
In the offer of heat-shrinkable sleevings, DACPOL delivers a wide range of models. Our products come from reliable suppliers and guarantee high quality. Due to our long-time experience, our workers provide help and support in choosing the right products....

In the offer of heat-shrinkable sleevings, DACPOL delivers a wide range of models. Our...

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In the offer of heat-shrinkable sleevings, DACPOL delivers a wide range of models. Our products come from reliable suppliers and guarantee high quality. Due to our long-time experience, our workers provide help and support in choosing the right products. Heat-shrinkable sleevings can be used in many industrial sectors. Parameters of offered products are precisely set and guarantee safety of exploitation.

What is a heat-shrinkable sleeving?

Heat-shrinkable sleeving, heat-shrinkable hose, heat-shrink, heat-shrinkable tube is a fleximeter with shape memory, which was cold-stretched. This tube after being heated with a burner or blowtorch up to a given temperature, most often 115˚C, tries to come back to the original shape, thus taking over the shape of the insulated object. The tube shrinks, creating an insulating layer, which protects from mechanical damages, corrosion and shocks. There are various tubes available, with different thickness of diameters and shrinking rates. Additionally, it is worth considering buying fire-proof tubes or UV-proof, depending on the application in which it is used.

Types of heat-shrinkable sleevings

We distinguish the following types of heat-shrinkable sleevings:

  • RCKH1 – thin-wall tube with glue made of halogen free material, UV resistant with shrinking rate of 3:1 or 4:1, used in applications where protection from filtering in of humidity in needed;
  • RPKH1 – tube thickened with glue, UV resistant, made of halogen free material. Used for  reconstructing insulation and damaged layers or connected power electronic cables;
  • Tubes with decreased combustibility – used in places where fire safety requirements are increased;
  • Heat-shrinkable sleevings with high chemical and temperature resistance;
  • RD, RDK and RDM tubes – thick-wall sealed with glue or without glue, used for protecting lampposts or pipelines;
  • RGB tubes – thick-wall with high-shrink glue (6:1), used for insulating objects with big diameter differences;
  • RPM heat-shrinkable sleevings – thickened with sealing mastic, used for protecting pipe connections.