Isoliermaterialen für Öl-Transformatoren

Dacpol Company offers an extensive range of flexible insulating materials, which are manufactured in B 130oC to H 180oC temperature classes. These materials are characterized by good dielectric properties and are delivered in rolls or sheets. There is also a...

Dacpol Company offers an extensive range of flexible insulating materials, which are...

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Dacpol Company offers an extensive range of flexible insulating materials, which are manufactured in B 130oC to H 180oC temperature classes. These materials are characterized by good dielectric properties and are delivered in rolls or sheets. There is also a possibility to cut them or to deliver the finished slot insulation. Main usage fields are transformers and electric engines.

Insulating materials can be also delivered in the form of tapes. Such electro insulating tapes, which are used for production of electric and electronic components, should have the right electric and mechanical properties, and correspond to the required technical characteristics. Behind the simple reel of the adhesive tape there are complex material science problems, technologies and production processes.

Electro insulating adhesive tapes are used for:

  • insulation,
  • protection,
  • labeling,
  • mounting.

Insulation properties of the tape are determined by the type and thickness of the tape warp, insulation resistance, electrical durability of the warp’s dielectric, and the tape’s resilience to aging. One of the important indicators in the choice of the insulating tape is the consideration of the occurrence of electrolytic corrosion of the conduit in response to the chemical reaction with the tape’s components in the presence of electric potential, humidity and other environmental factors. Electrolytic corrosion can lead to breaching of the conduit or to puncturing of the enameled insulation of the thin wires e.g. in the reel of the transformer’s coil. To decrease the possibility of corrosion, the level of sulfur and hydrogens in the tape’s material should be lowered.

The protection of the products from various types of the damages is guaranteed by several of the tape’s parameters, such as insulation resistance, immunity to solvents, work temperature range, inflammability, and the resilience to ripping.

Many producers use the tapes for colorful labeling of their products and as an indication material. In this situation it is important for the tape not to fade, maintain good adhesive properties and usefulness for the labelling purposes. Lastly, the tapes are used for components and cable mounting. In this case, the most often considered parameters are: resilience to ripping/extending and their adhesive properties.

We offer impregnating paint in B 130, F 155 and H 180oC classes. We deliver them in the 1L, 5L, 20L containers and 200L barrels.

Main application of the paints is impregnation of the engine and transformer reels, conducted through: immersion, submerging, vacuum method, and droplet method.

We also offer polyurethane and epoxy resins. Our resins are bi-component. The polymerization of the resins can happen in the temperature of the environment or in a dryer in the increased temperature.

We deliver resins in 1L, 5L, 20L packages and 200L barrels. Main applications are the flooding of the electronic cables, electronic components and transformers.