
In our extensive assortment of sensors for use in automation, we're offering position sensors.

VLP position sensors are specially made for demanding industrial applications - are resistant to shocks and vibration, solid and durable. VLP potentiometer is equipped with...

In our extensive assortment of sensors for use in automation, we're offering position sensors.


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-- Positionssensoren. Variohm Eurosensor Ltd Positionssensoren. SEHEN SIE ES -- Verfügbare Menge -- --
-- ELPM-100 Potencjometr liniowy -- ELPM-100-Linear-Potentiometer SEHEN SIE ES ELPM-100 Verfügbare Menge 100 mm 10 kOhm
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In our extensive assortment of sensors for use in automation, we're offering position sensors.

VLP position sensors are specially made for demanding industrial applications - are resistant to shocks and vibration, solid and durable. VLP potentiometer is equipped with a high protection level and solid enclosure of 15 mm typically available for ranges from 25 mm to 290 mm. High technology guarantees long durability of up to 25 mln cycles.

Through the montage by using moving elements on the ends of the enclosure, the potentiometer can be used in many applications without a need to make additional construction.

Applications of position sensors:

  • in loops of control systems,
  • providing information on a display,
  • in devices using hydraulic systems for checking the engine's condition,
  • controlling arms of robotic devices,
  • for controlling the condition of a floating device indicating the level of exploitation liquids.

Position sensors are one of the most commonly used sensors in industrial automation. They enable the control system to get data about the position of a given element. Position sensors can work in various definitions and be characterized by different distance ranges, that is, the maximum length of a measured relocation. The most important benefit of position sensors is the possibility of an absolute measurement - without a need to use a reference point.