Sie müssen eingeloggt sein
- Miniatursicherungen für elektronische Schaltungen der Serien ABC und AGC
- Schnelle Röhrensicherungen
- Zeitverzögerungssicherungen mit GL / GG- und AM-Eigenschaften
- Ultraschnelle Sicherungseinsätze
- Britische und amerikanische schnelle Sicherungen
- Schnelle europäische Sicherungen
- Traktionssicherungen
- Hochspannungs-Sicherungseinsätze
- Kondensatoren für Motoren
- Elektrolytkondensator
- Island Filmkondensatoren
- Leistungskondensatoren
- Kondensatoren für Gleichstromkreise
- Kondensatoren zur Leistungskompensation
- Hochspannungskondensatoren
- Induktionsheizkondensatoren
- Impulskondensatoren
- DC LINK-Kondensatoren
- Kondensatoren für AC / DC-Schaltungen
- AC / DC-Kondensatoren mit niedriger Induktivität
The passive components section offers a wide range for engineers from many areas of the broadly understood industry. Our clients have known for many years that they can rely on the quality of our products. We are constantly trying to make the ordering process, purchase from the semiconductor department, as comfortable as possible for our customers, that's why we enable placing orders online and by phone.
We offer the highest quality of sold products, regardless of whether they are inductive components, fuses, potentiometers or even SMD varistors and THT varistors. We provide technical data on products from the semiconductor section so that our customers can be sure when ordering that the chosen article is exactly what they need.
Passive components are elements that do not generate electric energy elements. The basic division of the passive elements group is:
Single-phase, three-phase, bandpass filter
Three-phase interference filter
Anti-interference filter
The above elements are characterized by the fact that they collect electricity. In the case of resistors, the energy is converted into heat and in the case of capacitors it is stored in an electric field. In the case of coils, the energy is stored in a magnetic field around the coil.
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