steel 316 | 12190236723 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 036/36 V-CG-S 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190236703 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 036/36 V-CG-S 2/6-2 Stainless Steel 316 | 12190236733 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 036/36 V-CG-S 2/6-2M Sheet Metal, painted | 12190236713 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 058/58 V-CG-S 2/6-2M Stainless Steel 316 | 12190258723 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 058/58 V-CG-S 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190258703 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 058/58 V-CG-S 2/6-2 Stainless Steel 316 | 12190258733 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 058/58 V-CG-S 2/6-2M Sheet Metal, painted | 12190258713 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) V-CG-S 2/6-2M Stainless Steel 316 | 12190418723 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) V-CG-S 2/6-2M Sheet Metal, painted | 12190418713 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) V-CG-S 2/6-2, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190418733 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) V-CG-S 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190418703 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) V-CG-S 2/6-2M, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190436723 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) V-CG-S 2/6-2M, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190436713 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) V-CG-S 2/6-2, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190436733 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) V-CG-S 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190436703 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 20 18/18 NIB 2/6-2, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190218012 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 20 18/18 NIB 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190218002 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 20 18/18 NIB 2/6-2M, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190218112 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 20 18/18 NIB 2/6-2M, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190218102 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 20 36/36 NIB 2/6-2, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190236012 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 20 36/36 NIB 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190236002 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 20 36/36 NIB 2/6-2M, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190236112 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 20 36/36 NIB 2/6-2M, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190236102 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) NIB 2/6-2, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190418012 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) NIB 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190418002 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) NIB 2/6-2M, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190418112 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) NIB 2/6-2M, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190418102 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) NIB 2/6-2, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190436012 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) NIB 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190436002 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) NIB 2/6-2M, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190436112 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) NIB 2/6-2M, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190436102 | |
eLLB 20018/18 | eLLB 20036/36 | eLLB 20058/58 eLLB 20418 | eLLB 20436
eLLB 20436 | eLLB 20418 | eLLB 20058/58 | eLLB 20036/36 | eLLB 20018/18 |
Fixing materials eLLB 20... | |||
Type/code | Corrosion protection | Number of binding | no product |
eyebolt A2 | plating | 2 | 22 480 002 000 |
Hexagon screw S4 | stainless steel | 2 | 22 480 054 000 |
Bracket for ceiling mount D92 with the supplied screws and washers | stainless steel | 2 | 22 480 092 000 |
Fixing materials eLLB 20... | |||||
Type/code | Corrosion protection | for pipes DIN | Outer Ø D (mm) | Qty per light fitting | Order No |
Pipe clamp | |||||
R12 | hot galvanizde | 1 1/4"v | 38-42 | 2 | 22 480 462 000 |
R14 | CrNi | 1 1/4" | 38-42 | 2 | 22 480 464 000 |
R22 | hot galvanizde | 1 1/2" | 47-51 | 2 | 22 480 472 000 |
R24 | CrNi | 1 1/2" | 47-51 | 2 | 22 480 474 000 |
R32 | hot galvanizde | 2" | 56-60 | 2 | 22 480 482 000 |
R34 | CrNi | 2" | 56-60 | 2 | 22 480 484 000 |
Luminaire wall suspension 30° z incl. screws and washer | not dip galvanized | 2 | 22 480 000 122 |
Polar curve
Polar curve eLLB 20018/18 / eLLB 20036/36 / eLLB 20058/58 |
Polar curve eLLB 20418 / eLLB 20436 |
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Light fittings eLLB 20
eLLB 20... 18-58 W
Oprawy świetlówkowe z serii nLLK 08 spełniają zasadnicze wymagania Dyrektywy ATEX (94/9/ WE) i są dopuszczone do pracy w strefie 2 oraz 21 i 22 zagrożenia wybuchem. Wyposażone są w stateczniki elektroniczne (EVG), które umożliwiają bezpieczną i oszczędną pracę dwupinowych świetlówek G13, które pod koniec okresu swojej żywotności są monitorowane i bezpiecznie wyłączane. oprawy dostępne są w dwóch wariantach: o mocy 18 lub 36 W. Wyposażone są w system baterii – dla trybu z konserwacją lub bez konserwacji. Oprawy te charakteryzują się 1,5- lub 3-godzinnym czasem pracy w trybie awaryjnym oraz zieloną diodą LED sygnalizującą ładowanie baterii. Standardowe jednostronne okablowanie przelotowe oraz przestronny przedział zaciskowy, zapewnia szybką i wygodną instalację. Dzięki dwustronnej blokadzie z 10 lub 20 zatrzaskami, przy montażu oprawy nie trzeba zwracać uwagi na to, która strona jest właściwa. Przyjazny w eksploatacji system baterii zamontowany jest za klapą reflektora.
