Fälle für Raspberry Pi

All offered enclosures come from renowned and trusted suppliers, as well as are made from best quality materials, thus they're durable and effective. Our Enclosures protect from falls, dust and damages of inside electronics. Additionally, thanks to using ventilatory holes, they provide better...

All offered enclosures come from renowned and trusted suppliers, as well as are made from best quality materials, thus...

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All offered enclosures come from renowned and trusted suppliers, as well as are made from best quality materials, thus they're durable and effective. Our Enclosures protect from falls, dust and damages of inside electronics. Additionally, thanks to using ventilatory holes, they provide better plate cooling. Due to our many-year experience, we provide professional support in choosing the right solution.

What is Raspberry Pi?

Raspberry Pi is a PC platform, created to support studying IT from the basics. There are two modes of Raspberry Pi: model A – have one USB and no oraz Ethernet connector; and model B, with 10/100 Ethernet card and two USB. Model A, though not having Ethernet (RJ 45) connection, can be connected to Ethernet card or Wi-Fi through USB. Additionally, the Raspberry Pi can be connected to the keyboard and mouse, with which it works faultlessly. A disadvantage of this technology is a lack of real time clock. That is why there's often a need to use an external time source with using the internet, extra RTC clock module or asking the user for time after the start.

Our assortment includes: enclosures 2U for Raspberry Pi 4B, enclosures 2U with ventilation holes, HEX enclosures, Cube enclosures, enclosures for DIN rail, and Banana Pi enclosures.