Resistive touch screens

Resistive touch screens are a reliable, durable, and versatile solution widely used in industrial, medical, military, and automation applications. They operate on a pressure-based principle, allowing for operation with fingers, styluses, or even gloved hands, making them ideal...

Resistive touch screens are a reliable, durable, and versatile solution widely used in industrial, medical,...

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picture_as_pdf Resistive Ultra Touch Panels A D METRO ULTRA Resistive touch screen SEHEN SIE ES -- Verfügbare Menge
picture_as_pdf Resistive Touch Screen Controller (2-point) A D METRO Resistive Touch Screen Controller (2-point) SEHEN SIE ES -- Verfügbare Menge
Ergebnisse pro Seite:

Resistive touch screens are a reliable, durable, and versatile solution widely used in industrial, medical, military, and automation applications. They operate on a pressure-based principle, allowing for operation with fingers, styluses, or even gloved hands, making them ideal for use in harsh conditions. Resistive touch screens are resistant to dust, moisture, contaminants, chemicals, and mechanical damage.

The resistive screen features high scratch resistance, precise operation, and a long lifespan, providing millions of touches without loss of accuracy. Available in various sizes and configurations (from 4-wire to 8-wire), they ensure reliable performance both indoors and outdoors. Resistive screens excel in HMI (Human Machine Interface) systems, self-service kiosks, POS terminals, medical devices, and control panels.

The resistive touch panel offers flexibility in applications where high durability and resistance to challenging conditions are required. With innovative technology, the resistive touch screen combines reliability and longevity, making it an ideal choice for industrial automation systems and anywhere precision and reliability are critical.

Due to their advantages, the resistive touch screen is applicable in various industries, providing solutions that are both functional and durable. By choosing resistive touchscreens, you invest in high quality that meets the needs of the most demanding users.