
In the category of transducers for automation, we're offering, among others, compact airflow measuring transducers of series MVEVK-961.100.

MVEVK-961.100 transducer is a compact device made for applications concerning the speed of the airflow. It's characterized by...

In the category of transducers for automation, we're offering, among others, compact airflow measuring transducers of...

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In the category of transducers for automation, we're offering, among others, compact airflow measuring transducers of series MVEVK-961.100.

MVEVK-961.100 transducer is a compact device made for applications concerning the speed of the airflow. It's characterized by small size, so it can be installed in even the most difficult places. The usage of high-quality thin layer measuring elements, working based on a rule of a thermal anemometer,  guarantees the highest preciseness and sensitivity of measurements. Using an innovative construction, in which elements are less sensitive to dust and dirt than typical devices of this type, allows for high repetitiveness and long durability and stability of measurements. 

Applications of compact airflow transducers:

  • Measuring flow in ventilation canals, air conditioning, technological installations, and in laminar flow chambers.
  • Temperature compressed probes.