Radialventilatoren von ebmpapst

We're offering a wide range of industrial ventilators from the best quality suppliers - our assortment includes centrifugal fans from Ebmpapst. 

Centrifugal fans are mainly used in: manufacturing processes; devices; ventilator systems of e.g. workshops; components of...

We're offering a wide range of industrial ventilators from the best quality suppliers - our assortment includes centrifugal...

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We're offering a wide range of industrial ventilators from the best quality suppliers - our assortment includes centrifugal fans from Ebmpapst. 

Centrifugal fans are mainly used in: manufacturing processes; devices; ventilator systems of e.g. workshops; components of cooling systems or air-conditioning. All technical details comply with the characteristics from the original catalogues from their producers, which provides safety of the exploitation of the machines they are used in. 

Centrifugal ventilators enable congesting of a significant amount of air, simultaneously with a high pressure. Thanks to this fact they are also often used as elements for draining systems.

Industrial ventilators

Considering the structure, we distinguish the following ventilators: axial fans with single or double air slots, ventilators with a transversal air flow, centrifugal fans, and compact fans. 

Majority of the ventilators have thermal protection of the engine’s coil that is used in case of the rotor’s activation - usually it’s a thermal bimetal switch or a thermistor located in the engine’s winding.

Using right materials and electronic components guarantees high reliability, long operation time and optimal combination of the flow and level of noise. Ventilators powered with the DC of 12, 24, and 48V rated values can work in the environment temperature from - 10 to 70 C degrees - for the typical current value an estimated work time in this temperature range is 40 000 h.

They can be used in e.g. electrotechnics, electronics and telecommunications - for cooling of electric engines, transformers, autonomous lamps in RTV transmitters, power blocks, electrical cabinets, drive, server and telecommunication cabinets.