eLLB 20018/18 | eLLB 20036/36 | eLLB 20058/58 eLLB 20418 | eLLB 20436
eLLB 20436 | eLLB 20418 | eLLB 20058/58 | eLLB 20036/36 | eLLB 20018/18 |
Marking accd. to 94/9/EC | Ex II 2G Ex de mb ib IIC T4 Gb Ex II 2D Ex tb IIIC T80 °C Db IP66 |
Certyfikat badania typu WE | BVS 09 ATEX E 044 X |
IECEx Certificate of Conformity | IECEx BKI 08.0017 |
Marking accd. to IECEx | Ex edmb [ib] IIC T4 Gb Ex t IIIC IP66 T80 °C Db |
Permissible ambient temperature | -25 °C do +50 °C |
Frequency | 50-60 Hz |
Power factor cos φ | ≥ 0,95 |
Circuit | EVG lub EVG/CG-S |
Connecting terminals | L1, L2, L3, L, N, PE; max. 2 x 6 mm2 per terminal, through-wiring twin-ende |
Protection class | I |
Lamp cap | G13 wg IEC 60081 |
Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529 | IP66 |
Cable glands / gland plates / enclosure drilling | Ex-e cable glands Ex-e M25 x 1,5 (plastic)) na kable o średnicy 0 8 - 17 mm, |
Option: | M20 x 1,5 metal thread |
Enclosure material | painted steel sheet, white optional polished stainless steel |
Enclosure colour | white RAL 9010 |
Protective cover / protective bowl | single-safety glass pane of 6 mm thick |
Permissible ceiling tickness for fixing accessories | min. 25 mm do max. 90 mm |
1 eLLB 20018/18 | 1 eLLB 20418 | |
Rated voltage | 110-254 V AC / 110-250 V DC | 110-254 V AC / 110-250 V DC |
Rated voltage CG-S | 220-254 V AC / 195-250 V DC | 220-254 V AC / 195-250 V DC |
Rated current | 0,18 A / 0,19 A (CG-S wariant) | 0,36 A / 0,37 A (CG-S wariant) |
Lamp/illuminant | 2 x T26 / 18 W (T8) | 4 x T26 / 18 W (T8) |
Rated luminous flux1) | 2700 lm | 5400lm |
Dimensions (L x W x H) | 862 x 340 x 120 mm | 862 x 490 x 120 mm |
Weight | ok. 15 kg / ok. 15,5 kg (CG-S wariant) | ok. 25 kg / ok. 25,5 kg (CG-S wariant) |
eLLB 20036/36 | eLLB 20436 | |
Rated voltage | 110-254 V AC / 110-250 V DC | 110-254 V AC / 110-250 V DC |
Rated voltage CG-S | 220-254 V AC / 195-250 V DC | 220-254 V AC / 195-250 V DC |
Rated current | 0,34 A / 0,35 A (CG-S wariant) | 0,68 A / 0,69 A (CG-S wariant) |
Lamp/illuminant | 2 x T26 / 36 W (T8) | 4 x T26 / 36 W (T8) |
Rated luminous flux1) | 6700lm | 13400lm |
Dimensions (L x W x H) | 1460 x 340 x 120 mm | 1460 x 490 x 120 mm |
Weight | ok. 22 kg / ok. 22,5 kg (CG-S wariant) | ok. 34 kg / ok. 34,5 kg (CG-S wariant) |
eLLB 20058/58 | ||
Rated voltage | 220-254 V AC / 195-250 V DC | |
Rated voltage CG-S | 220-254 V AC / 195-250 V DC | |
Rated current | 0,53 A / 0,54 A (CG-S wariant) | |
Lamp/illuminant | 2 x T26 / 58 W (T8) | |
Rated luminous flux | 10400lm | |
Dimensions (L x W x H) | 1760 x 340 x 120 mm | |
Weight | około 26 kg / około 26,5 kg (CG-S wariant) |
1)Depending on the housing
eLLB 20018/18 | eLLB 20036/36 | eLLB 20058/58 eLLB 20418 | eLLB 20436
eLLB 20436 | eLLB 20418 | eLLB 20058/58 | eLLB 20036/36 | eLLB 20018/18 |
Details of the order
Product Groups | Product Subgroup | Description | Part No. | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 018/18 2/6-2M Stainless Steel 316 | 12190218111 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 018/18 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190218001 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 018/18 2/6-2 Stainless Steel 316 | 12190218011 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 018/18 2/6-2M Sheet Metal, painted | 12190218101 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 036/36 2/6-2M Stainless Steel 316 | 12190236111 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 036/36 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190236001 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 036/36 2/6-2 Stainless Steel 316 | 12190236011 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 036/36 2/6-2M Sheet Metal, painted | 12190236101 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 058/58 2/6-2M Stainless Steel 316 | 12190258111 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 058/58 2/6-2 Stainless Steel 316 | 12190258011 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 058/58 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190258001 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 058/58 2/6-2M Sheet Metal, painted | 12190258101 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) 2/6-2M Stainless Steel 316 | 12190418111 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) 2/6-2M Sheet Metal, painted | 12190418101 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) 2/6-2, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190418011 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190418001 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) 2/6-2M Stainless Steel 316 | 12190436111 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) 2/6-2M Sheet Metal, painted | 12190436101 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) 2/6-2, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190436011 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190436001 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 018/18 V-CG-S 2/6-2M Stainless Steel 316 | 12190218723 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 018/18 V-CG-S 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190218703 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 018/18 V-CG-S 2/6-2M Stainless Steel 316 | 12190218733 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 018/18 V-CG-S 2/6-2M Sheet