
We provide an extensive product assortment of elements and devices for pneumatics, including: junctions - cartridges, plug in junctions, noise mufflers; valves - air valves, electromagnetic valves with coil, soft starts and decompression valves, manual valves, foot pedal...

We provide an extensive product assortment of elements and devices for pneumatics, including: junctions -...

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Ergebnisse pro Seite:

We provide an extensive product assortment of elements and devices for pneumatics, including: junctions - cartridges, plug in junctions, noise mufflers; valves - air valves, electromagnetic valves with coil, soft starts and decompression valves, manual valves, foot pedal valves, 2/2 electromagnetic road valves, and angle valves 82400 series; air preparation units; actuators - standard, compact, mini etc.; cables - polyethylene pipes (lldpe) (metric and inch), plastic pipes (polyamide 12), straight wires - polyurethane, and spiral wires.

All cables are resistant to various external conditions e.g. high temperature, UV, and internal e.g. high pressure.

Plug in junctions John Guest 

  • guarantee stable, durable and sealed connection of pipes with the junction element.
  • are perfect in multi-purpose pipe systems, as well as in training and control devices, where frequent connecting and disconnecting is required.

Benefits of plug in junctions John Guest:

  • easy and fast montage, without using tools;
  • perfect for pressured air and liquids;
  • fast disconnecting;
  • no extra sealing;
  • used for most metal or plastic pipes;
  • possibility for multiple connecting and disconnecting.

Plastic pipes - our offer

We're offering: 

  • Poliuretan pipes (PE), poliamide (PA) or poliuretan (PUR).
  • Metal pipes (sof), copper, aluminum, brass.
  • Metal pipes (hard).