
In the category of ATEX antenna couplers, we’re offering antenna coupler AX series and antenna coupler RX series.

Antenna coupler AX series

Solexy’s patented (7.057.577) Explosion-Proof Antenna Coupler permits the installation of a passive...

In the category of ATEX antenna couplers, we’re offering antenna coupler AX series and antenna coupler RX...

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picture_as_pdf RX Antennen-Anschlüsse. SOLEXY RX Antennen-Anschlüsse. SEHEN SIE ES -- Verfügbare Menge
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In the category of ATEX antenna couplers, we’re offering antenna coupler AX series and antenna coupler RX series.

Antenna coupler AX series

Solexy’s patented (7.057.577) Explosion-Proof Antenna Coupler permits the installation of a passive antenna in hazardous areas. This coupler is designed to be used directly with listed explosion-proof housings or conduit fittings. An integrated blocking circuit prevents potentially hazardous energy from reaching the antenna in case of radio, modem, or access point failure. It also allows for antenna removal in hazardous areas. The coupler’s robust design allows for connection to practically any radio and antenna. It is a highly flexible and cost-effective solution to hazardous area radio system deployment. The coupler can also be used as a cable bulkhead.

Antenna coupler RX series

Solexy’s patented (7,057,577) Explosion-Proof Antenna Coupler permits the installation of a passive antenna in hazardous areas. This coupler is designed to be used directly with listed explosion-proof housings or conduit fittings. An integrated blocking circuit prevents potentially hazardous energy from reaching the antenna in case of radio, modem, or access point failure. It also allows for antenna removal in hazardous areas. The coupler’s robust design allows for connection to practically any radio and antenna. It is a highly flexible and cost-effective solution to hazardous area radio system deployment. The coupler can also be used as a cable bulkhead.