Metal, painted | 12190218713 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 036/36 V-CG-S 2/6-2M Stainless Steel 316 | 12190236723 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 036/36 V-CG-S 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190236703 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 036/36 V-CG-S 2/6-2 Stainless Steel 316 | 12190236733 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 036/36 V-CG-S 2/6-2M Sheet Metal, painted | 12190236713 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 058/58 V-CG-S 2/6-2M Stainless Steel 316 | 12190258723 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 058/58 V-CG-S 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190258703 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 058/58 V-CG-S 2/6-2 Stainless Steel 316 | 12190258733 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20... | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 20 058/58 V-CG-S 2/6-2M Sheet Metal, painted | 12190258713 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) V-CG-S 2/6-2M Stainless Steel 316 | 12190418723 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) V-CG-S 2/6-2M Sheet Metal, painted | 12190418713 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) V-CG-S 2/6-2, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190418733 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) V-CG-S 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190418703 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) V-CG-S 2/6-2M, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190436723 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) V-CG-S 2/6-2M, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190436713 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) V-CG-S 2/6-2, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190436733 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) V-CG-S 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190436703 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 20 18/18 NIB 2/6-2, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190218012 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 20 18/18 NIB 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190218002 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 20 18/18 NIB 2/6-2M, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190218112 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 20 18/18 NIB 2/6-2M, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190218102 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 20 36/36 NIB 2/6-2, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190236012 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 20 36/36 NIB 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190236002 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 20 36/36 NIB 2/6-2M, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190236112 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 20 36/36 NIB 2/6-2M, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190236102 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) NIB 2/6-2, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190418012 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) NIB 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190418002 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) NIB 2/6-2M, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190418112 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 204 18 (4 x 18 W) NIB 2/6-2M, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190418102 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) NIB 2/6-2, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190436012 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) NIB 2/6-2, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190436002 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) NIB 2/6-2M, Stainless Steel 316 | 12190436112 | |
Ex-recessed ceiling light fittings | Ex-Recessed Ceiling Light Fitting eLLB 20 NIB and V-CG-S | Ex-recessed ceiling emergency light fitting eLLB 204 36 (4 x 36 W) NIB 2/6-2M, Sheet Metal, painted | 12190436102 | |
eLLB 20018/18 | eLLB 20036/36 | eLLB 20058/58 eLLB 20418 | eLLB 20436
eLLB 20436 | eLLB 20418 | eLLB 20058/58 | eLLB 20036/36 | eLLB 20018/18 |
Fixing materials eLLB 20... | |||
Type/code | Corrosion protection | Number of binding | no product |
eyebolt A2 | plating | 2 | 22 480 002 000 |
Hexagon screw S4 | stainless steel | 2 | 22 480 054 000 |
Bracket for ceiling mount D92 with the supplied screws and washers | stainless steel | 2 | 22 480 092 000 |
Fixing materials eLLB 20... | |||||
Type/code | Corrosion protection | for pipes DIN | Outer Ø D (mm) | Qty per light fitting | Order No |
Pipe clamp | |||||
R12 | hot galvanizde | 1 1/4"v | 38-42 | 2 | 22 480 462 000 |
R14 | CrNi | 1 1/4" | 38-42 | 2 | 22 480 464 000 |
R22 | hot galvanizde | 1 1/2" | 47-51 | 2 | 22 480 472 000 |
R24 | CrNi | 1 1/2" | 47-51 | 2 | 22 480 474 000 |
R32 | hot galvanizde | 2" | 56-60 | 2 | 22 480 482 000 |
R34 | CrNi | 2" | 56-60 | 2 | 22 480 484 000 |
Luminaire wall suspension 30° z incl. screws and washer | not dip galvanized | 2 | 22 480 000 122 |
Polar curve
Polar curve eLLB 20018/18 / eLLB 20036/36 / eLLB 20058/58 |
Polar curve eLLB 20418 / eLLB 20436 |
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