
One of many categories in our assortment is thermovision camera section. We provide stationary and hand thermovision cameras.

The thermovision camera uses a detector constructed from a thermoelectric template. It measures temperature in real-time....

One of many categories in our assortment is thermovision camera section. We provide stationary and hand thermovision...

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picture_as_pdf Wärmebildkamera. Chino Wärmebildkamera. SEHEN SIE ES -- Verfügbare Menge -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf TP-S Wärmebildkamera Chino TP-S Wärmebildkamera SEHEN SIE ES -- Verfügbare Menge -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf TP-S Manual thermal imaging camera Chino TP-S Manuelle Wärmebildkamera SEHEN SIE ES TP-S 2 -10 ... +300 °C 2% 2000 pikseli Bateria AA - 2 szt. 180 g
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One of many categories in our assortment is thermovision camera section. We provide stationary and hand thermovision cameras.

The thermovision camera uses a detector constructed from a thermoelectric template. It measures temperature in real-time. Offered cameras can communicate with interfaces installed on PC using LAN or USB. The interface allows for connecting through LAN 4 thermovision cameras. The main interface function is to monitor thermographic pictures, temperature measurements and controlling alarms.

Thermovision cameras are useful for displaying harsh terrain, searching for people, who were lost in e.g. forest, checking heat insulation of buildings. They are also used for controlling temperatures in server halls, constructions, protection and maintenance,monitoring temperature in cooling storages and cooling racks, controlling health, and measuring temperature in households.


  • Testing PCB plates and electronic elements - contactless measurement and no effect on the object;
  • Easy and fast detection of weak points of each electronic component;
  • Electronic circuits analysis in real time;
  • Plastics industry and control over plastic processing;
  • Thermoforming (injection molding machines, packaging machines);
  • Temperature optimization of machine elements and devices in connection with heating and cooling systems;
  • Medical industry - packaging sterilization in given temperatures, product storage (vaccines or medicines);
  • Sports medicine - cryogenic therapy;
  • Quality control of solar panels;
  • Movement maintenance in metallurgy - quality control and control of usage level of fire-proof flooring, vats and machines for liquid metal transport;
  • Construction industry - identification of thermic insulation in buildings, quality control of heating materials in houses and apartment buildings. Localization of pipes with hot water, leakages;
  • Detecting errors in floor heating systems.